» Science Fiction » Asmyne, Amber Riel [books for 7th graders TXT] 📗

Book online «Asmyne, Amber Riel [books for 7th graders TXT] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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married,” Damen added.

April didn’t know how to react to the news. “But-”

“Sorry you had to find out this way, sis,” Damen told her.

“I need to lie down.” April climbed onto the couch and stretched out, shocked.

The Pain Never Leaves

Wiley sat on the floor, staring up at Asmyne who had been crying. He rested his head in her lap. He felt horrible for her.

Asmyne rested her head on her arms, crying into the sleeves of her lab coat. Her heart felt like it had been ripped to shreds. “It’s my fault,” she finally spoke, after hours of crying. She locked eyes with Wiley. “I did it. I led him into her arms. I wasn’t around like I should have been.”

Wiley lifted up his head. “It’s not your fault, professor. It’s his fault. He’s the one who cheated, not you.”


“No. He knew what he was doing. It’s not your fault. If I could, I’d deck him. You don’t deserve him. You’re way too good for him. You don’t need him in your life.” Wiley smiled, slightly. “You could do a million times better than that jerk. You need some like me.” His smile grew wide. “You should invent a machine that would turn me into a person and I’d take way better care of you then Gimat ever did.” He moved his eyebrows. “It would be better with me.”

A small smile appeared on Asmyne’s face. “I don’t think so.”

Wiley lost his smile. “Why not?”

“Well, for one, I’m pretty that’s on the line of bestiality.”

“But I’d be a person.”

“And two… I’ve raised you from a young cub… you’re practically my baby.”

“Fine… well, you need to get rid of everything belongs to Gimat… unless you want me to tear up everything that belongs to him.”

Asmyne let out a laugh.



Gimat took a step onto a new wooden porch. I hope Asmyne isn’t here, he thought. He opened the door lovely white house. He looked over to the fire place and noticed the burning fire. Crap.

Asmyne walked into the living room and noticed him. “Oh hello, Gi,” she told him swiftly, hiding the anger she felt.

“Asmyne, I’m kicking you out of the house… that way Semi can move in,” he told her.

Asmyne looked over at Gimat and laughed as if it were a joke. “Did I just hear you right?”

Gimat stared at Asmyne. He didn’t know what to expect from her.

“I catch you with another woman and you’re kicking me out?” she asked.

Gimat heard the torment in Asmyne’s laughter. It was a sarcastic, angry laugh whilst she spoke, which he had rarely heard.

“Ten long years… and everything in this house… this house itself is all mine… the only things that had actually belonged to you were your clothes.”

“My clothes? What do you mean belonged?”

Asmyne tilted her head slightly, locking eyes with him. “I thought that it would be nice to have a nice, cozy fire in the fire place. So I took your clothes and placed them in it… and I poured gasoline on them for fuel. I hope you don’t mind.”

“You burnt my clothes?” Gimat asked, rushing over to the long fire place.

“Well, I thought about donating them but I figured you’d go and get them back. So I decided that burning them was a better option.”

“You evil little-”

“You went behind my back with your stupid lab rat!” Asmyne shouted, the anger finally released itself. “Ten long years… I thought that everything between us was fine. What did I do wrong? Was it the fact that I was always at work? Was it because I was barely home? What was it?”

Gimat waited a bit before answering. “You can’t bear children.”

Asmyne held her breath. She felt the left over pieces of her heart break even more.

“I want children, Asmyne. Semi can give me children… you can’t. I don’t want a wife who can’t reproduce.”

“You don’t think I want kids? It’s not my fault.”

“I don’t care.”

Wiley stood in the doorway. He stared at Gimat and growled.

“That stupid mutt doesn’t count as a baby,” Gimat replied. “I want real children.”

Asmyne didn’t know how to respond. The pain was a million times worst.

“Leave, Gimat,” Wiley growled.

Gimat noticed Wiley’s fangs. He looked back at Asmyne. “Fine… I hope you enjoy this big house by yourself… with no husband… no children… just you and that stupid mutt.” He left without another word.

Wiley stopped growling and walked over to Asmyne. He nudged her left hand with his head to get her to pet him. “You’ll find someone better than him. He’s nothing but a big jerk,” he told her.



Present Day

Planet Earth


April was still sitting on the couch. She had listened to the story and was surprised. She hadn’t realized how bad Asmyne had it. She felt horrible for judging Asmyne. “So he cheated on her?” she asked.

“Yep,” Wiley replied.

“Wait a minute. Then that means that her and Damen lied to me about her being… oh my gosh.”

“Yep, it’s quite impossible for her to get pregnant… not only that, she’s too old to actually reproduce anyways. She’s over three million years old.”



