» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Ten

On the southern continent of the planet Midgar was Mideel, a town famous for having the most experienced and skilled doctors on the planet. Most believe it was the spring of Mako energy flowing just beneath the town that added to the quick healing of injured patients, because Mako in its purest form could cure any injury. The energy that saturated the area kept the residents healthy and happy, until recently, when a huge monster called Ultimate Weapon attacked the town.

By firing massive amounts of energy weapons on the town, Weapon managed to tap the springs of Mako. The town was completely submerged as the weak sediment bed separating the surface from the underground lake crumbled. Mideel sank into a lake of boiling hot Mako energy, which is healthy in small doses, but deadly in large. The proud town was reduced to nearly nothing, and many townspeople died. But those who survived were intent on rebuilding their homes, and so they did on the island of land in the center of the boiling spring of the Lifestream.

Chapter Eleven

Sitting on the grass on a raised piece of land, looking down over the lake of green, was a young man. His legs dangled off the side, and his hands were clasped tightly in his lap, as if he was praying to some deity. The gentle breeze weaved through his unruly blonde locks, and his sky blue eyes, which shone with the inner energy of Mako energy that coursed through his veins, were focused on the brilliant green spring beneath him.

The Lifestream was as beautiful as it was powerful. It was like emerald lava, bubbling and steaming in contact with the cooler air of the surface, flowing as a thick liquid in a protective ring around the remnant of the town. As he stared into the Lifestream, an ironic smile crossed his face. The energy that flowed beneath him, tumbling around the earth in its most wild, untamed form, had taken so much away from him, yet it had given him so much as well.

Cloud Strife was a man shrouded in mystery. It wasn't because he doesn't like being open and honest with his friends, either. In fact, he was a mystery to himself. He had relatively clear memories of his life early on, but then they became occluded. He didn't know what happened to him after the day that he decided to leave his hometown of Nibelheim to join the elite fighting force of SOLDIER

. He didn't remember the experiments the Shinra corporation put him through, changing him on a molecular level by pumping forms of Mako energy into his body. That energy made him stronger physically, but it tore the delicate fabric of his mind. His memories were foggy, his intentions weren't clear to himself, and worst of all, his loyalties were questionable.

Somehow, Sephiroth had controlled him. He actually commanded his body, like a puppeteer would its toy. Cloud couldn't stop himself from obeying Sephiroth, and giving him the fabled Black Materia, the only source mighty enough to cast the dreaded spell of Meteor. It was Cloud's fault that Sephiroth was so close to destroying the planet. It was Cloud's fault that the Meteor speedily approached the planet, threatening the very survival of all life.

Cloud swallowed hard as he recalled what happened in the Northern Cave weeks ago. He gave Sephiroth the means to destroy the planet, and that outlash of power caused an eruption of the Lifestream in that location. Instead of fleeing the site with his friends, he let himself fall into the burning green liquid. He didn't feel he deserved anything better. No one should be able to survive being immersed in the raw Lifestream. It was believed that only the spirits of the dead could exist there. But he somehow survived. The Lifestream carried him all the way from the Northern Cave to the southern continent, where he was fortunate enough to be found by the famed doctors of Mideel. They diagnosed him with extreme Mako poisoning, which included near total paralysis. He was a shattered glass doll, a puppet with its strings cut.

But then, a tragic miracle happened. After his friends found him, the Ultimate Weapon struck. That led to him being once again plunged into the Lifestream, this time with Tifa by his side. Tifa was trying desperately to bring his broken body to safety, but the ground collapsed beneath them both. Together, they plummeted into the Lifestream, and into something of a dreamscape. That dreamscape was some form of representation of his own mind.

With Tifa's help, Cloud managed to piece his mind back together. Long suppressed memories of his lifetime surfaced, and his tormented soul was partially mended. The final result was the survival of both Cloud and Tifa, who eventually washed to shore on the destroyed Mideel. Cloud's confidence in himself rose as he learned just how Sephiroth was able to control him -- through the power he possessed from having the blood of an Ancient, which gave him control over Mako energy, including the Mako in Cloud's body. But while it made Cloud feel somewhat better that he hadn't willingly given in to Sephiroth, the question still remained. Would he be able to deny Sephiroth's will when the final confrontation came?

