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- Grundziige der Criminalpsychologie auf Grundlage der deutscben und 6sterreichischen Strafgesetzgebung; filr Juristen. 2d ed., Stuttgart, 1882.

KURELLA, H. G. Naturgeschichte des Verbrechers; Grundz�ge der kriminallen Anthropologie und Kriminalpsychologie; f ilr Gerichtsdrtzte, Psychiater, Juristen und Verwaltungsbeamte. Stuttgart, 1893.


LomBROSO, C., and FERRERO, G. tr. English, ed., Morrison, s. t. The Female Offender. New York-, 1895.


MAcDONALD, A. Criminology. 2d ed., New York, 1893.

- Abnormal Man, being essays on education and crime and related subjects. Washington, 1893.

(Pub. as Bureau of Education Circular of Information No. 2, 1893.) Statistics of Crime, Suicide, Insanity, and other forms pf Abnormality, and Criminological Studies, with a bibliography. Washington, 1903; reprinted 1908.

(Pub. as U. S. Sen. Doc. No. 12, 58th Cong., Spec. sess.) -Man and abnormal Man, including a study of children. Wash., 1903.

(Pub. as U. S. Senate Doc. No. 187, 58th Cong., 3d sess.) - Juvenile Crime and Reformation, including stigmata of degeneration. Washington, 1908.

(Pub. as U. S. Senate Doc. No. 53q, 60th Cong., 1st sess.) MAYHEw, H. Criminal Life. London, 1860.

MEREDITH, MRS. A book about Criminals. Londor4 1881.

MILLER, D. R. The Criminal Classes; causes and cures. Dayton, 1903.

MILLS. Arrested and Aberrant Development and Gyres in the Brain of Paranoiacs, Criminals, Idiots, Negroes. Philadelphia, 1889.-

MITTERMAIER, C. J. A. Treatise in German; tr. English, by Cushing s. t.

Effect of Drunkenness on Criminal Responsibility. Edinburgh, 1841.

MOORE, C. C. A Treatise on Facts, or the Weight and Value of Evidence.

2 vols., Northport, N. Y., 1908.

MOTET. Les faux t�moignages des enfants devant la justice. Paris, 1887.

MUENSTERBERG, H. On the Witness Stand; Essays on Psychology and Crime. New York, 1908.


NEGRI, ED C. La delinquenza in Italia dal 1890 al 1905. Roma.

NicoLAY. Les enfants mal �lev�s. Paris, 1890.

NOELLNER, F. Criminal-psychologische Denkwbrdigkeiten. Stuttgart, 1858.


PARIGOT, J. Moral Insanity in relation to Criminal Acts. N. Y., 1861.

PARMELEE, M. The Principlos of Anthropology and Sociology in their Relations to Criminal Procedure. New Yorl-, 1908.

PLOWDEw, A. C. Grain or Chaff? The Autobiography of a Police Magistrate. London, 1903.

<p 497>

RHOADES, M. C. The Case Study of Delinquent Boys in the Juvenile Court of Chicago. Chicago, 1907.

RoscoE, H. Law of Evidence in Criminal Cases. 91d ed., London, 1840; 9th ed., 1878; 11th ed,, by Smith and Kennedy, 1890; 12th ed., by Keep, 1898.

U. S.: 2d ed., 1840; Ith e-d., 1852; 6th ed., 1866; 7th ed., by Sharswood, Philadelphia, 1874; Sth ed., by Sharswood and Wayland, 2

vols., Philadelphia, 1888.

RUSSELL, C. E. B., and RIGBY, L. M. The Making of the Criminal. London, New York, 1906.

RYAN, W. B. Infanticide; its law, prevalence, prevention, and history.

London, 1862.

RYLANDS, L. G. Crime, Its Causes and Remedy. London, 1889.


SAWIN, C. D. Criminals. Boston, 1890.

SEAGER, C. Magistrate’s Manual. Toronto, 1901.

SOMMER, R. Kriminalpsychologie und strafrechtliche Psychopathologie auf naturwissenschaftlicher Grundlage. Leipzig, 1904.

