» Science Fiction » Power Ranger Ninja Storm, Heather Ray [best classic romance novels txt] 📗

Book online «Power Ranger Ninja Storm, Heather Ray [best classic romance novels txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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he is! The Winds are just boy scouts out to save the world; this is personal

with us! Ever since our parents died, we've been dedicated to avenging them. We've trained endlessly

! We were willing to do anything

. This is our

mission in life! And now, you want to drag in novices who've never felt the pain we've gone through?"

"Don't underestimate them," Blake warns. "They may be inexperienced, but they know what they're doing. What's the point of infiltrating Lothor's ship if we end up getting killed?"

"If you're so worried about dying, maybe you should prepare

for this battle instead of sighing and moping around! A month ago, you were my partner, Blake! I could count on you! But now, you're so far gone you can't even cook breakfast without zoning out! I can't trust you to do anything, can I?" My eyes slide pointedly to his reddened hand. "Not even to take care of yourself?"

I reach out, grabbing my little brother by the collar. His teeth grind as I lift him off his feet, but he doesn't struggle. Nose to nose, I reveal my deepest fear. "Any distraction on this mission is going to get you killed. I'm not losing you, too."

There, I said it.

Silence stretches between us, long and thick and oppressive. I can almost hear my words echoing as I slowly lower my brother to the ground. He drops his eyes, looking down at his clenched fists as he steps away from me.

I hold my ground, taking slow, deliberate breaths. The consuming anger has faded, giving me back at least some

of my sanity.

"I'm sorry, Bro," Blake says, finally breaking the silence. He looks up at me, and I can see the indecision hovering in his eyes. "I...know you're worried about me. But still...I can't just pretend Tori doesn't exist. I don't know why, but I can't just tune this out. What I did to her; it's bothering

me. And I keep kicking myself that I left without giving her a decent apology, at least."

And then what happens, Blake? You go and apologize, and then everything will be all right? If she forgives you, you'll wind up daydreaming about her. I know

you will. If you convince her to help us, you'll be so worried about her you won't be able to watch your own

back. And if she refuses to listen, you'll be even more broken up about this.

Sorry, little brother. You're just feeling

too much right now to be useful to me. And I'm too much the protective older brother to let you face Lothor and his goons when they have home court advantage, when you're this conflicted.

Of course, I say none of this aloud. Instead I watch him as he watches me, expecting me to provide the solution. Counting on me to guide him.

I manage a wry grin. "You've got one hour, Blake. Find Tori, get the guilt off your chest, and if she seems receptive, you can tell her about our plan. Then, when you get back, we'll meet Choobo."

Blake smiles widely, grabbing me in a bear hug. It's been a while since he's done that. He's always been the more affectionate of the two of us, but since our parents died...he's been distant. Aloof. In control.

I have to admit, it's nice to see him smile again. This whole experience with the Wind Rangers will, in the long run, be good for him. It's just too damn bad it happened now, when I need the cold, focused Blake at my side.

"Yeah, yeah," I grunt, taking a moment to ruffle his hair. He always hates when I do that; it just emphasizes how short he is.

He snorts as he draws back, grabbing his helmet along the way. "I'll see you soon," he calls to me, jumping on his dirt bike. "Hopefully, with reinforcements!"

The engine roars to life and Blake soon disappears into the surrounding forest, leaving me in the crushed ruins of our former lives.

I wait until I can no longer hear his bike, before I straddle my own. Hopefully, Choobo will be a little early. Maybe he'll see me waiting. Or, maybe Tori will distract Blake long enough for me to finish this mission alone.

I won't risk him. The way he's been acting lately; he's more of a liability than an asset. He's distracting me, and the best way to guarantee us an early grave is to face Lothor at anything less than our best.

I lean back, sliding my helmet into place as I gaze at the perfect blue sky. I know you're up there somewhere, Lothor. Laughing at me. Maybe even plotting your revenge for our betrayal.

But I'm going to beat you to it. In a few hours, I will be standing over your dead body.

Chapter Six

Infiltrating Lothor's ship was mind-numbingly easy. Once Choobo showed me the back door, all I had to do was slip inside.

I slink through narrow, darkened hallways, my Thunder Staff comfortably nestled in my confident grip. I know I'm good at stealth techniques, but still...something should've crossed my path by now. Zurgane always seemed to be underfoot when Blake and I met with Lothor -- I was sure I'd bump into him again.

