» Science Fiction » "After Roswell", A.H. Roberts [the best motivational books txt] 📗

Book online «"After Roswell", A.H. Roberts [the best motivational books txt] 📗». Author A.H. Roberts

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didn't bother me much. With all that is happening now. I can't wait to get off this planet. So difficult to find a human being of higher statue. Someone who has a reasonable mind of thought. Just maybe I might finally encounter such a human? One who will hear my story.
I wake up from hours of waiting. No human ever enter the room. My headache from my injury has passed on. I feel its time to make another escape. But the lack of energy. Forbids me not to. Better to save such energy for better use. So my mind. I penetrate the wall. Through the wall I sense the guards outside. Like before they remain posted near the door. I fear getting up would cause noise. This could provoke the guard to come inside. Not trying to deal with abuse. Something to avoid. I don't know if these men will act in appropriate manner. So I stay motionless and quiet. In my head. I try to hatch an idea to get out of here. It be better to wait and let them make the first move. Soon outside the room. A guard gets up. I can see the silhouette of the man standing up behind the tinted window. Another man is to the side of the door. I don't see much of this figure. Also the conversation is muffed. So it hard to hear through the door. When door begins to open. I quickly shut my eyes. A peer through the crack of my eyelids. I see a man in a black suit. A doctor and soldier are standing near the man. Once did he gander at my direction. But I don't think he seen me looking. Whats having me deeply trouble. Is that the dreams are actual realities. A soldier dressed in army attire and the men in black suits. Its making some mindful sense of everything. These dreams. These events that have transpire over the years. I can't even picture what the navigator went through. If he lived beyond the crash. After some brief chat with the doctor. He escorts him out the room. Now in comes another man in a black suit. Completly identical to the other man. Behind that black suited figure comes in two more soldiers. They are armed with side pistols and rifles. The black suit man who just walked in is holding a metallic briefcase. He places the briefcase on the food tray to the left side of my bed. He opens it and hands a needle filled with a translucent liquid to his counterpart. Sweat is building up on my brow. When the figure with the needle approaches my arm. I leap from my bed. Releasing energy that wasn't there earlier. In the corner. I'm surrounded by armed soldiers."DON' KILL HIM! We need him alive". Through the line of soldiers both men in black suits come forth. Both men show little difference. Difficult to hear on which one is speaking."This will go whole alot smoother if you cooperate with us". He comes with the needle in hand closer to me. But is holding it in a manner of offering it to me."Its a sedative that will calm and relax you for the transport back to our base". With not much of a option at this point. Also with using this as a possible escape plan. I hold out my arm for the injection. What they don't know is. That I can form a quick tolerance to their drugs. I have to stay relax, lowering my blood pressure. He injects the needle into my arm. Soldiers grab my shoulders. They lift me from my bed. There they lay me down on a gurney.
I'm being wheeled down the corrider. Some effects from the drugs are kicking in. With strong mind-power. I'm resisting the depressant which was injected into me. But its becoming hard to mentally dilute the sedative. Now were outside. As the Sun shines bright. It totally blinds me from these men and my surroundings. There not careful with me. As they practically toss the gurney into the the back of the truck. As soon as the doors close. I fall into a brief drug-induced sleep. My eyes opening every twenty minutes or so. Each time showing a new image into the picture. I'm still in the truck. Soldiers around me. This time for sure. I know I'm not dreaming. Yet this whole scenario was experienced in my dreams. A phantasm from before. Which warned me of things to come. Not sure if the drugs are causing it. I begin to laugh. Laughing because these men might be leading me to my objective. A possibility of meeting up with my old friend. Dead or alive. Just knowing the outcome of the navigator helps my cause. Gives me answers to the questions that have buried me from the start. Still I have a feeling of slight deja vu. A recurrence of events that I've seen before. Zero movement from my body. Muscles loose, no reflex. Probably because the sedatives have doped me frozen solid. Restriction of my lungs makes it impossible to gain suffient oxygen. They have restrain me tight to the gurney. Narrowing the blood flow. I try to remain relax and keep my heartbeat at a minimal pace. A faster heartbeat makes the drugs in my system spend quicker through my body. Nearly an hour of driving. I feel the drugs are losing their effects? With the lack of physical strength. I hope my strong mental powers keep me safe. Keeping me lucid and in control of this dreadful situation I find myself in. I'm too close in finding a way from this world. It just happens. I have no plan or idea when I arrive to the base. I just have a inner voice that leads closer to the truth. A voice that keeps me alive and mentally in shape. Its a voice that has coached me into safety. Even when I'm about to fall in complete despair. This voice soothes and comforts me back into a clear state of mind. A friend who is always there from the beginning to the end. If the navigator is dead. Only his body has been killed. His mind still flourishes. Able to communicate to me through my dreams. Producing images that will lead me to the future. A future that seems to be happening now. It has hurled me into a new chapter of an outrageous story. Stranded, lost, and trapped on this alien world. But what I have learned from this unfortuated event. It will have to become useful. I know these humans alot better now.
