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Ben and Joey are among the chosen. They seek to defeat darkness, protecting the world from its infectious evil. They are chasers, the children of angels and the warriors of light, and they are itching for a fight. THE WAREHOUSE: Ben and Joey are called to an abandoned warehouse where shades, one of evil's many consorts, are presumed to be reeking havoc. They must find and destroy them, no matter the cost. What they find lurking scares them so badly, they aren't sure if it was actually real.

A movement has begun among the rabble of programmers who are sick with the way the world of 2053 is. Lionel Yoshoga, a leader of a local band, committed a felony that has earned him the death penalty. His clock is ticking...

the second to my tears of blood series. Its as if the fight at the end of the first book never happened. i hope u like it! i spent a long time on this!!! please comment!

As Tahkshi and his Enforcers investigate The Other's mythical claims, a shadowy figure stalks the planetary Musun with a sinister objective. A shadowy figure known as Cinradahs...

Yotiro Hayama is a hunter. He has to capture and kill "them". Who are "them"? you ask. Well, they're a different species than the normal people. Yotiro was trained by a man in the shadows and is ordered to kill. Read to know more.

It remains a mystery why the kingdom of a thousand is here. If Eftos would be before it all the first page would remain empty. Where are the neighbours? There will never be a single letter more. Eftos owns the kingdom of a thousand!

Patterson is sleeping. Deep REM. The loop plays itself again, over and over and over. Something different this time, however. An oddity. A foreshadowing...