This is where Blake would say something like "It's too quiet." And I'd agree with him.

My breathing is even as I finally approach the throne room. Darkness swallows the walls, but the creeping feeling of being watched puts me on high alert.

"Hunter," a mocking voice greets, "so good to see you again! Where's your better half?"

I glower at the throne, hearing the shifting of leather and feeling that cruel smirk even through my armor. "Otherwise occupied," I answer vaguely, my fist crackling with electricity. "It's just you and me, Lothor."

A low chuckle comes from all around me. Eyes narrowing, I channel more power into my fist. The sparking light gives me flashes of mutants, leisurely lining the walls, those with mouths grinning or smirking in my direction. I can even make out Choobo at the right of the dais, with Zurgane and Lothor's nieces.

Traitor. Obviously I gave the creature too much credit, thinking he actually had enough self-respect

to leave a cruel master like Lothor.

Suddenly, I'm relieved Blake isn't here. This isn't a battle I'm walking away from, but thank God I didn't drag my little brother here.

Then, a bright light from above washes the center of the room in white, almost like a spotlight. Lothor sits casually on his throne, his ankle balanced idly on his opposite knee.

"A shame, really," the evil ninja sighs. "I'd hoped to kill both of you at once, and rid myself of one bothersome detail. But once you're out of the way, Blake will be easy to overcome."

A low growl issues from my throat. I may not survive this battle, but neither will he!

Crackling power flies from my palm, crushing the throne a heartbeat later. Only Lothor isn't there

anymore, and I spin around just in time to block his fist with my Thunder Staff.

"Nice reaction time," Lothor comments, unleashing a furious series of kicks and punches that force me backward. But none of them connect. "Very nice..."

I snort derisively. He must know it's impossible to move faster than a Thunder Ninja, trained to streak like lightning!

"You came to fight me," he states, a nasty grin splitting his face. "So stop hiding and fight


And with that, he grabs my Thunder Staff at the center, and snaps it in two.

I'm momentarily stunned, my hands falling to my sides, each one holding half of my trusted weapon, leaving me open to an impossibly strong punch to the stomach. I can feel the bottom of my ribcage crack even through my armor, and all air leaves my lungs.

Just as I register the first blow, Lothor's steel toe crushes the chin of my helmet, throwing me clear off the ground. Dazedly, I wonder if my head is even still attached

to my body as I crash into the rubble of Lothor's throne.

He's strong. Stronger than I imagined...

"You still have much to learn," Lothor's voice mocks, "but your skills are impressive, nonetheless."

I don't know where the strength came from. I lurch forward, ignoring protesting organs and screaming ribs, and unleash streaks of lightning like a summer thunderstorm. That will wipe the grin off the murderer's face...

Only, my power doesn't strike him. He lifts one hand, and... catches my attack! It's almost like I've thrown yarn at him! The lightning streaks weave into a ball of glowing power, and then just...vanish


Then, he glares at me, and suddenly...I can't move.

I can't move! I can't even breathe


"And you're persistent, too!" Lothor compliments, strolling toward me. "If that little beam hit the wall, you could've done quite a bit of damage." His smirk widens. "And we can't have that, can we? My insurance premiums are already absurdly high."

My muscles strain against an invisible hold, begging to throw my fists into his mocking face. He moves into arm's reach, and has the nerve me


"So much hate in you, my boy. Rage is your power. You could've been a general."

I wish I could spit at him...or at least laugh at his ridiculous idea. Me? Serve him? Even when we did work together, I made it crystal clear that we were only temporary partners. No way would I bow to this maniac! EVER!

"Shall I dispose of him, Sir?" Zurgane comments from the periphery.

Now I notice the burning in my lungs. The choking sensation in my throat. I can't breathe...I can't do anything


A disappointed sigh. "Go ahead, Zurgane. But it is really a shame he's learned the truth. His hate and anger would've eventually brought him into my permanent employ. Just imagine the havoc he'd wreak to defeat the Wind Ninjas!"

Then, another voice speaks up. "Master, if I could make a suggestion...?"

A smile. "Of course, Choobo. This was all your idea after all."

"Anything a human can learn, Sir, he can forget."

Lothor's reaction is disturbing. His smile stretches into a Cheshire smile, white teeth gleaming in the overhead light, as he stares into my eyes.

"Hear that, Hunter? Sounds like we might have a use for you after all."

A horror unlike anything I've ever felt seizes me as I fall into darkness.

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