That is what drew him back to Mideel, back to the fountain of the Lifestream. Their quest was almost at an end. They had already collected the Huge Materia, which would be used to discern the secret to the power of Meteor, and how to stop it. They only had a few more days before the meteor actually hit the planet anyway. Like it or not, the final confrontation was near. And as Cloud stared into the green liquid, he prayed that he would have the answers he sought. Could he stand up against Sephiroth? Was his hatred towards him merely that, or does that make him weak? Could he even beat Sephiroth? Were his friends better off going alone? Was he even to be trusted?

He implored the Lifestream for more answers. The thought crossed his mind to dive into the Lifestream, and let it heal his fractured mind. Let it answer his questions. But although at times it did help his mind, it also is the source of the energy that fractured it in the first place. It was a blessing and a curse. A strange, mysterious paradox flowed in its boiling liquids, and it was a paradox he so longed to solve.

Cloud didn't look up, but he sensed her presence. He could feel her tawny gaze on his back. Although it was slightly uncomfortable to be so carefully watched, it also soothed him. He always knew that, no matter how much he doubted himself, she never would. She was always there to support him, to watch his back. She was the dearest of friends.

Tifa Lockheart came forward, and sat down on the grass beside Cloud. She followed his gaze to the boiling green, and a shudder passed through her. It was still so clear in her mind when the two of them plummeted into the emerald unknown, unsure if they would ever see the light of day. Her fear was immeasurable at first, but then she found Cloud. The real Cloud... the missing part of him that he had been searching for. And together, they found what the Lifestream wanted them to find. And together, hand in hand, they rose to the surface. Together they were strong. Together, they were invincible.

As she gazed into the green, another thought came to her mind. The magnificent, shining green was truly a color of majesty...of power, yet of gentleness. It was the exact same color of Aeris' eyes. It was as if Aeris was watching them in some way, even though she was now dead.

Tifa glanced at Cloud once again. She wondered what he was looking for in that stream of power. Did he too see Aeris' eyes in that pool? Was that why he wanted to come to Mideel to get supplies, instead of simply purchasing supplies from Cosmo Canyon, which was their destination anyway? For some reason, it disquieted her to think that now, so long after the death of their mutual comrade at Sephiroth's own hand, Cloud may still gain strength from her. That only assured Tifa of one sad thought -- Cloud Strife was indeed in love with Aeris Gainsborough. The notion grasped her heart like a cold vice, which was reflected onto her face in the form of a stony expression.

"Cloud," Tifa said finally, "I've got all the supplies we need. Maybe we should get going? The others are probably getting restless on the Highwind."

Cloud blinked, and nodded slowly. "You're right," he said, breathing out. "There's nothing left to find here. Let's go see Bugenhagen, and get this quest over with."

Tifa and Cloud then rose to their feet, and mutually straightened their attire. Cloud bent over, and lifted the massive blade known as the Ultima Weapon. The bright light from the Mako lake reflected off its translucent blue and white edge, and traveled along the length of it as Cloud spun it around and strapped it on his back. After taking one final glance at the well of green, he locked eyes with Tifa, another thought crossing his mind.

"Have you seen Yuffie?"

Chapter Twelve

After a good fifteen minutes, Zack, Billy, and Yuffie continued their trek through the monster-infested forest surrounding Mideel. It didn't take long for Zack and Billy to fall behind their guide, as they curiously observed the alien forest they traveled through.

"I think we're getting close," Billy said, looking up at the faint swirls of Mako vapor in the air. "There's more Mako energy in the air."

"Great!" Zack gasped excitedly. "Hang on Aisha, we've almost got it!"

Billy glanced at Zack, and noticed the Silver Ranger was out of breath. "Are you okay?"


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