» Science Fiction » Power Ranger Ninja Storm, Heather Ray [best classic romance novels txt] 📗

Book online «Power Ranger Ninja Storm, Heather Ray [best classic romance novels txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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few weeks. It's too late to prevent it now, and it would be stupid of me to deny it.

The question is…do I want to do

anything about it?

I don't want to be vulnerable. I don't want to give Lothor any easy targets. He's already used my feelings for Blake to manipulate me; all of us, really. What will he come up with next? And if I'm put to the test, will I fall apart?

I work up the nerve to look at him. He's watching me closely, dark eyes intent, waiting for an answer.

Possessed by a sudden impulse, I reach for the hand that's lying in the grass just a few inches from mine. And holding his hand, focusing on that feeling of warmth and security, it's easier to bare my fears.

"I do care," I admit, my eyes trained on our hands. "But, I'm worried. Back on that island, when I attacked you...I turned into a different person."

That anger, born from hurt and betrayal, was the most frightening feeling I've ever experienced. I never thought I was even capable of feeling a rage that blocks out all reason. It's dangerous, and I just can't fall prey to that again. "Are my feelings...our Lothor an opening?"

He doesn't answer immediately. Instead, he shifts closer, releasing my hand in order to wind his arm around my shoulders. At first, my heart beats wildly at his sudden closeness, but I soon relax into him, my arm winding his waist, as I listen to the steady thrum of his heart.

After a few moments of peaceful silence, he releases a long breath. "I don't know about you, but I refuse to live my life in Lothor's shadow." He looks up at the sky again, squinting into the sun. "My brother is always thinking about Lothor; how he's going to defeat the man that killed our parents. But, it's not healthy. It's not right. I'll train hard, and I'll fight with all my strength, but I'm also going to live my life."

I grin against his chest. He's got a point. If I let fear of Lothor stop me from living my life, then I let him win.

Oh, what the heck. After all, I'm a surfer. The water may be cold, and it may be choppy, but I always dive in. Life's too short to let fear stop me...and Blake's worth the risk.



I feel nervousness take hold again, holding my tongue. I know I'm being silly -- I'm sure I care for him, and my decision has been made - but… I can't help it! At this moment, I don't feel like a Power Ranger, Wind Ninja, or reckless surfer. Suddenly I'm a sixteen-year-old girl, about to have her first official boyfriend.

My heart races, and my cheeks burn. Butterflies dance in my stomach, and I can't bring myself to lift my gaze for the life of me.

And despite the discomfort, the excitement and anticipation make me feel like squealing! I'm glad I'm still able to feel like a normal girl; that this crucible of Lothor's hasn't changed me so deeply I've completely lost touch with life as a teenaged girl.

"Tori?" he responds to my long hesitation.

"Let's…give it a try, Blake. You and me."

He jerks away from me so fast I nearly fall face-first into the grass. He shifts to face me, his hands holding my shoulders as his entire face brightens. He really is adorable when he's excited…

"You mean it?"

I nod with a shy grin, and suddenly I'm swallowed by a hug so tight my breath is stolen.

"I can't believe it! This is…this is great


He then draws back, taking my hands and bringing me to my feet. His smile is like the sun, surprising me with its intensity.

"So what do you want to do?" he asks. "There's a carnival in town, maybe we can try that? Or dinner? Or maybe a movie?"

His excitement brings an indulgent smile to my face. I open my mouth to respond-

"Dude, I so called it!"


Our smiles drop in unison, and together we turn to the trees behind us.

I blink, noticing leaves rustling far more violently than the gentle breeze would allow. "Dustin? Shane?"

The two nosiest ninjas ever emerge from the shrubs. At least they have the decency to look ashamed.

"What are you doing out here?" I demand, embarrassment rapidly feeding my outrage.

Dustin winces. "Uh...when we got back to Ninja Ops, you weren't around. And we noticed Blake was gone, so...we put two and two together..."

"And we wanted to make sure he didn't try anything," Shane finished, folding his arms and glaring at Blake.

Blake sighs, drawing away from me... but I won't have it. "Knock it off, Shane! We're all friends here, okay?"

Then, I notice the folded bill in Shane's hand… and I feel like burying my head in the dirt. "Did…did you guys place a bet on something?"

