» Science Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [manga ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [manga ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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myself and Angel Grove as possible.

It was painful... but it was best. And when I found out that I’d been selected, I was relieved. Not overjoyed... just relieved.

The two-year program would surely give me enough time to forget.

And it did. My schedule quickly immersed me in challenging courses, interactions with hundreds of interesting people from as many nations, trips throughout Europe, and enlightening debates on world matters like poverty, injustice against women, hunger, epidemics, and quelling the flames of division between so many nations.

Most importantly, I wasn’t alone. I had Jason and Zack; two wonderful, loyal friends that made me enjoy my time in Switzerland even more.

Over time, my longing for Tommy dulled to a mild ache. Even an awkward, rather embarrassing memory. A continent and an ocean separated us... and while I did maintain close contact with Billy and Kimberly through letters, I never wrote to Tommy.

Then, Kimberly went to Florida, and her letters grew more and more seldom. I never took it personally; I could only imagine how much effort went into preparing for the Pan Global Games. One representative from Luxembourg had been a Pan Global swimmer, and his stories of the commitment necessary reminded me of military training.

As Kimberly’s best friend, I had to understand her situation, and support her. After her first Christmas in Florida, the only correspondence I had was a brief Christmas card.

As such, I knew next to nothing about her love life... until I received the most unnerving call of my life.
Chapter Four

It was just after noon in Geneva, and I was reclining in the small apartment I shared with my Russian roommate Anastasia. After a grueling session of exams, I had decided to take a short break from academics before the afternoon session.

I had just gotten comfortable, the latest Michael Crichton novel nestled between my knees, when the phone rang.


"Trini, it’s Tommy."

Frankly, if he didn’t tell me his identity, I would never have guessed. I blinked in surprise, my usually sharp mind swimming in molasses as I considered his exhausted voice, and calculated what ungodly hour it had to be in California.

Needless to say, my heart practically stopped. I dropped my book, leaning forward in the chair as if I was ready to spring into action. "What’s going on?" I demanded.

He must have heard the urgency in my voice, and figured out the train of my thoughts. "Don’t worry, it’s not an emergency."

That was the code we used back in our mutual Ranger days, as we were tried to be cautious of eavesdroppers.

"Oh." I visibly relaxed. "So, what can I do for you? I haven’t spoken to you in months."

Well, it had been over a year, actually.

"Uh... are you alone?"

"Yeah, my roommate’s in the cafeter-"

I completely lost my thought, dropping the phone from my hand as suddenly, a storm of red energy erupted to life just six feet away.

I couldn’t keep the shock from registering on my face. There he was, the man whose face still haunted my dreams on occasion, in the flesh.

What could be so horrible, he'd risk teleporting

halfway across the world to my apartment?

I slowly recovered my senses as he looked down at me, a sheepish grin on his lips, but a haunted cloud hanging over his eyes.

I tried to be glib. "So

... isn’t this your first international trip?"

His lips quirked a little more. "Nah, I went to Australia on a class trip last year." One hand unconsciously rubbed the back of his neck... a nervous reaction I’d seen before... and his other gripped a piece of paper.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his pallor was unsettling.

Tommy had never been one to hide his feelings, and now they were on display for me alone. He was nervous, anxious, and desperate... and he sought my help.

My heart ached for him, and in an instant, all the healing I’d achieved over our fourteen month separation was shot straight to Hell.

I sighed inwardly as I rose to my feet. Gently, I laced my arm through his, and let him lean upon my strength... just as I had done that day in the Command Center.

I led him to the small table near the kitchen. "Have a seat. I’ll make you some tea."

He offered a wan, but grateful, smile, and sat.

In a daze, I prepared a pot of tea. Every so often, I turned around, to steal a glance at the formidable Red Zeo Ranger.

He seemed to be entranced by a piece of paper. He clenched it between both hands, the worn creases giving me the impression that it had been folded, unfolded, and refolded often.

My curiosity piqued, I poured two mugs of steaming tea, and settled them on the table. I then slid into the seat across from him, and watched him straighten the folded edges of the paper he held.

"I’m sorry I just dropped in like this," he sighed, "I... I have an issue I really need to deal with. I was hoping I could get your take on it."

I answered with a small, encouraging smile. "You have my full attention."

"I... uh... I got this in the mail the other day."

He then slid the sheet toward me. I met him halfway across the table, taking a slow sip of my own tea as I skimmed the letter.

