» Science » The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection (6th ed), Charles Darwin [the beginning after the end read novel .TXT] 📗

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>—electric organs of

—of southern hemisphere

Flight, powers of, how acquired

Flint-tools, proving antiquity of man

Flower, Prof., on the larynx

—on Halitherium

—on the resemblance between the jaws of the dog and Thylacinus —on the homology of the feet of certain marsupials Flowers, structure of

—in relation to crossing

—of composite and umbelliferae

—beauty of


Flysch formation, destitute of organic remains Forbes, Mr. D., on glacial action in the Andes Forbes, E., on colours of shells

—on abrupt range of shells in depth

—on poorness of palaeontological collections —on continuous succession of genera

—on continental extensions

—on distribution during Glacial period

—on parallelism in time and space

Forests, changes in, in America

Formation, Devonian



—thickness of, in Britain




—flava, neuter of

Forms, lowly organised, long enduring

Frena, ovigerous, of cirripedes

Fresh-water productions, dispersal of

Fries on species in large genera being closely allied to other species Frigate-bird

Frogs on islands

Fruit-trees, gradual improvement of

—in United States

—varieties of, acclimatised in United States Fuci, crossed

Fur, thicker in cold climates


Galapagos Archipelago, birds of

—productions of

Galaxias, its wide range


Game, increase of, checked by vermin

Gartner on sterility of hybrids

—on reciprocal crosses

—on crossed maize and verbascum

—on comparison of hybrids and mongrels

Gaudry, Prof., on intermediate genera of fossil mammals in Attica Geese, fertility when crossed


Geikie, Mr., on subaerial denudation

Genealogy, important in classification

Generations, alternate

Geoffroy St. Hilaire, on balancement

—on homologous organs

Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Isidore, on variability of repeated parts —on correlation, in monstrosities

—on correlation

—on variable parts being often monstrous Geographical distribution

Geography, ancient

Geology, future progress of

—imperfection of the record

Gervais, Prof., on Typotherium

Giraffe, tail of

—structure of

Glacial period

—affecting the North and South

Glands, mammary

Gmelin, on distribution

Godwin-Austin, Mr., on the Malay Archipelago Goethe, on compensation of growth


Gooseberry, grafts of

Gould, Dr. Aug. A., on land-shells

Gould, Mr., on colours of birds

—on instincts of cuckoo

—on distribution of genera of birds

Gourds, crossed

Graba, on the Uria lacrymans

Grafting, capacity of

Granite, areas of denuded

Grasses, varieties of

Gray, Dr. Asa, on the variability of oaks —on man not causing variability

—on sexes of the holly

—on trees of the United States

—on naturalised plants in the United States —on aestivation

—on rarity of intermediate varieties

—on Alpine plants

Gray, Dr. J.E., on striped mule


Grimm, on asexual reproduction

Groups, aberrant

Grouse, colours of

—red, a doubtful species

Growth, compensation of

Gunther, Dr., on flat-fish

—on prehensile tails

—on the fishes of Panama

—on the range of fresh-water fishes

—on the limbs of Lepidosiren

Haast, Dr., on glaciers of New Zealand

Habit, effect of, under domestication

—effect of, under nature

—diversified, of same species

Hackel, Prof., on classification and the lines of descent Hair and teeth, correlated


Harcourt, Mr. E.V., on the birds of Madeira Hartung, M., on boulders in the Azores


Hearne, on habits of bears

Heath, changes in vegetation

Hector, Dr., on glaciers of New Zealand

Heer, Oswald, on ancient cultivated plants —on plants of Madeira


Helix pomatia, resisting salt water

Helmholtz, M., on the imperfection of the human eye Helosciadium

Hemionus, striped

Hensen, Dr., on the eyes of Cephalopods

Herbert, W., on struggle for existence

—on sterility of hybrids

Hermaphrodites crossing

Heron eating seed

Heron, Sir R., on peacocks

Heusinger, on white animals poisoned by certain plants Hewitt, Mr., on sterility of first crosses Hildebrand, Prof., on the self-sterility of Corydalis Hilgendorf, on intermediate varieties

