» Science » Diary writing contest entry!, Jeffrey Smoalne [book recommendations website txt] 📗

Book online «Diary writing contest entry!, Jeffrey Smoalne [book recommendations website txt] 📗». Author Jeffrey Smoalne

Thursday, March 17th, 2011:
today is st. patrick's day ! hurray for green beer and shenanagans!
I am not doing anything this evening personally, at least not at the moment but something may come up later. I like to leave my social calendar open usually.
I was pondering the current scenario of social worth this morning. A friend of mine, whom I like to hang out with once in a while only had come over and needed a ride back to his house later. He actually could only come out on condition of me being able to take him back home, to which i reluctantly agreed. My motivation for spending time socially with this fellow is limited by my general mood and level of patience. Reflecting on this made me think about my social time, or rather, leisure time activities. What do i usually spend time doing and with whom do i spend my time usually? Why do i selectively decide who to hang out with and what criteria do I base that judgement on ?
I have started to think of my free time as a commodity and have gotten fairly choosy about who i spend my time with. this decision is tempered by how I feel about them overall at the time (ie: whether i'm annoyed with them or whatever) their general demeanor and what activity we are planning to do together. Some people just have the good fortune of being often sought out company and others don't. The qualities that set these 2 groups apart eludes me though.


Publication Date: 03-17-2011

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