» Science Fiction » LEVIATHAN, Rob Astor [most read books of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «LEVIATHAN, Rob Astor [most read books of all time .txt] 📗». Author Rob Astor

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Spinning down through the atmosphere, it was tailed by the Swoop Jets.
“Time to collect, boys,” Bolton Archer said. “Group One, attack the Frigate. Group Two, secure that Federation warship. I’ll meet you there.”
* * *
A blinding flash of red light caught Raven’s attention. An expanding plasma cloud thumped against the Frigate’s port hull, rattling the length of the ship. The fiery mass contracted on itself, pulling back superheated gases, sucking debris into a micro-singularity and taking a fairly large chunk of the ship with it. A nearby shuttle was swept into the fray, instantly breaking apart and vanishing. Within the span of a few seconds, the singularity vanished.
“So that’s what it is,” Raven said softly. A second singularity snapped the frigate neatly into two sections. The bow ripped itself free of its moorings and lazily plunged downward. Several smaller ships were crushed under the massive hammer.
Raven fell backward through a circular opening, landing upside down in a huge leather seat. Quickly, he slammed a hatch closed and punched buttons. Another series of explosions sounded. Raven pulled down on a handle.
Three black holes formed under the falling section of the Frigate. The hull explosively fragmented. Twisted, red-hot metal fragments zipped into the singularities. In an instant, the Frigate disintegrated and vanished, the trio of black holes sealing themselves.
* * *
Everyone snapped their heads skyward at the sound of the first explosion. “Get down! Get down!” the lift attendant ordered. He dropped into a sitting position against the side rails, holding his arms over his head. Metal fragments whizzed past them.
A brighter flash illuminated the scene so Evan could see the Frigate was under attack. “Oh no! Dad!” He scrambled over to the lift operator. “Hey, you gotta make this thing go faster!”
Something large and black bounced off the lift. Evan fell to the floor while most of the Eusians slipped over the guard rail. “Help!” The dignitary was near the side, sliding uncontrolled toward a long fall.
Evan scrambled over and grabbed his arms just as the Eusian’s legs dropped over the edge. Quickly, Evan jammed his feet against one of the railing’s metal bars. The fall was halted, but the Eusian’s weight pulled hard on Evan. “Hold on,” Evan said, barely able to breathe as he strained. He squeezed his hands as tightly as he could to maintain a firm grip on the elder man. “Whatever you do, don’t let go!” Evan pulled back as hard as he could, his back against the deck. He took in as much air as he could every second.
Evan gazed up, just in time to see the bow of the Frigate vanish from sight. The underside of The Wheel loomed close. Twenty or thirty seconds more! He had to hold on!
The muscles in Evan’s arms screamed. His knuckles hurt. His legs and feet cramped. Perspiration beaded on his forehead. Evan’s hands sweated. Scaly skin slipped slowly under his fingers. More deep breaths. His abdominal muscles burned. Almost there!
The transport platform locked into place. “Help! Help!” Evan yelled. The lift operator jumped off and ran. Numerous others passed by without so mach as a glance; strong Ondurokir, lean Marineau; all more capable of hoisting the Eusian up than Evan was. He gulped air. Can’t hold much longer! “Somebody! Please!” Salty fluid stung his eyes.
A familiar yet confused face appeared in the crowds. “Uncle Gunnar! Uncle Gunnar!” Evan’s legs vibrated from strain. Gunnar’s head snapped around, searching for Evan. “Here! Over here! Help us! You gotta help us!” Gunnar spotted his nephew and jumped onto the platform. “Hurry! I can’t hold on!” Evan hyperventilated between grunts.
Gunnar braced against the railing, grabbing the dignitary’s arms. “Hang on! I gotcha!” Groaning, he pulled the Eusian to safety.
Panting hard, Evan released his grip, arms and fingers wracked with pain. “Oh god… Oh god…” he trembled. The elder statesman lay on his back, breathing as hard as Evan.
Gunnar embraced Evan. “You okay?” Evan nodded.
* * *
The Eusian Pincer sat down in the main landing bay of the Federation Destroyer next to three Swoop Jets. Glaring white lights made the Pincer’s obsidian surface blacker still. The claw ship’s main hatch opened. Bolton Archer stepped out. He pulled leather gloves off, slapping them in his right palm. Archer surveyed the interior of his capture.
A pilot in a black flight suit and helmet saluted him. “The Wheel’s signaling for Federation assistance, sir.”
“We better get moving.”
On the bridge, Bolton sat in the Captain’s chair. His men took posts at other stations. “Power up.” He leaned toward a terminal. “Let’s see what you’re made of.” His index finger touched a button and lifted a holographic panel. He scrolled through the weapons inventory. “Well, Spade, looks like your Federation friends didn’t trust you with anything more than civilian armaments.”
Pulling up another hologram, Bolton frowned deeply. He fired the main engines. The entire spaceport vibrated. “Break us loose, boys.”
Massive gun turrets rotated, popping shells into the docking platform. Metal explosively sheered away in wild lotus blossoms of orange. The Destroyer floated free, blasting additional shells into the back half of Raven Spade’s Frigate. Its remaining bulk shifted into the station, upsetting The Wheel’s axial tilt. The squared nose of the massive Destroyer plowed into smaller ships waiting to dock, charging into the upper atmosphere.
