» Science Fiction » Asmyne, Amber Riel [books for 7th graders TXT] 📗

Book online «Asmyne, Amber Riel [books for 7th graders TXT] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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Ice Prison

In a galaxy far away an alien spacecraft sailed through the dark depths of space, passing stars. The space ship was the size of Jupiter and carried over a thousand passengers. The destination was unknown. Inside of the gigantic space shuttle, a humanoid alien scientist had stood in the middle of an arena shaped room. She wore silver chains around her wrist. Her head moved around in order for her to see all of her colleagues-friends, family, co-workers-everyone she knew and more was watching and waiting for her sentence. Some appeared to look human like her. Others had the appearance of animals. The rest were strange species which weren’t heard of on Earth.

She felt their eyes burn into her with anger and hatred… judging. She wasn’t one for being the center of attention but she had no choice. Her own people had turned against her. She finally turned her attention up toward the humanoid that had stood on a high platform from where she stood. She knew him at one time. He was a commander of the military for their planet. She never thought she would have to face him in a horrible situation like the one she was in now.

He had brown skin and fit the role of the commanding chief perfectly. His eyes had shown no sympathy for her. “Professor Asmyne Hylou, how do you plead?” he asked.

“It was an accident,” she answered. Asmyne felt the guilt and wanted to cry but she tried to defend herself the best she could. “It was an accident.”

“That doesn’t answer my question,” the man replied. His voice was stern like a parent who had just caught their child doing something that they knew was wrong.

“I’m sorry…. I didn’t mean too…. It was an accident.”

“How do you plead?” he repeated, this time with anger.

Asmyne looked around at the angry crowd. A loud roar rang through the crowd. They shouted hateful hurtful words which meant death at her. Tears streamed down Asmyne’s cheeks when she looked back toward the man. “Guilty…. But it was an accident.”

“An accident?” the man asked, raising an eyebrow.


“You were working on the experiment and you’re telling me that it was an accident?”

“Yes…. I didn’t mean for it to happen…. I’m innocent.”

“Which is it, professor? Are you guilty? Or are you innocent? Keep in mind you can’t be both.”

“I’m innocent.”

A beautiful black wolf lay down and watched from above. He buried his snout in between his front paws. No, professor, he thought.

“I’m innocent!” he heard Asmyne’s voice echo through the ship.

“Professor Asmyne, you are exiled,” he heard the man’s stern loud voice reply, “for treason against the congregation.”

“No!” the wolf cried with a long loud howl.

“But I’m innocent,” Asmyne answered, locking eyes with the man.

“You are to be frozen and sent to the Milky Way Galaxy on the third planet from the sun known as the earth. You may never return to us again,” the military commander replied.

Asmyne stared at the man, shocked.



The wolf hurried into the ice chambers to say farewell to his dear sweet professor. He knew he’d be next to go but didn’t know how long it would take for the others to realize it if they hadn’t already.

Asmyne sat on a bench. Her hands were still chained together. She was waiting for the worst to happen.

“Professor,” a soft voice spoke.

She looked over with sorrow in her eyes. She stared at the wolf’s black fur then locked eyes with him. “Wiley,” she replied. “They don’t believe me.”

“I know, professor.” Wiley walked over and jumped on top of the bench, next to Asmyne. “They’re going to know that I was there too.”

“Yeah, but you’re not going to get into too much trouble as me. You lack thumbs.”

“Don’t have to rub it in my face, professor.”

The man walked into the small area. “Come, Professor Asmyne. The ice chambers await.”

Wiley looked up at Asmyne with large, droopy, depressed eyes.

Asmyne stood up and followed the commander out of the room. Wiley waited for a moment before he slowly followed behind.



The man stopped at a door. He opened it then removed the chains from Asmyne’s wrist. Asmyne glanced at Wiley and pushed her glasses up a little bit on her nose. She walked into the room. The temperature was below freezing. She shivered whilst she moved into the center of the room. The door shut and she was alone.

Wiley followed the man into another room which wasn’t too far from where Asmyne was. There were a long glass window and controls on the counters. Another alien sat in a chair and waited for his orders. He wasn’t a humanoid or in the form of an animal. His species was unknown with blue skin and yellow spots on his alien hands and an oval shaped head.

“It is time,” the commander told the other alien.

“No, Cycrest,” Wiley pleaded. “The professor is innocent. Let her go.”

“She is guilty and is exiled,” Cycrest replied. “Now….” He turned his attention toward the odd looking creature. “Start the procedure.”

The odd creature nodded and pulled a level then pushed a blue button.

“No,” Wiley cried.



Asmyne felt the temperature drop. She didn’t know if it was already below freezing but she did notice the major chance. “I’m innocent,” she cried. Shock filled her body when water hose began shooting water at her feet. She tried to move but her feet were frozen in ice. “Aaaahhh!” she screamed.