SPOONER, L. Essay on Trial by Jury. Boston, 1852.

STEPHEN, HERBERT. Prisoners on Oath, Present and Future. London, 1898.

STEVENS, J. G. Indictable Offences and Summary Convictions. Toronto, 1880.

STOLZ, J. Cause and Cure of Crime; with a treatise on Capital Punishment.

Philadelphia, 1880.

STRAHAN, S. A. K. Instinctive Criminality. London, 1891.

Suicide and Insanity. 1893.


TARDE, G. La criminalit� compar�e. Ist ed., Paris, 1886; 5th ed., 1902.

L’opinion et la foule. Paris, 1901.

L’homme souterrain. Paris, 19-.

THOMPSON. Physiology of Criminality. 1870.

THOMPSON, S. D., and MERRIAM, E. G. Organization, Custody and Conduct of Juries. St. Louis, 1882.

TOURRENC, E. �tat mental des incendiaires. Paris, 1906.

TRAIN, A. C. The Prisoner at the Bar; sidelights on the administration of Criminal Justice. New York, 1906; 2d ed., N. Y., 1908.


VALETTE, P. De l’�rostratisme, ou, Vanit� criminelle. Lyon, 1903.


WASSERMANN, R. Beruf, Konfession and Verbrechen. M�nchen, 1907.

WEINGART, A. Kriminaltaktik. Ein Handbuch f�r das Untersuchen von Verbrechen. Leipzig, 1904.

WEY, H. Criminal Anthropology. Elmira, 1890.

WHEATON, E. R. Prisons and Prayer. Tabor, Ia., 1906.

WHITEWAY, A. R. Recent Object-Lessons in Penal Science. ist series, London, 1898; 2d series, 1900; 3d series, 1902.

WIGMORE, J. 1-1. A Treatise on the System of Evidence in Trials at Common Law, 5 vols., Boston, 1904-1907.

<p 498>

WILMANNS. Zur Psychopathologie des Landstreichers. Leipzig, 1906.

WILSON, G. R. Clinical Studies in Vice and Insanity. Boston.

WINSLOW, R. Youthful Eccentricity a Precursor of Crime. N. Y., 1895.

WOODS, C. H. Woman in Prison. 1869.

WOODS, L. Essay on Native Depravity. 1835.

WOOLDRIDGE, C. R. The Grafters of America, who they are and how they work. Chicago, 1906.

WULFFEN, E. Handbuch ffir den exekutiven Polizei-und Kriminal-beamten, f fir Geschworene und Sch6ffen, sowie fbr Strafansaltsbeamte.

Dresden, 1905.

- Psychologie des Verbrechers. ~a vols., Gross-Lichterfelde-Ost, 1908

(in Langenscheidt’s Enzyclopiidie der modernen Kriminalstatistik.) SERIALS


(o. p.) Indicates that the journal is known to have ceased publication.

* Indicates that the journal is continued from the date given.


(o.p.) Criminal Law Magazine. Jersey City, Vols. I-XVIII, 1890-1896, Medico-Legal Journal. ed. Bell, C. New York, 1884.*

(o.p.) Psychological and Medico-Legal Journal. New York, 1874-1875.



Archiv ffir Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik. ed. Gross, H.

Graz, Leipzig, 1899.*



Archives d’anthropologie criminelle, de criminologie, et de psychologie normale et pathologique (entitled, till Vol. 8, Archives de l’anthropologic criminelle et des sciences penales). Founded Laccassagne, Gar-raud, et al.; ed. Dubuisson. Paris, Lyon, 1886.*



Abhandlungen des kriminalistischen Seminars an der Universitiit Berlin.

ed. Liszt, F. von. Berlin, 1888 * (irregular-, new ser., Vol. V, 1908.) Allgemeine deutsche Criminalzeitung. ed. Roskoschny. Leipzig, 18-.

Bldtter ffir gerichtliche Anthropologic, etc. See Friedreich‘8 Blatter.

Juristisch-psychiatrische Grenzfragen. ed. Finger, A., Hoche, A., and Bresler, J. Halle, 1905 * (irregular; Vol. VI, 1908).

