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The planet Earth is under attack by a race of belligerent energy vampires known and feared as the Denebian Empire. This species is adept in dangerous black magic, and have managed to conquer or destroy a good portion of our galaxy. What chance does a small, relatively primitive planet such as Earth have against such a formidible foe? The fate of mankind rests in the hands of the Spectrum Force. Acheron puts his master plan into action.

Simon's first taste of power came when he saved her life. How far will he go to protect her? And how far will she go to save him? They both have secrets, but sharing them may be dangerous for both...

The planet Earth is under attack by a race of belligerent energy vampires known and feared as the Denebian Empire. This species is adept in dangerous black magic, and have managed to conquer or destroy a good portion of our galaxy. What chance does a small, relatively primitive planet such as Earth have against such a formidible foe? The fate of mankind rests in the hands of the Spectrum Force. Keith is back in Austin, but he takes the memories with him.

A classic "space cowboy" short story about a man with a "can do" attitude.

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are powerless and it's up to a new power to be passed unto them. In steps the Terran Rangers! Let a new adventure begin! Two Rangers are trapped in a hellish alternate reality, and another is critically injured.

a group of six hybrids are on the run from a govorment secret centerd around them.

****i have an other chapter*****Sarcastic Ashely White is a siren. Yes, the one that make boys fall in love with her, the only diffrence is that she is also one of the partners of light, who are destined to save the world from monsters ploting to take over the world. She is also part of the siren group. A group of 4 girls who help people fall in love and who also recruit new siren. And this feeling,the feeling that she hasn't felt since he was in her life, have suddenly come back, And she

Two eighteen year olds named Jessie and Mason end up doing a school project together of a man who predicted disasters that were going to happen. But when they find out that one of the dates was in exactally a month, they learn that they have to tell the world even though the world might not take it the right way.

In a clinic, with an unknown disease, a group of kids try to make the best of life. Meanwhile, the outside world is changing.

A new vacation destination is discovered - under the Pacific Ocean! This story began as a dream, but a vivid one that deserved to be written down.