» Science Fiction » Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗

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and resources. And with the upgraded Megaship blueprints Taikwa showed me, I think it's safe to say KO 35 has her defenses well on track, even without active Power Rangers.

So, I don't feel too guilty about the whopper of a favor I'm about to ask.

Kinwon is scheduled to arrive back in the capitol any minute now, and I'm confident that he'll grant my request. So the next time I call Karone, I'm going to be the one with the surprise.
Chapter Forty-Eight


I push the heavy breakfast tray through the quiet hall, navigating the detention deck with ease even though I'm only paying about half-attention. I barely even notice the various guards I pass; I'm so wrapped up in my current problem.

How the heck am I supposed to get this guy to prove he's the Guardian?

Leo asked me whether or not he could read the Galaxy Book. It would make sense for the Guardian to be able to read the Book he's supposed to be guarding; that's the most conclusive way to prove it. But I sure won't be sneaking the Galaxy Book into the detention cell just to prove a point. There's no way I can protect the Book in that small room if he pulls something.

So… what else can there be?

He obviously knows things. He knew about the Keonta spell. He knows about me. But that doesn't exactly prove anything.

What questions can I ask that would prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is who he says he is?

I frown, looking at the bi-level serving tray with new insight. Since I'm only bringing breakfast for one prisoner, there's enough room under the sheet to hide a full-grown man. Forget the Galaxy Book; maybe I should have tried to sneak Leo in here so I could get a second opinion on this guy.

Oh well…I'll just have to make due on my own.

"Good morning, Sir," the guard greets with a salute. I nod at him, trying to appear nonchalant as I type the access code into the door.

The door slides open, and I maneuver the cumbersome tray into the darkened cell. "I brought you some breakfast," I call out, not really sure how to address this guy. I'm not calling him 'Guardian'

to his face, even if I might

do so in my thoughts.

I expected to see him standing in the corner, cool and aloof, just like before. Or, the possibility that he'd slipped out from under our noses did cross my mind.

I didn't expect to see him lying on his side, his knees to his chest, shivering.

I don't know how long I stared at him, but eventually I snap out of my stupor.

"What's happening to you?" The closer I get, the clearer I can see the lesions spotting his face, oozing blue blood.

He groans, trying to sit up. "It's…the atmosphere." His voice is brittle and weak, a far cry from the deep, powerful tone that commanded my attention before. "I won't survive here much longer."

Not quite sure what else to do, I help him rise, offering him the glass of water from breakfast.

It's incredible how much he deteriorated in just a few short hours. His breathing is hoarse and labored, and even when he swallows the water, he winces, as if it hurts him.

I grimace. "You didn't know our air was poisonous to you as soon as you got here?"

His deep, unsettling gaze falls on me again. While the rest of him is wasting away, his eyes are as disturbing as ever. "I knew before I came."

It's not that I don't believe him, I just don't get it. "Then why come at all?"

"Because I knew I would find the stolen Book. And I knew I would find you, Blue Ranger, and that you would help me."

Before I could protest, he tries to stand. I immediately grab his arm, helping to steady him on his feet.

Then, he lifts his hand. I watch, stunned, as specks of light form in the air, flashing like tiny stars in the night sky, but right in the middle of the detention cell. And in the middle of the weird light show, a foggy image begins to form.

"Everything that ever was, everything that ever will be, is written in time," the Guardian tells me.

The image takes shape. It almost looks like… the Galaxy Book. And me, holding it.

"I don't understand," I confess.

"You will." With a wince he loses his footing, his entire weight suddenly pressed against me. I stumble a bit to keep him upright, backing up and sitting him on the cot.

He takes slow, labored breaths, clutching his chest. And when he succumbs to hacking coughs, flecks of blue blood spray his palm.

That's it. Guardian or not, he's dying in here. I have to do something!

I bring the breakfast tray towards us, pulling up the tablecloth. "Come on. We're getting out of here."

Chapter Forty-Nine


Leo has given up. I didn't think it was possible... and I don't know what to do about it.

I know what I feel, though. I'm outraged. Even offended. Leo and I have been working on this project together for weeks, researching the Nexus with a common goal of finding Kendrix. I can't help but feel betrayed that he'd withdrawn

from me like this. He didn't feel like he could admit to me his concerns openly.

Leo feels the need to work this particular problem out on his own; as if it doesn't impact anyone else's life at all.

I wearily sink into the couch in the living room, absently twisting my locket; the one cherished personal item I have. It's always been a comfort to me, even when I didn't know the faces the photographs captured. On a whim, I snap open the locket, gazing at the small photographs within.

I still have the image of my brother in his youth, looking innocent and carefree, but I removed the photo of myself. Instead, there's a picture of Andros, Zhane, and myself, taken a few months ago, before we were separated once again by Andros' new mission.

I carry photographs of quiet, peaceful times, right before the powers of the universe disrupt that peace.

Andros is now somewhere in the universe, fighting to preserve the stability Zordon died to establish. Zhane has probably returned to Earth by now.

And I…may never see either of them again.

I knew

it was a possibility. As much as I wanted to think otherwise, there was always the chance that I would never return home after this mission. And while I didn't think much on what exactly I was risking when I accepted Kendrix's saber, I spent a great deal of time pondering it after the fact.

I decided the chance to be a Ranger was worth the risk. I looked forward to the peace of mind that came with service as a Ranger, and I've enjoyed the satisfaction of knowing that I'm putting effort and personal sacrifice into saving lives.

Now, I can look in the mirror, and be genuinely proud of the person looking back at me.

But the price that I paid… it weighs heavily on me right now. My peace of mind has cost me the people I love.

Before, it always seemed like a matter of time. Leo was always so sure we'd find her. All we had to do was search, and we'd find the answer. And his confidence became mine.

I had something real to look forward to, and a project to focus my attention. The search for Kendrix helped me put my future in my own hands, and it kept me from thinking too much about what I miss most about the home I left behind.

Now Leo is convinced we shouldn't even try to bring her back. What does that leave me with?

A tone from my wrist distracts me from my musings. I blink in disoriented confusion before answering the summons.


"Karone, it's Alpha."

"What's going on?"

It seems like he's hesitating, which makes me stand up from the couch immediately. "What's wrong?" I demand.

"You, uh…"

Is it possible for a robot to gulp? "You have an incoming call. From Zhane."

I stare at my wrist, dumbfounded for a few moments. Then, with a slow breath, I manage to respond. "Thank you, Alpha. I'll be right there."

I move through the quiet hallway in a daze, anxiety keeping my pace slow. Just a few days ago, impatience to speak to him again was driving me to distraction. And now, facing him is just about the last thing I want to do.

Chapter Fifty


I probably should've thought this through a little better.

The plan was to squeeze a bit more information out of the intruder. Now, I've sprung him from his detention cell, and I've stolen the Galaxy Book.

It's only about twenty pounds or so, strapped to my back in a metal case as I guide my Jet Jammer through the quiet halls toward the Mountain Dome; but it feels much heavier on my conscience. I've taken it upon myself to put this Book in the hands of the Guardian, and see once and for all what he can do with it.

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