» Science Fiction » LEVIATHAN, Rob Astor [most read books of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «LEVIATHAN, Rob Astor [most read books of all time .txt] 📗». Author Rob Astor

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men. “So what’re you guys doin’ tonight?”
“Takin’ yer old man out to have some fun for a change,” Gunnar said. He stopped in front of blacked out windows. Thumping sounds emanated from behind them. Neon Marineau lettering flashed over the door. Gunnar pulled it open. The trio entered a black light environment. Percussion driven music vibrated their breast bones. Heavy smoke filled the air. Loud voices, cheering, and shadowed bodies contributed to momentary confusion. Evan’s white sneakers, silver shirt, and pink highlights glowed.
On a stage at the center of the club, a two meter tall Marineau female performed a pole dance. Her skin was spotted blue and pink. A tuft of frizzy blue hair ran down the center of her skull to her neck and back. Fish-like fins served as ears. Long black eyelashes batted at several male patrons. She puckered large pink lips at the end of a stunted, snout-like face. A long, slender tongue flicked out of her mouth. Her arms were wrapped around the pole as she slid down between two rows of four breasts, spreading her legs wide while whipping her furry tail in lazy circles.
“Oh, wow!” Evan gasped, mouth gaping.
“Eyeballs back in your head, goofy kid,” Raven said, holding his hand over Evan’s face. Evan pulled his dad’s hand down, finding his vision quickly blocked a second time. “You better get to your concert. No photo ops here.” Gaining a third peek, Evan was led to the door by Raven who blocked his eyes over and over. “Don’t get into trouble tonight.”
“Aye, dad,” Evan said. He kept dodging his dad’s hand as Raven opened the door and shoved him out. Gunnar laughed while Raven shook his head. The door opened. Evan stepped back in.
Raven glanced back, doing a double-take. “Get goin’!” He raised his arm to shoo his son away. Evan quickly exited.
Joining Gunnar, Raven took a seat at a table to the left of the stage. “You ready for this?” Gunnar asked.
“Ready as I’m ever gonna be.”
“What about Evan?”
“He’s been followin’ in my footsteps since before he could walk. Besides, you’ll be lookin’ out for him. Just stick to the plan.”
* * *
The black claw-like Eusian Pincer slid into orbit high above Marineau. Half a dozen Swoop Jets flanked it.
“You’re sure Spade’s there?” the pilot asked. His wiry frame was draped in a black leather trench coat. Long, stringy brown hair covered the right half of his face. A black metal patch was riveted over his right eye socket.
“Information came straight from the top, Archer.”
The left corner of Bolton’s mouth turned slightly up. I can’t wait to get my hands on that Destroyer. “We’re about to become very wealthy, boys.” With a few Eusian modifications, I’ll be overlord of any planet I choose.
* * *
The lift transport was crowded. So many people. So many species. Most were wealthy Marineau dressed in flowing toga-like gowns. Ondurokir, with their boney heads, shoulders, and backs, wore the least amount of clothing. Essentially, just a pair of pants. A small group of Eusians in full body green robes clustered to the far side, staying near humanoid species Evan wasn’t familiar with. Most humans he saw wore flight suits. A few were dressed in brightly printed shorts and shirts. They descended toward a sprawling city, the lift clearing the tops of buildings three kilometers tall.
“So, you come around here much?” a female voice asked.
Evan turned. She was taller than Evan. Slender with long curly brown hair, creamy complexion, deep blue eyes, and red pillow lips. She wore a red sweater, black leather skirt, and black high heeled boots. Evan’s cheeks burned. His breathing quickened. He stammered. “Hey. No. Just staying a few days while my dad gets a new ship.”
“Cool. So, you’re a Spacer.”
“It’s really just a glorified name for a delivery boy.” They both laughed.
“My name’s Tash.” She held out her right hand. “Tash Bertina Randolph. Cute hair, by the way.”
Evan blushed. “Thanks. Evan,” he took her hand. “Evan Raptor Spade.”
Tash’s eyes lit up. “Any chance you’re related to the hero Raven Spade?”
“Yeah, he’s my dad.”
Tash leaned on folded arms on the lift railing. “You checkin’ out the Speedy Neophytes concert tonight.”
“Yep.” Evan patted his pocket. “Got my ticket right here.”
“We should hang out,” Tash smiled. Evan’s jaw dropped. “Don’t get any cute ideas. I’m not one of those girls who picks up every Spacer boy who comes to town!” They both laughed again.
The lift settled into a magnetic dock. Passengers began debarking, filing along a polished garnet plaza with neatly spaced palm trees and a large central fountain. Ahead of Evan and Tash was the group of Eusians. Once their feet touched the pavement, the pair walked toward a circular crystal stadium. “Any idea what’s up with the Eusians?” Evan asked. “I’ve never seen so many this deep in Federation Space.”
“There’s some important dignitary here. The Eusian Matriarch sent him to address the Marineau Commonwealth.” Tash suddenly smiled wide, pulling Evan by his arm.
She jogged up to a stand surrounded by a myriad of other people. Tash looked down at Evan with a playful gleam. “Since I’m going to show you around, the least you can do is buy me a hot dog.”