Shane grimaces, reaching his hand back into his pocket, but Dustin grabs his wrist. "No way, Dude! No backing out now."

Shane glares at him. "Next on your list of self-improvement should be discretion, Dustin."

The comment was quiet, but it still reached my red-tipped ears. "You did bet on us! How could you?"

Since I know from experience that it can be impossible to get Shane to talk, I focus my furious stare on Dustin, who awkwardly rubs the back of his head. "Uh…well, we know you two like each other and all, and I said that you guys would, well, make it official, you know? And Shane thought Tori would just throw Blake in the lake for being such a pain in the rear. We argued about it a bit, and...well, Shane suggested I put my money where my mouth is."

Shane slaps Dustin's shoulder. "Way to blame me. You're the one that started that whole stupid conversation!"

If any more blood flows to my cheeks, I'll pass out! I glare furiously at my so-called friends, estimating the odds of beating them senseless before they have a chance to Ninja Streak to safety. I turn to Blake to see if he's up to a little "sparring,"

only his calculating smirk distracts me.

"Blake?" I murmur.

I watch, fascinated, as Blake approaches my teammates. "How much did you guys wager?"

"Twenty bucks each," Dustin confesses, staring at the ground.

"Well, Dustin, since you have so much faith in Tori and me, I think it's only fair that you contribute to our first date."

Dustin winces. "Uh…"

Blake then turns to me, offering a wink. "What do you say, Tori? The carnival, dinner, and

a movie, sponsored in part by our oh-so-considerate teammates?"

I can't resist a grin. "Sounds perfect."

But I can feel Shane hovering near, and I turn to look at him. His face is grim, all traces of embarrassment lost, and his posture is still very imposing.

"Blake, can you give us a minute?"

He nods, giving my hand a squeeze. "You got it."

I watch him walk away from the river to give us some room. He doesn't leave my sight, though… he lingers by the cliff's edge. Far enough away to stay out of earshot, allowing us some privacy, but near enough to offer moral support.

Emboldened, I face my friend and leader. "What's on your mind, Shane?"

His eyes slides from me to Blake, then back again. He releases a frustrated puff of air before he finally speaks. "He may not be evil, but he's been a pain ever since we met him. Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

I close my eyes for a moment, exhaling slowly as I consider Shane's words. I know he's concerned for me; he doesn't want to see me hurt again.

I decide that his honest concern deserves an honest answer. "No, I'm not. But I am sure that it's what I want to do."

My smile is nervous. "I really like him, guys," I confess. "And I want to see what happens."

Shane's frown deepens as he considers my response. Then, he nods. "Okay, Tori. But if he screws up…"

"Dude, don't be ridiculous," Dustin interrupts, mock-punching Shane's shoulder. "If Blake screws up, Tori can kick his butt. She did better one-on-one than either of us did."

Shane shrugs, but doesn't argue the matter.

I smirk wryly at my best friends, giving each of them a tight hug in turn. "Thanks for caring, you guys. I'm really lucky you both have my back."

I then take two steps back, and hold out my hands, palm up. "But, don't think all this big-brotherly concern is getting you guys off the hook." I bend my fingers. "Pay up!"

Character Thesaurus

Ninja Storm Rangers

Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies train our future protectors. Ancient scrolls told of three who would be chosen above the others. Three who would become Power Rangers - heroes who defend the Earth from Lothor, an evil ninja master bent on destroying Earth.

The Ranger teens hang out at an extreme sports store called Storm Chargers, located in Blue Bay Harbor. As Rangers, they meet at Ninja Ops - a secret, high tech underground dojo, where they practice using holographic simulations.

Shane - Red Wind Ranger

Full Name:

Shane Clarke
Ranger Designation:

Red Wind Ranger

Ninja Sword, Laser Blaster, Hawk Blaster

Wind Morpher, Glider, Tsunami Cycle

Hawk Zord

Shane is slowly discovering his natural leadership abilities as a Power Ranger. It took a one-on-one battle with a monster for Shane to realize that he needs to rely on his friends to defend the planet. An avid skateboader, he loves a good airborne maneuver, which is apparent by the high flying ninja techniques he has studied at the Wind Ninja Academy.

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