Himalaya, glaciers of

—plants of



Hofmeister, Prof., on the movements of plants Holly-trees, sexes of

Hooker, Dr., on trees of New Zealand

—on acclimatisation of Himalayan trees

—on flowers of umbelliferae

—on the position of ovules

—on glaciers of Himalaya

—on algae of New Zealand

—on vegetation at the base of the Himalaya —on plants of Tierra del Fuego

—on Australian plants

—on relations of flora of America

—on flora of the Antarctic lands

—on the plants of the Galapagos

—on glaciers of the Lebanon

—on man not causing variability

—on plants of mountains of Fernando Po

Hooks on palms

—on seeds, on islands

Hopkins, Mr., on denudation

Hornbill, remarkable instinct of

Horns, rudimentary

Horse, fossil in La Plata

—proportions of, when young

Horses destroyed by flies in Paraguay


Horticulturists, selection applied by

Huber on cells of bees

Huber, P., on reason blended with instinct —on habitual nature of instincts

—on slave-making ants

—on Melipona domestica

Hudson, Mr., on the Ground-woodpecker of La Plata —on the Molothrus

Humble-bees, cells of

Hunter, J., on secondary sexual characters Hutton, Captain, on crossed geese

Huxley, Prof., on structure of hermaphrodites —on the affinities of the Sirenia

—on forms connecting birds and reptiles —on homologous organs

—on the development of aphis

Hybrids and mongrels compared


Hydra, structure of

Hymenoptera, fighting

Hymenopterous insect, diving



Icebergs transporting seeds

Increase, rate of

Individuals, numbers favourable to selection —many, whether simultaneously created

Inheritance, laws of

—at corresponding ages

Insects, colour of, fitted for their stations —sea-side, colours of

—blind, in caves


—their resemblance to certain objects


Instinct, not varying simultaneously with structure Instincts, domestic

Intercrossing, advantages of

Islands, oceanic

Isolation favourable to selection

Japan, productions of

Java, plants of

Jones, Mr. J.M., on the birds of Bermuda Jordain, M., on the eye-spots of star fishes Jukes, Prof., on subaerial denudation

Jussieu on classification

Kentucky, caves of

Kerguelen-land, flora of

Kidney-bean, acclimatisation of

Kidneys of birds

Kirby, on tarsi deficient in beetles

Knight, Andrew, on cause of variation

Kolreuter, on intercrossing

—on the barberry

—on sterility of hybrids

—on reciprocal crosses

—on crossed varieties of nicotiana

—on crossing male and hermaphrodite flowers Lamarck, on adaptive characters

Lancelet, eyes of

Landois, on the development of the wings of insects Land-shells, distribution of

—of Madeira, naturalised

—resisting salt water

Languages, classification of

Lankester, Mr. E. Ray, on longevity

—on homologies

Lapse, great, of time


Laurel, nectar secreted by the leaves

Laurentian formation

Laws of variation

Leech, varieties of

Leguminosae, nectar secreted by glands

Leibnitz, attack on Newton

Lepidosiren, limbs in a nascent condition Lewes, Mr. G.H., on species not having changed in Egypt —on the Salamandra atra

—on many forms of life having been at first evolved Life, struggle for

Lingula, Silurian

Linnaeus, aphorism of

Lion, mane of

—young of, striped

Lobelia fulgens

Lobelia, sterility of crosses

Lockwood, Mr., on the ova of the Hippocampus Locusts transporting seeds

Logan, Sir W., on Laurentian formation

Lowe, Rev. R.T., on locusts visiting Madeira Lowness, of structure connected with variability —related to wide distribution

Lubbock, Sir J., on the nerves of coccus —on secondary sexual characters

—on a diving hymenopterous insect

—on affinities

—on metamorphoses

Lucas, Dr. P., on inheritance

—on resemblance of child to parent

Lund and Clausen, on fossils of Brazil

Lyell, Sir C., on the struggle for existence —on modern changes of the earth

—on terrestrial animals not having been developed on islands —on a carboniferous land-shell

—on strata beneath Silurian system

—on the imperfection of the geological record —on the appearance of species

—on Barrande’s colonies

—on tertiary formations of Europe and North America —on parallelism of tertiary formations

—on transport of seeds by icebergs

—on great alternations of climate

—on the distribution of fresh-water shells —on land-shells of Madeira

Lyell and Dawson, on fossilized trees in Nova Scotia Lythrum salicaria, trimorphic

Macleay, on analogical characters


McDonnell, Dr., on electric organs

Madeira, plants of

—beetles of, wingless

—fossil land-shells of

—birds of

Magpie tame in Norway

Males, fighting

Maize, crossed

Malay Archipelago, compared with Europe

—mammals of

Malm, on flat-fish

Malpighiaceae, small imperfect flowers of Mammae, their development


Mammals, fossil, in secondary formation


Man, origin of

Manatee, rudimentary nails of

Marsupials, fossil species of

Marsupials of Australia, structure of their feet Martens, M., experiment on seeds

