» Science Fiction » Planetbound, DM Arnold [interesting books to read .TXT] 📗

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a cab to Queens.”

Seymor shook his head. “I'll drive you.” Nyk followed him to the elevator.

The car pulled up to the house in Queens. “I'm dreading this,” Nyk said.

“Good luck and good courage, lad. Take as long as you need.” He nodded and stepped from the car.

Nyk climbed the steps. He gave Seymor the two-fingered Floran salute, then unlocked the door. Yasuko was pacing and holding a tissue. He opened his arms to her.

“Nick! Oh, Nick -- I'm so happy to see you. Do you know?” He nodded. “I fear the worst for George and Sukiko. As soon as I heard ... I tried calling George's office but couldn't get through. Then, I called Pace. They told me Sukiko had dropped off some exams and was headed over there -- she never returned. Oh, God, Nick!”

Nyk held her as she sobbed against him. He stroked the back of her head. Her sobbing became weeping -- then wailing. “It's my fault!” she blubbered. “I sent her there with that damned paper. Oh, Nick! I killed my own daughter! How can you forgive me?”

“You did nothing of the sort,” he replied. She continued to wail. “Please, Yasuko -- I don't think either George or Suki would want to see you grieve so.”

“My grief is my own,” she replied between sobs. “I feel like the bottom of my heart has been blown away.”

“It could be days before we know...”

“I already know... George's office was two floors above where the plane hit. No one could've survived...” She wailed again. “Why? Why would anyone want to harm George or my baby? They never hurt anyone!”

“I don't understand it. There's such a wealth of diversity on this world. Why can't the inhabitants of this rock enrich each other through friendship and understanding? Why is it easier to hate and destroy? If I grow old here, I'll never understand.”

Yasuko clutched him as he held her. “How can you take things so calmly, Nick?”

“Everything happens for a reason. We're all following the paths Destiny traces for us -- paths we have no choice but to follow. She may not reveal Her reasons in our lifetimes -- but there IS a purpose for everything.”

“Do you really believe there's some master plan for the universe?”

“I don't believe in God -- I have to believe in something.”

“And, your belief makes it easier for you.”

“It makes it easier not to feel guilt. I know I did all I could do.” He looked into her eyes and his began to brim over. “Oh, Yasuko,” he sobbed, “I'll miss them so much!”

She embraced him again and kissed his cheek. “So will I.”

Nyk began to regain his composure. “I'm exhausted,” he said. “I know it's pointless, but I'm going to try to get some sleep. You should, too.”

She nodded. “Good night, Nick.”

Nyk brought Nicky into the kitchen and plopped him into his high chair. “He's all changed and washed -- ready for his breakfast.”

Yasuko produced some strained baby food and began feeding him. “Nick ...”

“Yes, Yasuko?”

“I know now there's nothing keeping you here, but I hope...”

“Yasuko -- this is my home.”

“I was thinking -- if, at some point ... you'd like to bring a ... a companion into the house ... another woman...” She brushed away tears. “I'd be willing to love her like a daughter.”

“It won't happen. Suki is the one true love of my life. I'd never replace her.”

“But -- Nicky needs a woman's touch.”

“He has yours.”

“I might not be here forever. Nothing's forever -- as yesterday demonstrated.”

Nyk poured a cup of coffee for himself. “Did you sleep at all?”

She shook her head. “Not anything worth the name sleep.”

“Me neither,” he replied.

“Going to bed alone will be the hardest thing. All my demons come out at night.”

Nyk stood and caressed her back. “Yasuko -- if there are nights in which you need someone -- I'm here.”

She looked at him agape. “Nick -- I'd never...”

“I don't mean anything physical. If you need someone to hold you -- to keep the demons at bay -- or a shoulder to cry upon...” He tapped his chest. “I'm here for you.”

She shook her head. “It wouldn't be proper.”

“Not proper for two people who love each other to comfort each other in their hour of distress? Yasuko -- trust me -- I'd never do anything improper with you.”

“I do trust you, Nick. It's myself I don't trust.” She cleared away Nicky's breakfast bowl and gave him a set of plastic discs on a ring. “So, what do we do, today?”

“I doubt I can get to my office. I guess we sit and wait -- and play with Nicky.”

Nyk lay on his bed with the laptop computer propped on a pillow. “How are you doing?” he asked.

“I'm adjusting well,” Suki replied, “so far, at least. I like this portable vidisplay. This is almost like having you in bed with me.”

“There will be a few days every month in which the Floran and Earth nights are in sync. We can sleep together those nights.”

“We'll need to be more careful as Nicky grows older,” she replied.

He nodded. “How are you and Andra getting along?”

“Wonderfully. We arrived at the house and I broke down. She held me and we both cried for the longest time. She kissed the tears from my face and bade me to do the same. Then, she said something I didn't quite understand -- about us bonding.”

“You cried over the same hurt and tasted each other's tears. It's the Ritual of Shared Pain from Vebinad Academy. You and she are now friends-for-life. She'll lay her life down for you.”

“I do love her, Nykkyo. I'm so sorry I doubted her. She has the most beautiful persona.”

“Spoken like a true Floran. I know how you feel -- I was an absolute idiot about her. I spoke to Illya Kronta today and told him of your situation...”

“Yes -- I know. He called. He thinks he can pull some strings with Central Admin and get me registered as a Floran resident.”

“I don't know of a precedent for such.”

