» Science Fiction » "After Roswell", A.H. Roberts [the best motivational books txt] 📗

Book online «"After Roswell", A.H. Roberts [the best motivational books txt] 📗». Author A.H. Roberts

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sure if I find the navigator. Anything that still remains of the ship. Is probably stored in the same location. Its the only chance I have to get off this rock for good. Any longer here. I'll be another part of human history. Yet nobody back on my homeworld will even know about my existence here on Earth. Even the humans have no idea that an alien walks amongst them. Should I just turn myself into the proper authorities? Giving them intel about my people and purpose of being here. They could help me in my efforts to get rescue? But the dreams deter me otherwise. These people who have my friend. Don't have the patience to listen to my story. They'll imprison me or perform crude methods of examination once I turn myself in. There is a chance when I do find the navigator. These hostile figures will be there. As I'm walking away from the town. Ideas in my mind begin to fade in and out. Still I can't tell if its myself or the navigator giving me such ideas. But something from within is whispering to me. The tranquil voice I can't make out. Is it the navigator? Pulling me from my present course. Or invisible force, guiding me to turn around. Head to a new direction and find the anwsers. Uncover the solution to my problems. Now this new dictation that hovers over me. Is somehow trying to unveil the truth. Its becoming my only way of getting back to the homeworld. I was a alien who got transform into a human. Losing all touch with myself and true purpose. But lately I'm becoming the commander that had vanished so long ago. I'm focus. Using my knowledge to piece together the story about my friend. In my heart. A connection of pain has grown inside. It has strengthen from whatever journey it took to reach me. Yet during my time here. His pain wasn't felt earlier. He could be dead and disposed? But mysteriously his energy still remains. It wonders in the darkness toward the light. His energy must have been secluded? Just like me. Only it had waited for me. Soon my mind or this voice reminds me. About my wristband indicator. I wanted to save the power for an emergency. I guess this is an emergency? A thought has occur to me. I could be within range to receive a signal from his wristband indicator. I activate my the device sending out a transmission. I hope this works?
Roughly an hour clicks by. As a little wind picks up along the desert landscape. A small storm in the distance has formed. Some sand and loose leaf material begin flying around my body and face. (Beep) A faint signal beams back to my indicator. It picked up a trace signature of the navigator's wristband indicator. Little intel on actual location. Just a new direction and different objective. Find out the mystery that haunts my dreams? Instead of going to Utah. I'll be heading toward Arizona. It will be miles before I can make another attempt at using the indicator. With no power supply to recharge. I must ration its use. I'm surprise that the navigator's device has still retain power? To save me time. I could hitch to Arizona. A place called Phoenix. I will send another signal when I arrive. Really need to vacate the whole state of New Mexico. I've stirred up quite a reputation since arriving here. But not all my experiences were bad. I found friendship through Hank. Yet brief and short it was. I learned more about humans. Also I've had a sexual encounter. Which felt strange. Its better I keep that in my own personal inquiries. Besides the sexual part. I also took in information about their social structure and daily duties. How it keeps their society functional. In literature and other reading material. It contained alot of chaos. But more interactions with people. I have a different outlook. That within the small and barely unseen. There is order. Only when you look from outside is there chaos and destruction. Meaning not all humans have the same points of view. Most are trying to live for a better tommorow. Why others have more negative purpose on the world. For complete order and control. They have to unite as one nation toward one goal. With all that I have experience. One thing that is so vital and important to the human nature. Is love. Love is more than friendship and sex. Its about a deep connection that only those two in love can explain. Its even consider to be complicated and hard to accomplish. In my world. Emotions play no importance in the balance of our society. Only to explore, expand, and expire when the moment comes. In the horizon. All light is falling. Time for me to seek cover for the night. With not much shelter around. I guess the baron ground will do. I'll construct a pit and create a fire for security. Recently the dreams haven't been a nuisance. Actually I encourage those visions. It will only help my objective. Find the navigator and locate any equipment that survive the crash. But being in the open has me wary to fall asleep. Especially with the police and wild animals that are roaming around. I have regret lately. Even on this world. A name is very important. I've disappointed my late friend Hank. Tainting his son's name. Using it as a cover to disguise my true identity. With the wind getting stronger. I use the leather jacket as a blanket. I visualized and remember. That day I purchase this jacket. I remember Mary told it made me look handsome when I wore it. Mary is a name that lifts me into a new state of wellness. Soon tired eyes give in and shut for the night.