“Send a priority signal coded Top Brass,” Bolton said. “Audio only.”
“We’re through.”
“Raven Spade’s been dispatched. I’ve got the Destroyer. We’re headed to Rendezvous Point Gamma. Awaiting further instructions. End transmission.” Archer tuned to his crew. “Good work men. Now let’s jump outta here.”
In front of the Federation warship, a brilliant lightning-like matter stream lanced through the night sky, plunging a needle deep through folded space. The titanic ship instantly lunged forward, vanishing through a pinpoint aimed at infinity.
* * *
Elbows propped on his legs, Evan sat on the plush white davenport in the Eusian dignitary’s brightly illuminated suite. Skylights allowed for maximum use of visible energy from the three suns of Alpha Centauri. Evan wore his standard red flight suit, white plasti-skin vest, and forearm control pads. His headset encircled his skull. The glasses did nothing to hide his bloodshot eyes.
A glass coffee table rested before Evan. He listlessly scrolled through holographic news reports via a control pad on the edge. The attack on The Wheel last night was exclusive news on every channel.
“…of this magnitude makes it the single most blatant Marauder assault in the history of the Federation Of Free Planets,” one middle aged man was saying. “Planet Marineau has never suffered terrorism since joining the Federation two and a half centuries ago. The target, the popular spaceport known as The Wheel. It suffered considerable damage. A civilian Frigate owned by courier, and Spacer hero, Raven Spade was also destroyed. In the midst of the chaos, a Federation Destroyer was stolen and managed to escape before help could arrive.”
Evan sat back and folded his arms over his chest. “Casualties ran high. Several civilian ships were damaged in the carnage. At least two dozen dock workers were killed. Eusian Viceroy Wexam lost half the members of his Viceroyalty Entourage. And, it’s believed Raven Spade himself was also killed. The nature of the weapons used during the attack is unknown. F.F.P. spokespersons have declined any comments until a complete analysis--”
Evan cut the signal as the suite doors opened. Gunnar sat next to him, presenting him with a foam box. “Here’s some breakfast, Medium Fries.”
“I’m not hungry.” Evan’s chest tightened. “I can’t believe dad’s gone.” He wiped a tear from his right eye. Gunnar placed an arm around Evan’s shoulder.
Viceroy Wexam entered from an adjoining room, followed by Eusian staff members and Federation Officers. He was dressed in full dignitary regalia, holding a new wooden scepter. “Gentlemen,” Wexam said. His aged voice was soft and raspy.
Gunnar stood, bowing. “Viceroy.”
“Allow me to introduce Lieutenant General Kolt of the F.F.P. Marine Division.” Kolt was tall and lanky with short blonde hair and a hollow face. He wore a standard gray Federation uniform.
“Pleased to meet you,” Gunnar shook his hand.
“I’m serving as Admiral McMurrary’s envoy. He sends his apologies and regrets he was unable to join us in person.”
Wexam sat in a chair near Evan. The others took seats around the glass table. The Viceroy’s speech was slow, hampered by quick breaths between almost every word. “Let me begin by saying that the Eusian Matriarch will be most anxious to hear of developments regarding this senseless act of violence. I am most certain, considering the grievous loss of life, she will open talks of entering into an alliance with the Federation to meet the mutual goal of putting an end to these so-called Marauders.”
“Viceroy, at this point in time, the Federation Of Free Planets would welcome any help directed at stopping this menace,” Kolt said. He looked at Gunnar. “Admiral McMurrary wants you to continue Raven Spade’s work since you were so closely involved.”
“We got anything more to go on?”
“Tell him of the preliminary reports, Lieutenant General,” Wexam said.
“Scans captured by The Wheel’s sensor net have revealed some intriguing information. The weapons that destroyed the Frigate weren’t standard issue by any means.” Kolt swallowed hard and glanced briefly at the Viceroy. “In fact, the weapons are Eusian technology.”
All human eyes looked to Wexam. The Viceroy held out his hand. His eyes closed. “Let me assure you, the Matriarch has no intention of going to war with the Federation. Someone stole the technology from us. They have been trying to incite a war by attacking outposts along our borders for the last fifteen Federation years.”
“Me an’ Raven were led to believe the Eusians attacked first,” Gunnar said.
“That has only been true in isolated instances.”
“What kind of weapons were used?” Gunnar asked Kolt.
“The Federation doesn’t know how they work. What we do know is… perplexing. Sub space all around the area was punctured. Somehow, a plasma detonation created a micro-singularity.”
“A what?”
“A tiny black hole,” Evan said softly.
Gunnar stared at Wexam. “I am no scientist, young man. I cannot explain how they work either. I only know their power is enhanced with a special diamond. Which reminds me…” Wexam dug under his robe, pulling up several golden chains. From one of them hung a red diamond octahedron pendant. Taking the necklace off, Wexam held it out to Evan. “I didn’t get the chance to properly thank you for saving my life last night. You’re a very brave boy and you have my deepest gratitude.”
Evan’s eyes sparkled as he looked at the diamond. His mouth hung open as words failed him. “Th-Thank you.” He put the gemstone on, tucking it under his plasti-skin vest.
“The properties of these diamonds are highly unusual. They focus the plasma in some way. That is how these singularities are created. Of course, this
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