Monatsschrift ffir Kriminalpsychologie und Strafrechtsreform. ed., Aschaf-fenburg, Moss, von Lilienthal, and von Liszt. Heidelberg, 1904.*

Zeitschrift far angewandte Psychologie und psychologische Sammelforschung (continuation of Beitriige zur Psychologie der Aussage). ed. Stern, L. W., and Lipmann. 0. Leipzig, 1907.*

(o.p.) Zeitschrift fiir Criminal-Anthropologie, Gefiingniswissenchaft und Prostitutionswesen. ed. Wenge, W. I vol., Berlin, 1897.

<p 499>


Archivio di psichiatria, scienze penale, ed antropologia criminale (formerly entitled, Archivio di psichiatria, neuropathologgia, antropologia criminale, e medicina legale). Dir., Lombroso, C., Garofalo, B. R., and Ferri, E.; ed. Andenino. Torino, 1880.*



Archivos de criminologia, medicina legal y psiquiatria. ed. Ramos e In-gegnieros, J. Buenos Aires, 1902.*


Criminologia moderna. ed. Gori, P. Buenos Aires, 1899.*




Works on Psychology of General Interest.


ANGELL, JAMES R. Psychology. New York. H. Holt & Co. 1904.


BALDWIN, J. M. Handbook of Psychology. New York, 1891.

BELL, SIR CHARLES. The Hand - Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments.

Philadelphia, 1835.

BINET, A. Le fatigue intellectuelle. Paris, 1898.

BOURDON, B. L’expression des �motions et des tendances dan le langage.

Paris, 1892.


CHAMBERLAIN, ALEXANDER FRANCIS. The Child: a study in the evolution of man. London, 1907.

COWLES, E. The Mental Symptoms of Fatigue. New York, 1893.


DEWEY, JOHN. Psychology. 3d ed. New York.


EBBINGHAUS, H. Psychology. An Elementary Textbook (translated by Max Meyer). Boston, 1908.


FREUD, S. Zur psychopathologie, des alltagslebens, etc. 2’ aufl., Berlin, 1907.

-Die Traumdeutung.


HALL, G. STANLEY. Youth; its Educative Regimen and Hygiene. New York, 1907.


JAMES, W. The Principles of Psychology. 2 vols. New York, 1890.

JANET, PIERRE. Lautomatisme psychologique. Paris, 1889.

The Major Symptoms of Hysteria. N. Y., 1907.

JAsTRow, J. The Subconscious.

JONES, E. E. The Influence of Bodily Posture on Mental Activities. N. Y., 1907.

JUDD, C. ff. Psychology. N. Y., 1907.


KING6 IRVING. The Psychology of Child-development. Chicago, 1904.

91d ed


MACDONALD, A. Abnormal Man. Washington, 1893 (United States Bureau of Education Circular of Information, 1893, No. 4).

AIANASEINE, MARIYA. Sleep, its physiology, pathology, hygiene and psychology. London, 1908.

<p 501>

MARSH, H. D. The Diurnal Course of Efficiency. N. Y., 1906.

MERCIER, CHARLES A. Psychology, normal and morbid. London, 1901.

MOORE, C. C. A treatise on facts or the weight and value of Evidence.

2 vols. Northport, 1908.

Mosso, A. Fatigue. (Tr. by Margaret Drummond and W. B. Drummond.) N. Y. and London, 1906.


NORSWORTHY, NAOMI. The psychology of mentally deficient children.

N. Y., 1906.


OFFNER, MAX. Das Geddchtnis, etc. Berlin, 1909.


PAULHAN, F. La fonction de la memoire et le souvenirs affectif. Paris, 1904.

PILLSBURY, W. B. Attention. New York, 1908.


RIBOT, T. The Psychology of the Emotions. London, 1897.


SCOTT, W. D. The Psychology of Public Speaking. Phil., 1907.

SIDis, B. The Psychology of Suggestion. N. Y., 1898.

SIGHELr, Scipio. La foule criminelle: essai de psychologie collective.

