» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/Spiderman Volume 4:, Heather Ray [well read books .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/Spiderman Volume 4:, Heather Ray [well read books .TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Fifteen

Atop an apartment building near the University of Pennsylvania campus, Spiderman waited rather impatiently, holding the remaining tube of Conners' antidote in one hand, and his computerized tracer in the other. He watched the screen intently, following the small red dot. Spiderman grimaced.

He's close,

he thought, glancing down at the city below him. He's about a quarter of a mile northeast from here. Purple Ranger better hurry up!

Just then, the Purple Ranger flew onto the roof of the building, holding what looked like a silver and purple watch in her hand.

"Sorry it took me so long," she said, "but I couldn't find my communicator. I haven't used it since I left Calfornia, and that was months ago."

"What will that do?" Spiderman asked.

"Instead of getting a glass test tube from somewhere, I'm going to ask my mentor to give us a better one."

"How long will that take?"

"Not long at all," she answered, turning on the communicator. "Zordon? This is the Purple Ranger. Do you read me?"

After a few moments of silence, there was an answer at the other end.


"I'm doing fine, but my friend and I need some help. Could you possibly teleport two unbreakable test tubes to my coordinates? Its an emergency."


Seconds later, two new crystal test tubes appeared in the Purple Ranger's hand.

"Thanks, Zordon."


Alexis thought about if for a moment. "Nah, I think we can handle it. Thanks for the offer, though. Goodbye."


Alexis turned off the communicator, and it vanished from her hands.

"Let me guess," Spiderman said. "You stored it in that pocket dimension of yours."

"For now, at least," she answered, handing him one of the tubes. "Will this do?"

Spiderman took the tube, and examined it carefully. He then tapped it with his fingertips. "What are these made of?" he asked her. "They don't seem different from normal glass."

"Glass is too fragile. I think its some kind of alien crystal that's much more shatter-resistent. Hopefully, they won't break."

Spiderman nodded, and poured about half the contents of his vial into one crystal tube. Then he sealed it, and poured the remaining potion into the other tube. Then, he sealed the second one, and placed it into his belt. Alexis took the other tube, and stored it in her pocket dimension.

"So what do we do next?" Alexis asked as Spiderman picked up his small computer.

"We go hunting," he answered, watching the sun slowly dip below the horizon. .

Chapter Sixteen

It was early Saturday evening in Philadelphia, and many of the UPenn students walked in groups to one of the many restaurants on or near campus for dinner. In the heart of the campus was Locust Walk, a walkway lined with trees still decorated with Christmas lights, class buildings, libraries, and fraternity and sorority houses. As the unwary students walked along, talking about various topics, none were aware of the creature hiding within a patch of bushes along the side of the Annenberg Center, only yards away from the Walk. That creature was about six and a half feet tall, with a powerful tail, rather sharp claws and fangs, and pale green skin. The creature sniffed about the air, and grinned slightly when it chose its prey -- a rather large, athletic looking student. But before the creature could pounce, something forced him back. It was his conscience.

I...I can't do it!

he thought, I can't kill him! But I am a hunter and he is my prey. I must kill him to ensure my survival. But I just can't...

Before the Lizard could think anymore about it, twin vines of sticky white material wrapped around his arms and torso, pulling him out off the bushes. Lizard looked up, and saw Spiderman crouched on the wall above, still holding the webs with his hands. Spiderman began swaying the Lizard back and forth, until the latter was swinging like a pendulum. Once enough momentum was built, Spiderman let go, sending the Lizard flying onto the tiled floor of the courtyard of Annenberg Center. The Lizard skidded along ground, still slippery from the snow that fell the previous night, and crashed into a wooden bench, reducing it to splinters. Spiderman somersaulted into the air, and landed gracefully on the snow, his hands planted on his hips. Beside him, the Purple Ranger slowly descended to the ground.

"You're not feeding on anyone tonight, Lizard," Spiderman said authoritatively.

"Not on our watch," Alexis added.

The Lizard grumbled as he rose to his feet cautiously. His claws dug into the snow, grabbing the ground beneath securely. Alexis studied the form of her opponent curiously.

"Does he look shorter to you, or is it just the lighting?" she asked Spiderman.

"He is shorter," Spiderman noted, "by at least half a foot. And his skin is paler, and it looks like his reptilian speed and agility have been weakened as well. The potion we gave him has reversed some of the lizard transformation, but its not done yet. He's still more 'Lizard' than he is 'Kurt Conners'

. Hopefully another dose of the antidote will fix that. Did you make sure the arena's secure?"

