» Science Fiction » Planetbound, DM Arnold [interesting books to read .TXT] 📗

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was with her, along with Illya.” He reached into his pocket. “Before I forget.” He placed the engagement ring onto her finger. “Have you relaxed?”

“Not quite yet.”

Judge Hassinger worked his way toward them. He handed Nyk an envelope. “Here's your copy of your marriage license. I'll take care of filing the official copy. Congratulations.” He shook their hands.

“Now, I can relax.”

Nyk escorted Suki into the house to a round of applause. He glanced at the buffet. It included both Japanese and western items. He saw sushi rolls and sweets moulded into elaborate shapes, as well as western sweets and savories. In the center of the buffet table was a modest wedding cake. Yuriko was playing Proud Mary.

Nyk held Suki's chair as she sat at the table of honor beside Cathy, Seymor and her parents. “We'll be served,” George said. “The other guests have been informed they may partake of the buffet as they wish.” He picked up a bottle of Champagne, poured a round for the table and offered a private toast. “Nick, you are without a doubt the best thing to happen to Sukiko -- the best thing to happen to our family. Here's to happiness and long life.”

“To long life... Thanks, George.” He lifted his glass.

George leaned toward Nyk. “Beautiful vows, kids. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.”

“We should mingle with the guests, while the caterers are preparing our plates,” Suki said. She introduced Nyk to acquaintances from NYU and chatted with her professor and mentor. Nyk introduced Suki to Jaquie and some Agents.

He approached a middle-aged woman with long, greying blond hair. “Grynnya -- thank you for coming.”

“Yes,” Suki added. “It's great seeing you again. Thank you so much for helping Nick.”

“Who's your friend?” Nyk asked.

A late-middle-aged man with a bushy moustache and long grey hair tied in a ponytail stood and shook Nyk's hand. “This is Leo. He and I work at the same hospital.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Leo said with a Missouri accent. “It was a lovely ceremony -- very personal.”

“Is this your first time in the City?” Suki asked.

“Yes -- for me at least,” Leo replied.

“Your ceremony provided us a good excuse for a short vacation together,” Grynnya added.

Nyk led Suki toward the head table. He held Suki's chair as she sat. “Many guests have complimented us on the ceremony,” Nyk said to his mother-in-law. “You and Suki did an excellent job of putting this together -- on such short notice. It was just right.”

“Do you miss a traditional reception, with a master of ceremonies, dancing, and all?”

“Not in the least. That wouldn't be us.”

“I had the big, overblown event for my first wedding,” Suki added. “Look how that turned out.” She took Nyk's hand and laced fingers with him.

Nyk sat beside Suki in the limousine as it headed for Manhattan. “I wish we could take a real honeymoon,” she said. “With my new responsibilities at Pace, I just couldn't take the time now. Do you have honeymoons on Floran?”

“Well, we don't have anything named after the moon since there is none. It is customary for a new husband and wife to take a few days' sabbatical leave to establish their household.”

“No wedding trip?”

“No -- we're a pragmatic people. I'd love to take a honeymoon trip with you, korlyta, if that's the Earth custom.”

“Where would you like to go?”

“Myataxya -- but, we wouldn't be able to show anyone our photos. How about you?”

“Somewhere near the sea -- maybe Hawaii. Daddy said he'd arrange a trip for us, as soon as our schedules permit. Where are we headed now?”

“To the Millennium Hotel near Time Square. I know it's not Myataxya or Hawaii, but a couple nights away to decompress will do us both some good.”

The limousine stopped at the hotel. Nyk signed the check-in forms. He took her hand and stood, waiting for an elevator. “Nick -- I told you I didn't think it mattered if we had that piece of parchment or the ceremony. I was wrong.” She squeezed his hand. “I'll never forget this day.”

He led her to the room and unlocked the door with the pass card. “I see our bags are already here.” He faced her. “I want to gaze at you in that kimono. I want to feast my eyes. You're nothing short of dazzling in it.”

She stood for him as he regarded her. She began dismantling the kimono and removing the obi wrapped around her waist and forming the ornate bow at her back. She slipped into her short robe and retired to the bathroom.

Nyk undressed, turned down the bed and slid between the sheets. Suki emerged, slipped off her robe and lay beside him. “Nick, I'm scared.”

“You can't be frightened of making love. We must've done it a hundred times.”

“Two hundred seventeen times.”

“Two hundred seventeen? You kept count?”

“Yes -- I made an estimate of how many times you and Andra... Once I started counting, I kept it up. No, I'm not afraid of that.”

“What are you afraid of?”

“Of the future -- ours and Nicky's. I'm afraid of what horrible ordeals Destiny may have in store for us.”

Nyk kissed her forehead. “Let's have no fears tonight.”


“Would you care to make it number two hundred eighteen?”

She shook her head. “No.”


“No.” She kissed him. “Let's make it number one. Let's make it the first time, all over again. Tonight -- I'm a virgin. Please be gentle with me.” He kissed her again. “... But, not too gentle.”

18 -- The Dreaded Day

Nyk lay on his back, staring at the ceiling as Suki drowsed beside him. He glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 12:01 -- 12:01 AM, 1 September, 2001. The day he dreaded was upon him. How would it happen? When would it happen? It was a Saturday -- Labor Day weekend. Whatever it was, it would claim George, too. An auto accident? He glanced at the clock -- 12:20. It wouldn't be an illness -- both George and Suki appeared in perfect health. A crime? The house was in a quiet and safe part of Queens. He looked again -- 12:51... and, again...

