» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/X-Men, Heather Ray [best black authors .txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/X-Men, Heather Ray [best black authors .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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so the six of us went our separate ways. I went back to Florida to prepare for the Olympics right after graduation, and Tommy and I had a fight not long after I left. I was so mad that I didn't talk to him again, 'til about a month later. I sent him a letter, telling him I had met someone..."

"You dumped Tommy?!" cried Billy in disbelief. "You dumped him in a letter?!"

"I didn't really dump him. I think we both understood it was over, I just severed the final link is all. Trevor worked at the gym we practiced in. He also attended the University of Florida. He was one of the two real friends I had in Florida, and our friendship blossomed into something more. After the Olympics, I started studying fashion design in France, where I lived with my mother and step-father. I always kept in touch with Trevor -- he went to Harvard Law. He graduated in the year 2001, and asked for my hand in marriage. We got married in 2002, and now we have a son Anthony. I'm president and CEO of the Hart Fashion Industry, and Trevor is a corporate lawyer. He disappeared in 2007, which is two years ago my time. The rest of the story Nate told you when we first got here."

"How's Tommy?" asked Billy, enthralled by Kim's story. "How'd he take it?"

"I...I don't know. I didn't talk to him again until Zedd and Rita returned in 2006, but Adam once told me he didn't seem the same afterwards. I guess we both spent a lot of time wondering what could have been. We reconciled after we defeated Zedd and Rita and re-activated the Terran Rangers. We're good friends now --"

"I think you've told him enough about his future, Kim," said Nate crossly.

"It doesn't really matter," said Kim, "After all, I'm from an alternate future, one where the Terran Rangers disband. If your Kim doesn't go back to Florida, how will she fall for Trevor anyway? It won't happen."

"So, you, Kat, Tommy, Jason, Aisha, Alexis and Zack are all still active Rangers?" asked Billy. "You and Zack never became X-Rangers? You never passed on your powers to other teenagers?"

"Well, you're almost right," said Kim, "Aisha was never a Terran Ranger. She moved to Africa and became an ethologist. She calls me from time to time, but she never came back to the US, except for a visit every now and then. Adam is the Green Ranger. And I haven't seen Alexis in years. But yes, we're still rangers. Will hasn't figured out a way to transfer the power into people who never had Power Coins. He said that the ownership of a coin biochemically changes the person, making them compatible with the Zeo crystal shards."

"So different, yet so much the same," said Billy quietly. Then, the computer started to beep.

"The scan's done," he said, printing out the information. "You two make yourselves comfortable. I'll be in the Zord hangar. I'll call you if I need you."

With that, Billy hurried out of the main chamber in the CAC while Kim and Nate sat and waited.

"Do you think we'll be able to save Trevor?" asked Kim.

"I honestly don't know," he said. "But we're certainly gonna try."
Chapter Nine

Meanwhile, Zack, Jason, Tommy, Alexis, Katherine, Kimberly, and Aisha sat in the Juice Bar, sipping on various beverages. Usually, they'd be involved in an energetic conversation, or even practicing karate, gymnastics, or weight lifting. Today, however, the seven teens sat in a stony silence.

"Hey guys," called Rocky from the mat. He and Adam had been involved in a heated kata, and didn't notice their best friends walking in. Rocky frowned when no one answered his greeting.

"You okay?" he asked again, strolling over to their table and pulling up a chair beside Alexis. Adam soon joined them, his brow furrowed with worry.

"Did something happen?" he asked in a hushed voice. "Where's Billy?"

"Billy's running some scans in the CAC," whispered Zack.

"Where were you guys?" asked Rocky.

"A monster called Holocaust attacked the plaza," said Alexis. "He escaped."

"So Rita and Zedd are up to their old tricks," said Adam angrily.

"No," said Tommy, "Solar is the one behind it all. We have to wait for him to strike again. I feel so...helpless


Kimberly reached and squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Relax, Tommy. Something will happen soon."

As if on cue, the entire Youth Center started to shake. The nine friends clung desperately to the table in order to not fall down. Suddenly, the shaking stopped, and a huge explosion was heard from outside.

"It came...from the school

!!" cried Jason, leaping to his feet and running outside. The others immediately followed him, and stood in shock in front of the building. The entire entrance was destroyed, along with the majority of the wall along the offices. The teens saw Mr Caplan sitting dumbfounded at his chair, staring at the gaping hole made in his office wall. Adam and Rocky stayed behind as the rangers immediately hid themselves among the rubble.

"It's Morphin Time," cried Zack, crossing his arms, "X-Ranger One!"

"X-Ranger Two!!" cried Kimberly.


yelled Tommy.


cried Aisha.


bellowed Jason.


shouted Katherine.