“We haven’t seen anything yet,” Evan laughed.
Tash put on a fake pouty face. “I’d hate to have to twist that cute little arm right out of its socket.” She grinned. “Just ask my last boyfriend how painful it is.”
“What do get on yours?”
“Of course.”
Tash poked his side. Evan’s arm blocked defensively.
* * *
“I think you’ll find the weapons compliment we left installed more than adequate,” Admiral McMurrary’s holographic projection said. “Unfortunately, we couldn’t leave it all behind. Some of it was Classified. Your defensive systems have been upgraded. You’ve got enemy weapon scrambling capabilities and extra layers of shielding. If that’s not enough, we tripled the hull plating.”
Raven examined lists generated from another display across the bridge. “Everything looks good on this end, Admiral.” He faced the white haired Federation Naval Officer. “We never discussed terms of payment.”
“Take out those pirates. They’ve caused too much damage.”
“Count on it.”
“Your transponder signal will still read as military issue, however, there’s an embedded code to give you free access to all Federation star systems. You won’t get any flack about registration.”
“I appreciate that.”
“Good luck, Raven Spade.” Admiral McMurrary offered a stiff salute. Raven returned it.
When the Admiral’s image faded, Raven brought up multiple holographic lists. “Disable the following weapons systems,” he said and began touching holographic buttons. “Scramble access codes. Encrypt with sixty-four million layers.” The computer system beeped.
“Establish a covert communications link with the ship at these coordinates.” Raven used an index finger to pull up a holographic panel. A detailed chart of the Orion Nebula popped into view. Inside one of the squares was a ship. Raven touched it. A Leviathan diagram enlarged to fill the frame. He punched in sets of numbers. “Keep this link open at all times. Make sure no diagnostic tests reveal it under any circumstances. It is first priority for back-up power systems. Access can only be changed by Raven Spade. Scramble and encrypt with sixty-four million layers.” The computer system beeped a second time.
* * *
Pulsing lasers accompanied sixty-fourth and one hundred twenty-eighth keyboard notes, creating a sonic double helix as sound swept across the auditorium. Driving rhythm pounded a steady undercurrent while galloping electric guitars howled counterpoint melodies. Near the stage, Evan and Tash danced, their bodies pressed against other gyrating kids. Some hovered in groups to the far left and right.
Evan took Tash’s hand and motioned with his thumb. At the side, Evan grinned and jumped up, using his feet to push away from the side. He performed a series of low gravity flips. Tash’s eyes grew wide. Her expression hinted she was impressed. Evan motioned for her to try.
Tash leaped at the padded wall, pushing with her feet back toward Evan. He held her hand, guiding her through a series of complex twists. “Incredible!” she yelled over the music. “Where’d you learn to do that?”
“No different than finding a ship’s sweet spot,” Evan said loudly. He leaped at the wall, bounced back and flew over to the other side of the stage where he pushed himself back to Tash.
* * *
Tash stopped before the dimly lit front door surrounded with potted trees and shrubs. The sounds of crickets filled the quiet evening. “I had a really great time, Evan,” she said.
“Me, too,” he smiled.
“Thanks for the t-shirt and holo-vids.”
Evan shrugged. “My dad’s loaded. Besides, you didn’t give me much of a choice. I like my arms attached to my body.”
Tash bent down. She gave Evan a kiss on the cheek and a long warm hug. “Hanging out with you today was almost like having a little brother.” She stood straight. “Next time you happen to be in town, be sure to call.” She handed him a scrap of paper.
Evan’s eyes twinkled. He grinned. “I will.”
Tash opened the door, waving. “See ya.” The door closed.
What a great night! Evan bounced along the sidewalk back to the hovercab in Tash’s driveway. “Spaceport lift, please,” he said, crawling in.
* * *
Under the glare of the plaza lights, Evan stepped up onto the transport lift. High up in the sky above the city, The Wheel slowly spun, a cosmic gem against the backdrop of stars. Pastel lights illuminated every curved, wedge-shaped section. Scores of ships buzzed around the colorful spaceport, visible because of red and white flashing lights. Larger ships looked more like fuzzy globules, dwarfed by The Wheel’s immense bulk.
Evan leaned his back against the side railing. A group of Eusians clamored aboard. Their traditional green robes had blue sashes adorned with an assortment of medals and ribbons. Wonder if it’s that dignitary and his entourage Tash told me about.
A shorter Eusian balanced himself on a tall wooden scepter, his steps coming much more slowly than those around him. His robes were brushed velvet. The back had a train of fine blue feathers. On his head, the Eusian wore a tall hat woven from some form of leafy vegetation Evan didn’t recognize.
The dignitary saw Evan watching him and offered a kindly smile and nod. Evan returned the smile. He turned sideways in relation to Evan, the yellowish underside of his forearm exposed, revealing a set of branded numbers on his scales. Evan thought back to the time he first saw those of the waiter at Mu Ara.
The last of the Eusians shuffled aboard. The lift attendant closed the metal gate and touched a glowing yellow button on the control pad. Evan felt his stomach sink as they rose up into the night air.
* * *
Without its running lights on, the charcoal colored Eusian Pincer was invisible.
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