Another morning sunrise has awaken me for the start of a new day. But just not any ordinary day. An attempt to find once and for all the truth behind these visions of a familar face. A friend who sacriface himself for sake of all back home. If I had refuse to go on the mission. He would have hesitated to proceed. Only his pride would press him forward to go on the mission without me. But when I agreed to the mission. Even though it being my last. It made him more encourage to accompany me to Earth. Since storm is picking up. I better find the road. This gives me the chance to catch a trucker driving on the empty road. It could save me time treking all those miles and evade the storm. My plan is to follow the signal that has been intregated into my wristband indicator. When I get to the checkpoint. I'll transmit another transmission to find out the exact location. Soon lights are beaming on me as I'm walking down the rode. I wave my hands. standing in the path of the incoming truck. It slows down a few feet from my position. I go around to the passenger side to ask for a ride."Excuse me. Would it be possible you can take me as close to the New Mexico border? Trying to reach Arizona". He looks at me hard. Burning a blaze of sight. He tries to penetrate the cloak that covers me."I guess that is possible. I'm heading toward Jemez Springs. Its as close I can get ya". On the map. This location is relatively near the border. I can walk the rest of the way. I give him my answer."That will do fine". I hop into the seat. We begin to move. While were driving. I take a quick look at this man. Soon I'm unable to gulp my breathe. Before I enter. It was darker inside. Only heard a voice inside the vehicle. With a little focus from the passing light poles. I get a more detail of this character. The trucker is broad shoulder and has crooked hands. He has a scar, running horizontally across his face. On the side facing me. I make out a lifeless white eye. Color gone from the incident that disfigure him. With police probably not far behind. This anonymous man is my only assistance. We drive miles on the road. Never do I spot any other vehicles. A couple of occassions. I took a peeked at the trucker. I'm sure he noticed I was looking at him. But kept focus on the road. After awhile he gets tired of the silence and speaks."You mind if I turn on the radio. Keeps me awake on the long deliveries". I"m surprised of his appearance. How the soft spoken, polite voice, asked me for my permission."Well, it is your truck. So I don't mind at all". He turns the knob, tuning into a radio station. Over the radio. I hear the sounds of Elvis Presley. A distinguished figure in the music business. He has sold thousand of records. At least thats what I read. With the tunes playing. A mood changes. This trip doesn't seem that strange anymore. I'm sure behind that hideous scar. There lies a gentle individual. A man like any other man that I've encounter. Doing his job, supporting a family back home. His thoughts remain locked to the open road. I watch the Sun slowly rise from behind the mountains. A sight that I've now witness hundreds of time. But there is sure beauty of watching it on another planet. Exactly the importance of watching the Earth's sunrise. It blossums the entire ecosystems that inhabit the planet's surface. Painting color on an absent canvass. The sunrise is beautiful, compared to the sunset. Rising of the sun brings life. I'm so anxious to report my findings back to my superiors. A open-dream that tugs on my cortex. Ofcourse only my internal thoughts contain the information. All my logs and journals were vaporized in the explosion. After driving for few hours. He makes brief stops for delivery. Soon he pulls to the side of the road. Shutting off the engine. His soft spoken voice speaks again."Hey I'm going to get a little sleep before moving on". I can't help staring at the man. But I'm more calm around him from before. I reply. "I'll sleep to that. Wake me when we start driving again". I nestle into the corner of the door. I try to get comfortable as possible. Maybe by tommorow will be close to Jemez Springs? Really wish I wake up in my quarters. On a ship heading home.
That voice from within awakes me. Soft tone, hardly able to hear the words. I notice I'm no longer in the delivery truck. No sign of roads or the disfigured man. Just a dark empty space with a small fraction of light shining above me. I pause for a moment. I try to focus through the dark infront of me. Now I hear footsteps coming forth toward the light. I stand, prepared if confrontation develops. Balling my fist. I wait for something to launch at me. As it gets closer to the light. I can make out a figure in the dark. I relax as the figure turns out to be my friend. He looks calm. In no pain at all. In prior dreams the navigator was being restrained and tortured. Going under a rigorous crude examination. Now he towers over me. Like a great statue of our time. He gestures for me to follow him. We are side by side. He then excorts me into the dark empty space. Moments later. I wake up. But I have to still be dreaming? Still no truck. Where is the disfigured trucker? I close my eyes. But I'm still here. Where that is. I don't know? I'm scared now. So I try to move. But I can't. Its dark. But I soon realize
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