Martin, Mr. W.C., on striped mules

Masters, Dr., on Saponaria

Matteucci, on the electric organs of rays Matthiola, reciprocal crosses of


Means of dispersal

Melipona domestica

Merrill, Dr., on the American cuckoo

Metamorphism of oldest rocks

Mice destroying bees

—acclimatisation of

—tails of

Miller, Prof., on the cells of bees

Mirabilis, crosses of


Mistletoe, complex relations of

Mivart, Mr., on the relation of hair and teeth —on the eyes of cephalopods

—various objections to Natural Selection —on abrupt modifications

—on the resemblance of the mouse and antechinus Mocking-thrush of the Galapagos

Modification of species, not abrupt

Moles, blind

Molothrus, habits of

Mongrels, fertility and sterility of

—and hybrids compared

Monkeys, fossil


Mons, Van, on the origin of fruit-trees


Moquin-Tandon, on sea-side plants


Morren, on the leaves of Oxalis

Moths, hybrid

Mozart, musical powers of

Mud, seeds in

Mules, striped

Muller, Adolph, on the instincts of the cuckoo Muller, Dr. Ferdinand, on Alpine Australian plants Muller, Fritz, on dimorphic crustaceans

—on the lancelet

—on air-breathing crustaceans

—on the self-sterility of orchids

—on embryology in relation to classification —on the metamorphoses of crustaceans

—on terrestrial and fresh-water organisms not undergoing any metamorphosis —on climbing plants

Multiplication of species not indefinite Murchison, Sir, R., on the formations of Russia —on azoic formations

—on extinction

Murie, Dr., on the modification of the skull in old age Murray, Mr. A., on cave-insects

Mustela vison



Myrmica, eyes of

Nageli, on morphological characters

Nails, rudimentary

Nathusius, Von, on pigs

Natural history, future progress of



Naturalisation of forms distinct from the indigenous species —in New Zealand

Naudin, on analagous variations in gourds —on hybrid gourds

—on reversion

Nautilus, Silurian

Nectar of plants

Nectaries, how formed

Nelumbium luteum

Nests, variation in

Neuter insects

New Zealand, productions of, not perfect —naturalised products of

—fossil birds of

—glaciers of

—crustaceans of

—algae of

—number of plants of

—flora of

Newman, Col., on humble-bees

Newton, Prof., on earth attached to a partridge’s foot Newton, Sir I., attacked for irreligion

Nicotiana, crossed varieties of

—certain species very sterile

Nitsche, Dr., on the Polyzoa

Noble, Mr., on fertility of Rhododendron Nodules, phosphatic, in azoic rocks

Oak, varieties of

Onites apelles

Orchids, fertilisation of

—the development of their flowers

—forms of

Orchis, pollen of

Organisation, tendency to advance

Organs of extreme perfection

—electric, of fishes

—of little importance


—rudiments of, and nascent

Ornithorhynchus, mammae of

Ostrich not capable of flight

—habit of laying eggs together

—American, two species of

Otter, habits of, how acquired

Ouzel, water

Owen, Prof., on birds not flying

—on vegetative repetition

—on variability of unusually developed parts —on the eyes of fishes

—on the swim-bladder of fishes

—on fossil horse of La Plata

—on generalised form

—on relation of ruminants and pachyderms —on fossil birds of New Zealand

—on succession of types

—on affinities of the dugong

—on homologous organs

—on the metamorphosis of cephalopods

Pacific Ocean, faunas of

Pacini, on electric organs

Paley, on no organ formed to give pain

Pallas, on the fertility of the domesticated descendants of wild stocks Palm with hooks

Papaver bracteatum

Paraguay, cattle destroyed by flies


Partridge, with ball of dirt attached to foot Parts greatly developed, variable

Parus major


Peaches in United States

Pear, grafts of


Pelargonium, flowers of

—sterility of


Pelvis of women

Period, glacial

Petrels, habits of

Phasianus, fertility of hybrids

Pheasant, young, wild

Pictet, Prof., on groups of species suddenly appearing —on rate of organic change

—on continuous succession of genera

—on close alliance of fossils in consecutive formations —on change in latest tertiary forms

—on early transitional links

Pierce, Mr., on varieties of wolves

Pigeons with feathered feet and skin between toes —breeds described, and origin of

—breeds of, how produced

—tumbler, not being able to get out of egg —reverting to blue

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