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Genre Science Fiction. Page - 25

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one day the was three children each called bob, Ellie and mike and they all went to the libary one day to play happppppy wheeeeels the best game in the world so of they went to the library when they got there there was only three computers left lucky for them there was only three of them anyways................ read on to find out what happened when they get into the library and play happppppppy wheeeeeeeels.

Peter Kendrick is a Chemical Engineer who was in the army for eight years. He is transported back to the late sixteenth century, forty years before the Mayflower arives. Peter must gain the trust of a cheiftan from one of the tribes on the east coast or the Native Americans will kill him.

After a number of disagreements with the leader of the rebellion, Jafarr is left behind during a supply raid. And while on duty monitoring People's Military communications, he alone discovers a code identifying the raiding party--and marking them for annihilation.

It is not easy growing up in a miliary school orphanage. Harder still if you are a Tarrn. And like in all schools, bullying is a problem. Children are, after all, the most vicious toward one another--especially when the teacher is not looking.

The city is under attack from unseen forces. It is up to a group of teenage superheroes to fight for the weak as they try to figure out their newly acquired abilities.

Jun, the son of the serial killer who had tragic life, got the laptop as heritage from his dead father.

This book is a reimagining of Robocop combined with fan fiction. This book is for people who like science fiction and fantasy. Enjoy the book if you read it!

Zormna is snagged along by her friends to watch a Pronuk match in the Surface Gate. But while in there, she is sure she has spotted the guy she had nabbed trying to steal Surface Patrol property weeks ago... and who had escaped under the People's Military's custody.

This is Hiroki Minako, my firstcharacter.

This is the story of an energetic young girl who although has lost her family and home she still manages to find hope in her new found home.