“He said there was -- a number of years ago, a Floran ExoAgent let his true nature slip to an Earth woman. Agency Enforcement sent the guy up, and they snatched the girl, too. They didn't trust her to keep the secret, so they offered her exile here -- and a chance to live with her lover. She was assimilated.”

“I've heard that story. I didn't know she was offered Floran citizenship.”

“The Agency is happier with me here and you there than the other way around. Illya says he has an ulterior motive -- to set a precedent in the event he can convince Daphne to join us. He told me I'll need a contraceptive implant capsule and a personal ID chip.”

“Those are no biggies.”

“Nykkyo -- Andra told me about the contraceptive implant. It's easy for a man to say. Having an object the size of a pencil stub driven under your skin sounds a bit like a biggie to me.”

“Every Floran girl goes through it and survives.”

“In a way, I am looking forward to it. I realize it's one of the reasons the women on this planet all look so good, even well past middle age. Their bodies are bathed from puberty to death in benevolent, synthetic hormones.”

“Those hormone implants have driven the incidence of some cancers -- some that are quite a problem on Earth -- almost to the vanishing point. It's a quid pro quo. Floran women gain improved health in exchange for having the state manage their fertility.”

“Since I'm not planning any more children, it sounds like a good deal to me.”

“What do you have planned for tomorrow?”

“Andra thinks I'd be happier if I had something to do. Tomorrow, she's taking me with her to Sudal University to talk with the assistant dean. She thinks I can create a course on Earth history the university can offer, with me as a guest lecturer.”

“It sounds like a good idea. Are you game for that?”

“I am -- and, it will give me an opportunity to polish my Lingwa.”

“Have you seen Senta?”

“She's stopped by a few times. She has her own place in Sudal -- and, she has a new lover.”

“Only one?”

Suki smiled. “I still have much to learn of the nuances of the language here. Senta said something that led me to believe she was propositioning me.”

“She probably was. She craves you.”

“Senta? Craves ME? How can you say that -- after all the trouble she made for us -- after I stole you from her?”

“She never gave a rip about me, korlyta. She didn't care that you had ME. What bothered her was that I had YOU and she wanted you for herself. You must realize -- Senta collects lovers the way Earth kids collect butterflies. Granted, she doesn't dry them and pin them onto boards. I know she pursued Andra in order to have an ax'amfin in her collection.”

“She wants me because I'm from Earth?”

“And, because you're an Asian -- and, because you're a known ancestor to Koichi. What rarer specimen could she find?”

Suki rested her chin on her fist. “I can see assimilating into this culture might not be as easy as I first imagined. Should I take her up on her offer?”

“That's up to you. Senta is an important and powerful woman. Friendship with her could be quite useful to you.”

“So, you're recommending I prostitute myself.”

“On the contrary. I'm recommending you follow your feelings. Senta isn't evil, Suki. She'd make a good friend. How you two might express such friendship is not my affair.”

“I'll think about it. How's Mom doing?”

“Better today. She wants to visit Ground Zero. I'd rather stay away from it. The stench -- sometimes you can smell it here in Queens.”

“If I were her -- I'd want to go.”

“With the City shut down, there's not much to do but hang around and play with Nicky. Yasuko seemed calmer today.”

“Nykkyo -- please watch her for the next few days. She is Japanese.”

“So are you.”

“No -- she's a real Japanese. She may decide she'd rather join me and Daddy. I couldn't live with myself if that happened.”

“I've been wrestling with whether or not to take her into our confidence. It might be easier for her if she knew you were all right. But, I don't know if I can take the risk. We are absolutely forbidden to reveal our true nature to the native population. I wouldn't have told you if I hadn't been forced by circumstances.”

“I understand. I'll leave that decision to you. In the meantime -- please watch her. If she seems suddenly calmer -- it could be a sign she's reconciled herself to the deed. I know what I'm talking about, Nykkyo.”

“All right, I'll keep an eye on her.”

“Thanks.” Suki yawned. “I'm getting sleepy, so maybe I'll switch this thing off.”

“I'll call again tomorrow, korlyta.” He kissed his fingers and pressed them to the camera. Suki responded with the same. “I miss you.”

“I miss you, too. Bon'noka, Nykkyo.”

“Bon'noka.” The screen went dark.

Nyk closed up the laptop and set it on the table. He looked in on Nicky and then returned to his bed and listened to the night sounds of the city. Thoughts intruded, and the image of the aircraft crashing into the buildings was burned into the backs of his eyes. These he tried to turn away.

He heard the sound of movement in the house below. Nyk slipped into his robe and crept down the stairs. In the dim light he saw Yasuko in her sky-blue kimono, kneeling on the living room carpet. Before her was the tanto unsheathed. She lifted her face and with her left hand, felt her neck. Then, she picked up the dagger.

“Yasuko -- what are you doing?” She jumped and dropped the knife. Nyk walked around to face her. Tears began to flow down her cheeks. “What is the matter with you people?” he asked. “First Suki tried to kill herself -- twice, no less -- and now you.”

“Oh, Nick -- I can't go on like this. They were my whole world -- my whole life. I can't go on without them.”

“But you have them,” he replied. He touched his breast. “They're here.”

“When that airplane hit, my heart turned to stone.”

“Yasuko -- they're with us in this house. Nicky is half Suki -- and a quarter George. They both live on in him -- and he needs you.” He knelt and held her. “I need you.”

She held onto him as she sobbed. He kissed the top of her head and she relaxed her grip. Nyk picked up the tanto and slipped it into its sheath.

“Help me up,” she said. He grasped her upper arm and lifted her. As she stood he saw she had tied her kimono belt around

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