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This book is the translation of my german storie "Rückwirkend" wrote 2007. This year it published in a US Web-Magazin LQQK Magzine. In a ner future, a man stand by a court because his mother will let him kill ...

A psycho scientist genetically engineers a group of teens, then let's them out, into a dying world.

Kyva and Dia, twins born at the dawn of a terrible dark age for their people, find themselves having to flee their home world. Desperate to be safe, fearful of what the authorities will do to them if they stay, they not only leave the planet, but escape through a wormhole to a virtually unexplored sector of the universe. When they find a planet that will support life, something goes wrong. Their ship loses control and they crash into a forest. They survive the violent landing, only to discover

This is a book that my younger brother William created in his 8th grade year. I was so proud of him for it that I surprised him by posting and publishing it on here. Hope you all like it!

Earth is like a vivariam and as the animals and plants are under scientific observation, some people are abducted and kept in their labs for observation. The ecosystem for the growth of plants and animals is absolutely observed.

In the not too far distant future there is a populace of people with a new sort of dis-function: a disconnection with their soul. For 12 hours of the day, to the millisecond, each person with this issue is stuck in the dream-world/dimension in which they were dreaming during some traumatizing event that took place to or near a person. The story will follow a girl through both lives, and the struggle of living two separate lives, while getting treatment for one life in the other. It takes a

The adventures humanoid boy and girl in a world where the force of will can influence reality in a very dramitic way. Early draft-first chapter. cover art WIP by me as well.

A town suddenly falls into the grips of a psychological virus, causing the residents to re-live their darkest moments. Can the town survive this outbreak?