"Purple Ranger Power!" called Alexis. The seven Power Rangers leaped onto the battle scene, immediately digging though the rubble of their school, searching for survivors. The X-Rangers lifted the bricks and steel beams of the damaged building, the Blue and Green Terran Rangers put out the flames caused by the energy blast, while the Purple, Black, and Red Rangers cautiously helped the people trapped in the rubble. Holocaust watched from the roof of the building, chuckling to himself.

Now is my chance to capture the Red Ranger,

he thought, powering up his arm cannon. Now he is inside the burning building, and the others are too busy to help him.

Holocaust burned a hole in the roof, and stealthily slipped through it into the building. He heard a girl screaming for help, and soon saw the Red Ranger approach.

"Hang on, Angela," said the Red Ranger reassuringly, lifting the piece of ceiling that pinned her to the floor, "I've got ya."

He gingerly lifted Angela off the ground, supporting her with his shoulders. He quickly lead her to the entrance, where Holocaust waited for him, barring his way.

"Greetings, Human," he chuckled. "Missed me?"

The Red Ranger struck a protective stance in front of Angela, who was starting to panic.

"So, you're the one who caused this destruction!" shouted Tommy angrily. "Why? What could you possibly gain by hurting these people?"

"Well, I got you here, didn't I?" scoffed Holocaust, raising his arm cannon. "That's all I wanted."

Holocaust fired a deadly plasma ray at Tommy, who effortlessly dodged it. Angela had taken cover behind a fallen row of lockers, watching mutely as her savior battled the hideous creature towering above him. The Red Ranger continued to dodge Holocaust's best shots, causing the latter to glow with rage.

"You may be agile, Boy, but you're too selfless to avoid me forever!" roared Holocaust, charging his arm cannon for one final strike. Instead of pointing to Tommy, however, Holocaust released the pent up energy in the direction of the girl cowering behind the lockers. Tommy immediately saw the danger and leaped to Angela.

"Duck!" he ordered, leaping in the path of the energy beam. Angela screamed in horror as the hot plasma scorched through the Red Ranger's chest, leaving a patch of tender, bleeding flesh. The Red Ranger grunted slightly as he fell to the ground, losing consciousness. Holocaust roared with laughter and flung the fallen ranger over his shoulder.

"You heroes are all alike!" he roared. "Always too busy protecting the weak to properly protect yourselves!"

With that, Holocaust and the Red Ranger disappeared in a streak of golden light, leaving Angela still cowering behind the lockers. She had witnessed the Red Ranger's heroic deed, and had seen the horrible wound he now bore. Her eyes swelled with tears of guilt until she realized that the creature left her there to die.

"Help!" she cried hoarsely, choking back sobbed. "HELP ME, PLEASE!!"

"Where are you?" she heard a voice from by the stairs call to her. She sighed in relief.

"By the lockers!" she answered, standing up to show herself. She was surrounded by powerful flames, and started to choke on the dense smoke.

"I've got ya, Miss!" said the Black Ranger, grabbing her hand. He lifted her gently into his arms and carried her quickly out of the building. Once he was safely away from the building, he gingerly laid Angela on the ground, giving her room to breathe. By now, the fire trucks and ambulances arrived, and helped the Green and Blue Rangers put out the rest of the flames. The Silver, Gold, and Purple Rangers, along with Rocky and Adam, helped the injured people into ambulances. Two attendants lifted Angela off the charred grass and placed her on a cot. They put on an oxygen mask and started to cart her towards the ambulance.

"Hey," said the Black Ranger. "Where's the Red Ranger?"

Upon hearing the question, Angela immediately pulled the mask off her face and cried out, getting the rangers' attention.

"The creature with the red skull grabbed him!" she coughed. The Power Rangers and Rocky and Adam all stopped what they were doing and ran to her, who was trying desperately to stop coughing.

"What do you mean?" asked the Gold Ranger gently.

"He was trying to save me...and the monster shot a blast at me...Red Ranger blocked the plasma...he's hurt badly and unconscious...the monster grabbed him and --"

Angela fell into a fit of coughs and the attendants immediately placed the mask back over her mouth. The Power Rangers stood back as the attendants carted Angela into the ambulance.

"Holocaust took Tommy," whispered Alexis. "But why?"

"We should get to the CAC," said Zack, "and fast!"

"What's going on here?" asked Rocky in exasperation.

"It would take too long to explain," answered Aisha.

"Do you guys need our help?" asked Adam, "I don't think there's much we can do here."

"We'll keep ya posted," said Jason. "All clear?"

The Power Rangers took a quick scan around the area to make sure the situation was under control. The six rangers looked at each other, and in silent agreement, they disappeared in six streaks of colored light.

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