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Kingdom of a thousand™ the first sci-fi epos. Invention of sci-fi. Kingdom of a thousand characters, names, places, technologies & indicia are absolute © & ™ Eftos Ent. All rights reserved. It remains a mystery why the kingdom of a thousand is here. If Eftos would be before it all the first page would remain empty. Where are the neighbours? There will never be a single letter more. He wrote it: the kingdom of a thousand!

I know almost nothing. I have parents. They are only mysterious figures now, though. I have a name. It is Gracie. I am only a child. I am very valuable. On April 6th 2219 I was taken. On July 27 I made my first escape. On December 2nd They started taking away my food for a day anytime escaped. I have been here for a year. Everytime I make a break for it They drug me and relocate me. I am not scared I just know that I have to get out or something really, really bad will happen.

For Doctor Paul Hatford, life is coming to its ultimate conclusion. Having been a highly skilled neurosurgeon and a brilliant university professor, the time to retire has finally arrived. But something arises that delays his plans. One of the most generous yet mysterious benefactors to the university wants to meet him. When he does, the benefactor invites Jeffrey to join his private medical research team. The research, however, proves to be something quite different than what he has been led to

Commander Lemuel Gulliver XVI returns from a 25 year tour of the solar system looking for homes of the overpopulated Earth. He meets a TV commentator and explains the problems of overpopulation and some solutions--and how he will attempt to convince Earthlings to do something abut the peril of overpopulation.