With the understanding of their emotions. Their thought process has been inherit through memory and transformation. Using this aquired skill to think one step ahead of them. So I lay in the darkness of the truck. Its hard to keep my eyes adjusted and open. I figure the best way to prepare myself. Is to take a quick nap and wait. When I rest and dream. My best plans get unfolded. When we arrive. I wll have the advantage. A surprise attack. I will confused them, escape from their captive hands. Patience is the key to everything from this moment. I know this. Because my dreams have veered into the present reality. A whole picture is drawn out. Burnt into my eyes, clear as day. It only made things more complicated when the navigator screamed and thrashed around. So I close my eyes and remain silent.
About an hour or more passes. I really can't tell. I've stop paying attention to the time awhile back at the hospital. Since leaving. A trance develops. As I keep my face straight toward the roof of the truck. Unable to focus and gain control. My eyes open for brief moments. But close shortly after. Now I sense the truck turn off the straight course. Its a graveled path. Very rough road from before. Almost like its off the map. Besides from taking a different route. I have also regain physical focus. I'm awake and alert. I detect the truck's speed is decreasing. Some of the soldiers around me begin to move. I think there getting ready to make a stop. Could be that this location is well-hidden from view? Maybe there trying to throw my senses off track? It doen't matter anyway. I welcome the chance to arrive at this unknown location. If my equipement is here. It becomes a lifeboat to get off this world. Ofcourse this lifeboat reference is a choice of words to use. Most of the equipement that I couldn't retrieve from the moment of the crash. Was confiscated by the military. I know this. Because what I've learned about my dreams. Is these events have merged together. Giving me detail information. I have to play koy and mindful of my actions. Listen to learn and learn to listen. Obey my captors and they'll help me in my escape. I can kill my way out of this perdictment. But its better to avoid that option. Could hurt our reputation as a non-threatening species. After several minutes of driving. The truck comes to a stop. Doors open up and a blinding light pours in. Its dark now. Its seems that artificial lighting is beaming right on me. A way to conceal from me this location. I'm pulled from the back with the gurney's wheels extended. In haste they rush me to a large object. With so much going on at once and the drugs in my body. It has me a little misdirected. Now I've get my point of visual control. As I'm being loaded into a plane. Not any plane. But a cargo plane. This plane there taking me into. Is alot like the one in my dreams. Possible the navigator made this very journey I'm about to take? Whatever the case might be. I'm in the gurney. No help or rescue. A flip of the coin determines my chances. Two roads to take. But unfortuately I'm not driving on this trip. I can only wait and see what happens next. While in the plane. My heartbeats have jumped slightly. Soldiers buckle in and prepare for flight. In a matter of minutes the cargo plane's door closes. Artificial lighting from outside fades out. Only the emergency lighting inside is on. A red color that gives the area a gloom feeling. I feel the plane turning around. As it moves a snail's pace along the airstrip. Soon the plane begins to speed up. It increases acceleration for lift-off. Minimal turbulence and the plane is in the air. A sound I've heard before. But since arriving here. I haven't experience the human's flight technology. I can honestly say. Its my first time on a plane. Amazing I can create sarcasm inside myself in easing my problems. Silence fills the room. Besides the plane's engine running. Its relatively quiet. These soldiers say little to nothing. All of sudden, from behind the gurney. I hear a door open. A delay pause and the door closes. Hard to imagine what else is in store for me? Without warning or sense of alarm. A needle is injected into my arm. I hear a voice command another. "Give him one more sedative when we get near to the facility". Staring at the ceiling. I watch as my surroundings melt infront of me. A decomposing reality that no longer exist. Everything starts to get dark. In the beginning there was light and vibrant color. Now it all turns into a dark empty void. I feel I'm going to wake up in what these humans call hell.
More turbulence is felt, my eyes remain lazy. All I remember is a needle being injected into my arm. Another sedative I suppose? Yet I have no memory of any visions or dreams. My mind has been too doped up. Either they have
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