"Yeah," Alexis answered. "A few tree trunks are separating the courtyard from Locust Walk. Students will hear what's happening, but they won't see anything. And they won't be able to get in the way."

"Good," Spiderman said. "You hold Lizard down, and I'll administer my vial. If that still isn't enough, then I'll hold him, while you give him the rest. Hopefully, that'll be enough to completely reverse the transformation."

"What if it's not?" asked Alexis.

"It had better be," Spiderman replied, leaping into the air. Lizard saw Spiderman flying towards him, and he swung his tail around. Spiderman collided with the tail, and crashed into a snow bank along the side of the courtyard.

"Home run," Lizard rumbled with laughter. "Lizard one, superheroes zero."

"And now the Purple Ranger's at the mound!" Alexis cried, holding her palms about six inches apart. Sparks of faint purple energy streamed from her inclined fingertips into a focal point between her hands, and it built until it formed a ball of swirling purple energy. Alexis then pulled her hands to her side, and slowly brought the heels of her hands together. She then trust her hands out at Lizard, sending the sphere of energy flying through the crisp night air. The energy streaked at Lizard too quickly for him to respond. It struck him in the abdomen, exploding on contact. The Lizard was thrown forcefully into the side of the building, striking his head. He slumped to the ground, his reptilian eyes shut tight.

"You're out!" Alexis cried, running to where Spiderman had landed. He was sitting up, painfully rubbing his chest, where the Lizard's tail had hit him.

"I'm fine," Spiderman said before Alexis could even ask. "Where's the Lizard?"

Alexis pointed to the Lizard, who was already regaining consciousness. Spiderman rose to his feet, and the two heroes bounded towards their fallen opponent before he could recover completely. Spiderman wrapped him in webbing en route, and once he reached the Lizard, he already had the test tube open. This time, the Purple Ranger held his mouth open, and Spiderman poured the entire contents of the vial into his mouth. The Lizard's eyes opened wide, and suddenly the green reptilian eyes took on a more human look, with the green turning white and a circle of brown surrounding the pupils. The Lizard roared in pain as his tail slowly receeded, as did his claws and snout. Spiderman and the Purple Ranger both stepped back, watching quietly as the Lizard returned to his human form. Alexis watched with mute awe as Doctor Conners collapsed onto the snow beneath him, breathing heavily and sweat soaking the torn remains of his outfit. Spiderman quickly lifted his head from the snow gently.

"Are you okay, Doc?" he asked.

"Spiderman?" Conners whispered hoarsely, "I'm so sorry... but I couldn't control the Lizard. He was even stronger this time..."

"Don't worry about it," said Alexis, leaning over into Conners' field of vision, "it wasn't your fault. Fortunately, the Lizard didn't do anything drastic. You're going to be okay."

"Who are you?" Conners asked the unfamiliar heroine.

"I'm the Purple Ranger," she answered, "Philadelphia's protectress. Pleased to meet you."

Conners smiled at both heroes. "Thank you so much," he whispered, before passing out.

"Will he be okay?" Alexis asked, as Spiderman lifted the unconscious doctor off the snow.

"He's just exhausted," Spiderman replied. "We need to get him out of the cold. We also need to come up with a cover story."

"That's true," said Alexis. "Everyone knows Conners was mysteriously kidnapped. What do we say?"

"It's up to you," Spiderman answered. "Maybe your alien enemy kidnapped him for some reason. But make sure to keep Spiderman out of it."

"Why?" she asked, startled.

"Because Spiderman is a New York hero. I came here to keep an eye on Doc Conners, but no one else knows he's the Lizard. If I mysteriously appear in Philly, people will be asking questions."

"That makes sense," said Alexis, "I guess I'll take him to his hotel."

"Good idea," Spiderman agreed, placing Conners in the Purple Ranger's arms, "but try to keep away from the press. They'll probably ask you a lot of annoying questions. Maybe you can go tell your story to Conners' assistants. I think their names are Peter Parker and Deborah Whitman. They'll convey what you said to the reporters, but you'll be safe from that media insanity."

"You really know how to deal with the press," Alexis marveled.

Spiderman shrugged. "It comes with the territory," he responded, pointing his web shooter at the top of Annenberg Center. "Thanks for all your help, Purple Ranger. I couldn't have done it without you."

Alexis beamed behind her helmet, "Thanks. Do you need a lift to New York? I can take you in the Eaglezord."

"Nah. I can get back on my own.

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