A letter from Kim. Everything’s going great, yadda yadda, ready for the competition, yadda yadda, met someone else...



I nearly choked on my tea. Forcing down the hot liquid in a single gulp, I turned my incredulous gaze to Tommy.

He chuckled weakly at my expression, his finger drawing circles along the edge of his mug. "I guess you didn’t see this coming, either."

I only shook my head, waiting for my tongue to loosen. No wonder Zordon let him use the teleporter for "personal gain." There’s nothing more dangerous to the Rangers than letting their leader operate in such a disturbed state! I wouldn’t be surprised if Zordon suggested

that Tommy work through this sudden... and completely unexpected... personal emergency.

Finally, I recovered the ability to speak. "Tommy," I murmured, my eyes reading the letter once again, "I don’t know what to say."

Tommy took a sip of his tea, giving himself a moment to collect his thoughts. "I was hoping I could get a different perspective from you," he revealed. "You and Aisha were Kim’s closest friends. Aisha’s completely out of contact in Africa, and none of the current Zeo Rangers have even heard from Kim in months. Except me... obviously."

"Obviously," I breathed.

"Anyway... I just don’t get it. Kim never mentioned anything like this before. Sure, she told me about the pressure she's under, but I never got the impression she was hiding anything from me. And now... this."

He took a deep, cleansing breath. "People don’t just fall in love in two weeks. What happened between this letter, and the last one she sent me?"

I found myself unable to meet his gaze. "Sometimes, people are brutally honest with themselves. About their feelings, about their hopes, about their relationships. And sometimes, in those moments, epiphanies are reached that change everything."

I felt his stare upon me. I nearly shivered at its intensity.

I needed to get away from it.

"L... let me think about this for a few minutes, Tommy," I requested, rising from the table. "I’ve got some... old letters from Kim. I’ll take a quick look, but I don’t think she ever mentioned another guy."

I knew his eyes followed me as I retreated into the relative safety of my small bedroom.

Once I was cloistered inside, I hugged myself tightly, fighting the trembling of my skin.

Oh God, oh God! Kimberly dumped

him! She... she did!

It was so hard to believe, I actually pinched myself. I never even entertained the possibility that anything could wedge itself between them.

They always seemed the perfect couple. They'd do anything for each other! Kimberly told me, in great detail, of the time Tommy broke into Zedd’s own sanctuary to save her life. He even faced Zedd himself, in a one-on-one duel, to free her from the dark Lord’s clutches!

How could she possibly find someone who could match that kind of love?

I was puzzled, overwhelmed, and, I’m ashamed to admit... hopeful. Hopeful that if Kimberly had moved on, I actually had a shot at Tommy.

My list came to mind, from over a year ago.

One: He loved Kimberly... well, he clearly still did, but that would change with time and patience.

Two: Kimberly loved him back... that had been proven false.

Three: Kimberly’s friendship meant the world to me... it still did, but now there was no conflict.

Four: If any hostilities were to develop, the entire team would be in jeopardy... I was no longer a Ranger, and I couldn’t imagine the others having a problem now.

Five: I had no reason to believe he felt anything other than friendship for me... true, but since he didn’t have another love, I could find out.

Six: Lord Zedd might somehow discover my turmoil, and use it against us... Lord Zedd wasn’t an issue any longer, and from my understanding, the Machine Empire didn’t have the intimate understanding of human emotions necessary to twist this to their advantage.

Seven: If I even admitted it to anyone, I’d place an intolerable burden on my friends... not necessarily, as no one would be forced to choose sides.

I was halfway to a decision to confess the truth, when out of nowhere, my conscience burned from within the well of denial into which I tossed it.

How could I even consider

laying such a thing upon Tommy now? He was so crushed by Kimberly’s letter... I couldn’t take advantage of it.

He came to me for advice. No one knew Kim as well as I did... not even him, apparently. I was confident that, whatever I suggested, he would take into serious consideration.

I had a great deal of power in my hands. I could advise him to move on... or I could advise him to take a chance.

What would I do?

The real question was, what would I do for him

, and for her


The man I knew I loved dearly, and the sister I cared for even more.

I gnawed my bottom lip anxiously. I knew the only honorable... only loyal

course of action. The only course of action completely unblemished by selfish longing.

Glancing at my watch, I quickly calculated what time it was in Miami.

"Let’s see... California is nine hours

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