Asmyne stood in her laboratory, glaring at the screen. “What do you want, Gi?”

“Well, I wanted to see how you were doing, you still look as young as you did when you destroyed the planet,” he replied.

“Thank you. I wish I could say the same to you.”

“Hi, Asmyne,” another familiar face had appeared on the screen. The half human, half rat creature waved at her.

“Asmyne, you remember Semi,” Gimat said.

“How can I forget? I caught you with her in your office… dumb lab rat.”

Semi eyed Asmyne for the comment. “Yeah well… you’re a… brunette.”

Asmyne raised an eyebrow, looking at Gimat. “Really? Oh wait… that’s right I forgot. When you were looking for someone hotter and younger than me… you were also looking for someone dumber so that way you could have a higher intelligence quotient to boost your ego,” she replied with a sly smile.

Gimat lost his smile and eyed Asmyne. “You won’t be laughing for long. I plan on destroying the earth.”

“You better not.”

“I will and I know how to make it look like it was your fault.” Gimat laughed.

“What?” Asmyne asked, confused.

“Good bye, Asmyne.”

“Wait… what did-?”

The screen went black.




April walked into Asmyne’s room. Everything was in black and white. It was like the color had been drained out of everything. She walked over to Asmyne who stood out in the middle of the desert plane. There were a couple of flat planes in the distance as well which were higher off of the ground. A long train track ran across the desert.

April began talking but no words came out.

A black screen popped up with words on it. It read:


“Why is everything in black and white?”


April touched her mouth, confused. She moved her mouth again. It was like she was mute.

Some more words popped up on the screen:


“My voice? My voice is gone… Aaaahhh! I’m mute! I can’t speak!”


Asmyne laughed, quietly, at April’s confusion.

The screen had another word pop up:




April moved her mouth again.

More words popped up on the screen:


“That’s not funny.”


Asmyne moved her mouth and pointed to the screen.

A few more words appeared:


“Yes it is. See this is the black and white silent movie film world. That screen is what shows us what the other is saying.”


April stared at the screen and then looked at Asmyne. She quickly moved her mouth.

A small word formed on the screen:




April looked around. She couldn’t believe she was actually in a black and white silent world.

Asmyne moved her mouth and a sentence formed on the screen:


“Wiley loves this world.”


April looked at Asmyne and spoke. Another word formed along the screen:




Asmyne spoke again and another sentence formed on the screen:


“Because he’s not missing out on seeing color… the only thing he hates about this world is that it’s too quiet and he loves to talk.”


April moved her mouth again. More words appeared on the screen:


“Oh yeah… because dogs can’t see color. It makes sense.”


Asmyne nodded.

April noticed a small shaped rocket in Asmyne’s hand along with an extremely long wire attached to it and a remote controller with only round grey button. She pointed to it and spoke. A question formed on the screen:


“What’s that for?”


Asmyne looked at the rocket then back at April. She smiled and April had a bad feeling that she was planning something insane. She spoke and a mouthful of words popped up on the screen:


“It’s an explosive. I plan on blowing up the train. I’m going to set the explosive on top of the train track and back away as far as possible. I’ll wait for the train to come and as soon as it drives over the explosive, I’m going to hit this button and… Kaboom! Hahaha… It’s so perfect.”


April’s eyes grew wide and she dropped her mouth. She began jumping and yelling. More words formed on the screen:


“Are you crazy?! You’re going to kill innocent people! Lives are at stake! You’re evil, Asmyne!”


Asmyne glanced over at the screen and then to the frantic April. She began talking and words continued to form on the screen:


“I’m insane. I’m a mad scientist. How many times do I have to tell you that? Besides, no one’s going to get hurt. Believe, me, the train’s on auto pilot and not only that there’s no people in my world of the fifth dimension.”


April stopped shouting and jumping. She stared at Asmyne confused and opened her mouth to talk. A couple of more words formed along the screen:


“Oh… why?”


Asmyne spoke and more words popped up on the screen:


“Because I’m pretty sure that’s on the lines of cloning and I don’t believe in cloning. It’s playing God and bad things happen when a person plays God. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you should watch that movie Splice. It’s a good example about what happens when you try to create life. I believe that only God can create life and take life away.”


April was shocked by Asmyne’s words. She stared at Asmyne for a little while before speaking and more words popped up on the screen:


“You’re a Christian? But you’re not from this planet… I didn’t…”


Asmyne smiled and began talking. Her response popped up on the screen:


“I’m an alien… not an atheist. It’s about time for that train. Go all the way back until you’re out of reach of the explosive. Believe me; you do not want to be caught in this explosion.”


April nodded and ran as far away as she could.

Asmyne walked over to the train track and placed the rocket down.

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