The ice rose around her body trapping her completely. She looked at the window whilst her head was still free. “No!”



Wiley watched helplessly through the window whilst the ice covered Asmyne from toe to head. It’s an ice prison, he thought. He howled.

“You’re going to earth too,” Cycrest told Wiley.

“What?” Wiley asked even though he didn’t need anyone to explain.

“You’re her accomplice.”

Oh no, Wiley thought. “Well then, you’ll have to catch me.” He darted out of the room.

“Send her to earth…. I’m going to get that dumb wolf of hers,” Cycrest ordered.



A block of ice shot out of the ship and at the speed of light hit earth’s atmosphere, crashing into the water at supersonic speed.



Wiley closed his eyes and his body caught on fire when he entered earth’s atmosphere. “Ow!” he howled. He hit the ground with a loud thud. “Ow,” he said again. He slowly stood up and shook the dirt off of his beautiful silky black fur coat. Wow… so this is earth? He thought and looked around the woods of the planet. It kind of reminds me of home.



Over a hundred years had passed on earth and no one knew anything about what had taken place centuries before or the fact that the event was from another galaxy entirely. A young woman with light brown hair which fell past her shoulders relaxed in a lawn chair just outside of her two bedroom apartment.

“April,” a voice spoke cheerfully. She glanced over to see a dirty blonde girl walk over to her. “What’s up?”

“Interviewing people about being my roommate… so far everyone is a no. What about you, Sasha?” April asked.

“I was planning on going swimming but then I remembered its fall… just joking. No; I’ve been walking around all day.”

“Oh. Well, take a break and chill with me. I could use someone to talk to.”

“Sure.” Sasha lay down in another lawn chair.

“I wish I could find a roommate. I hate paying all those lame bills by myself.”

“Yeah… too bad Chelsey had to move out, huh?”

“Yeah, she was cool. She would buy us drinks and gave us fake identification cards so we could sneak into the club before I turned twenty-one… Remember that?” April asked, laughing. “Just joking… but she was cool, though.”




Wiley wondered through the woods, sniffing. A familiar scent which he hadn’t smelled in a while had touched his nose. This way, he thought.



The ice had finally melted and Asmyne’s limbs began to move whilst her body began to get free from the frozen prison. Ice melts and turns back into the water, she thought with joy. “I’m free!” she shouted, moving her arms and hands. “Yes, yes, yes…. I am….” She looked around, confused. “Lost.” I must be in some kind of cave. Oh man… somewhere on earth. I’m going to have to learn my way around this planet, she thought.

The Interview

Asmyne walked out from the mouth of the dark moist cave and into the woods. The sunlight worked its way through the trees. Birds sang sweet beautiful songs for the morning. Now where do I go? She thought. Well, I might as well start walking. She looked up at the sun to try to figure out which way was north but since she was from another planet and another galaxy further away she had no clue to indicate which way was the right way. Even then she didn’t know where civilization began and the woods ended. She was lost no matter how she looked at it but began walking anyways. She looked around and was fascinated by the earth’s beauty.

“Professor!” a voice called.

Before she even had the chance to see who it was, they crashed into the ground with a loud thud. “Wiley, it’s good to see you too but you’re not a cub anymore.”

“Oh. Sorry, professor.” The overgrown mutt maneuvered himself away from Asmyne. “You’ve missed a lot of stuff…. Oh and not to mention…. You sank the Titanic.”

“What?” Asmyne asked, confused.

“Yeah it was this really huge cruise ship and it just so happened that the only iceberg around for miles and miles was your icy prison and well the ship crashed into it…. I’m telling you, professor, it was weird.”

Asmyne sat up, grabbed her small slim glasses, and placed them in a pocket on her long white lab coat. “Well, it sounds like someone’s enjoying himself on this planet. I have to look for a place to live and a job to work….”

“Yeah…. I wouldn’t put down working for the military if I were you ‘cause look where that left us.”

“I wasn’t going to and not only that we have to blend in with the earthlings and that means once we get to civilization you’re going to have to keep that long snout of yours closed.”

Wiley rolled his eyes the way a teenager would after their parents explain obvious rules to them. “Don’t worry, professor, I already know. I have to keep my mouth shut at all times around the earthling humans.”

Asmyne stood up and raised an eyebrow at Wiley. “You know you’re supposed to but are you going to?”

“Here for now on I will keep my mouth shut… starting now.”

Yeah, I doubt that’s going to happen, Asmyne thought with sarcasm. She knew Wiley too well to know how he would act. She began walking and Wiley followed.



April and Sasha were inside of April’s apartment. Sasha sat in the living room whilst April was in the kitchen, washing dishes.

“We need to do something,” Sasha said.

“Like what?” April asked, glancing over her shoulder.

“I don’t know… but we need to find a couple of hot guys… unless you’re hoping that Bryson will randomly come over and say in his sweet,

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