Paris, 1901.

STOUT, G. F. Manual of Psychology. London, 1907.


TARDE, G. L’opinion et la foule. 2d �d. Paris, 1904.

TITCHENIOR, E. B. Lectures on the Elementary Psychology of Feeling and Attention. N. Y., 1908.

A Textbook of Psychology. N. Y., 1909. (New ed. with additions.) WELLS, FREDERIC L. Linguistic Lapses. With especial reference to the perception of linguistic sounds. N. Y., 1906.






ABERCROMBIE, 216, 274.


Accompaniments, imitative, of action,


Accuracy, psychological, and requirements of law, 107.


Affection, and passion, in judges, 417;

in witnesses, 418; and hatred, 418.


After-images, 442.


Aged, memory of, 272.


Aim, of applied psychology of states

of mind, 3.








Amnesia, retrograde, 274.


Analogy, 144; danger of, 145, 147;

justification of, 146.




Anger, 286; as motive, 72; against

object, 71; against self, 75.


ANGELL, 187.

Apriorism, 127.

ARISTOTLE, 101, 160, 165, 188, 254,

271, 302.

ARNHEim, 210.


Arrest, influence of, 67.


Association, 254; difficulties of, 255;

physical expression of, 256.


Assumption, 148, 149.


Astonishment, described, 92; causes

of, 93; significant in law, 93.


Attention, effect of, 40; and the subconscious, 248.


Attitude, intellectual, varieties of,

376; emotional, 377; of indifference, 378; influence of bodily conditions on~ 380.


&ttraction, feeling of, 286.


AUBERT, 169, 191, 199, 202, 203, 205,

206, 225, 247, 428.




Authority, 242.

Autodidacts, 393.

Avocation, and error, 65.



BAER, 85, 415.

BAiTS, 5.

BAIN, 75.

BALDwiN, 364.

BALZAC, 102, 342, 353.



BECKER, 302.

BELL, 44, 84, 1-01.



BENEKE, 223, 229, 330.

BERGSON, 43, 76,

BERKELmy, 260.



BERNSTEIN, 191, 200, 434.



BERZi, 79.

BEZOLD, 211.

BINET, 367.

Blank, expression of the eyes, 98.


Blind spot, 207.


Blushing, 50; how prevented, 51;

evidential value, 52; relation to age,

artificial, 53.


Bois-REYMOND, 182, 227, 282, 411Y


BOLTON, 271.


BONr1GLI, 2.

BoRgE, 85.


BORST, 227, 377.

<p 504>


BoURDON, 259.

Boys, as witnesses, 366.

BRAUN, 320.

Brief, and jury, 164.

Brightness and clearness, 199.

BROussAis, 369.

Brow, contraction of, 97.

BUCKLE, 410.



Captivation of visual capacity, 439.



CARUS, 24, 84, 101.

CATTELL, 231, 259.

Causal principle, as method, 118; mistakes in inference of, 119; nexus of,

and observation, 120; and habit,


Causation, law of, neglected, 5.

Cause, similarity to effect, 121; and

impulse, 121; danger of argument

from, 123,; and immediately preceding condition, 123; not apriori,


Chance, 159; and law, 161; theory of,


Change, in effect, 12.

Character, correlated with crime, 55;

and promises, 58; and religion, 387;

and laughter, 396.

Character-units, somatic, 69.

Child-murder, 358.

Children, 364; as subjects of, physiognomies, 87; justice in, 365;

sexual differences, 366; as witnesses, 366; in city and country, 367;

senses of, 367; representation in,

368; time-sense of, 368; practical

and unpractical, 369; delinquency

of, 371; egoism of, 371; memory

of, 270.


CicERo, 165, 265.

Circumstances, irrelevant to proof, 114.

CLAPAREDE, 49, 50, 227.

Classes, the conscienceless, 17.


Clearness, and brightness, 199; influences of background on, 199.

Color, 204; existence of, 205; disappearance of in darkness, 206.

COMBE, 487.

Comparison, influence of bodily conditions on, 381;

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