Dawn's twilight seeped through the windows. He lay quietly in bed, pretending to sleep. Suki roused, kissed his cheek and went to get Nicky. Nyk slipped out of bed and sat at the dinette in the apartment's kitchen. “Do we have any plans today?” he asked.

“I don't have any -- except maybe to tag along with my folks. You?”

“No -- nothing.”

“I'll take him downstairs and then take my shower.”

“I'll take him -- don't start your shower without me.”

“Why not?”

“I'd like to take one with you.”

“Nick!” She smiled. “Well -- okay -- it's cramped in there, but I think we'll both fit.”

Nyk carried Nicky downstairs to let him crawl on the living room floor. “Suki and I are going to take our showers,” he called to his mother-in-law. “Then, we'll be down.”

“Okay, Nick. I'll watch Nicky.”

He climbed the stairs and joined Suki in the bathroom. She adjusted the water temperature, slipped off her robe and stepped into the shower stall. Nyk stepped beside her. He picked up a bar of soap and it slipped from his fingers. “I'll get that...” He stooped to pick it up.

“Ooof,” she said. “You poked me in the stomach.”

“Sorry... let me lather you...” He rubbed the bar on her skin and spread the suds with his hands.

“I'll take that,” she said, grabbed the soap and began lathering him. “This is kind of fun.” She ran her hands along his legs.

“I'm sorry we didn't do this more often,” he replied.

She looked at him. “What's stopping us? I must do my hair -- I'll have to bend over. There isn't enough room...”

“Okay...” He stepped out and sat on the toilet seat lid.

“Do Florans shower together?” she shouted over the sound of the water.

“You saw the showers on my world -- they're for a single occupant, only.”

Suki shut off the water and Nyk rushed toward her with a towel. He helped her out of the stall and began patting her body.

“Nick... such attention ... not that I'm complaining, mind you. It's just ... you never had much interest in showering together, before.”

“It just came into my head.”

She stepped into the bedroom and pulled on a pair of cutoff jeans and a tee shirt. Nyk slipped into a polo shirt and shorts. He took her hand and headed for the stairs.

“Careful on the steps.”

“I've only lived here my entire life,” she replied. “I'm not an invalid.” He escorted her to the kitchen and poured coffee for her.

“How are you this morning?” her mother asked.

“I feel like I won Queen-For-a-Day,” she replied. “Nick's been super-attentive, and he won't tell me why.”

“Whenever George gets super-attentive, it usually means he's about to spring some sort of disappointment -- like a business trip to Honolulu, and I can't come along. Isn't that right, George?”

Suki's father looked up from his newspaper. “I don't recall any business trips to Honolulu.”

“No upcoming business trips,” Nyk replied. “George, were we planning on going anywhere in the car today?”

“I hadn't planned anything.” George folded his paper. “I've just come off a difficult day of a difficult week. I can think of no better way to spend a three day weekend than sitting and doing ... nothing at all.”

“Maybe Nick would like you to drive him somewhere,” Yasuko suggested.

“Did you want to go to that summer property you bought on the Island?”

Nyk pondered. “It's a holiday weekend -- the traffic would be dangerous. No -- we don't have to do that.”

“Maybe next weekend, then,” George replied. “You have that nice property, now -- it would be a shame not to put it to use.”

“Next weekend...” Nyk cradled his head in his hand. “Yes, let's plan for next weekend.”

Yasuko cleared the breakfast dishes. “Let's take a walk in the park,” she suggested.

“Yes,” Suki replied. “I'll get the stroller.”

“Are you coming?” Suki's mother asked her father.

“No -- I'm going to spend this weekend sitting in my easy chair and doing nothing -- and, savoring every second of it. You go ahead.”

Nyk held Suki's hand as they walked toward the park. “He likes the fresh air,” Suki said to Nyk and gestured toward the stroller.

“Huh? Oh, yes -- fresh air.”

“Nick -- why are you so distracted today?”

“Oh, it's nothing. I'm okay now, aren't I?”

“I guess -- you don't seem too cranked at the moment.”

“It's because your dad isn't with us.”

“Daddy? Nick -- I thought you and Daddy got along fine.”

“We do... it's just ... that ... he's home ... sitting in his chair.”

“Yes? Go on.”

“That's it.”

Suki shrugged and pushed the stroller through the intersection. Nyk saw a yellow taxi heading down the street. He grabbed Suki's arm and hustled her along the crosswalk. The cab made an abrupt right turn and headed down the other street.

“Ow!” Suki exclaimed. “You pinched me -- I'll be black-and-blue. What was that about?”

“Didn't you see that taxi?”

“Of course I did -- didn't YOU see? He had his blinker on and was making a turn.”

“It didn't look like it to me...”

“Nick -- I've been crossing the streets of this city for twenty-eight years. I think I know how it's done.”

“You're right -- I'm sorry, korlyta.”

They arrived at the park. Yasuko pointed toward a swing set. “They have a kiddie swing. I'm going to push Nicky over there.”

Nyk sat on a park bench. Suki lay on the bench with her head in his lap. He watched Yasuko take Nicky from the stroller and put him into the swing; then, he looked down at Suki's face. A shaft of sunlight fell across her eyes. He contemplated her yellow-brown complexion and her shiny, black hair. Her full lips turned up in a smile. She hooked her arm around his neck, hoisted her face to his and kissed his lips.

He stroked her cheek and gazed into her eyes. In the sunlight he could see the structure and color of her irises. “You have such beautiful eyes,” he said.

“Yes -- we've gone over that,” she replied.

“No --

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