» Science » The Story of the Heavens, Sir Robert Stawell Ball [snow like ashes series TXT] 📗

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little patience. He must first consult an almanac which gives the positions of the body, and select an occasion when Mercury is stated to be an evening or a morning star. Such an occasion during the spring months is especially suitable, as the elevation of Mercury above the horizon is usually greater then than at other seasons; and in the evening twilight, about three-quarters of an hour after sunset, a view of this shy but beautiful object will reward the observer's attention.

To those astronomers who are provided with equatorial telescopes such instructions are unnecessary. To enjoy a telescopic view of Mercury, we first turn to the Nautical Almanac, and find the position in which the planet lies. If it happen to be above the horizon, we can at once direct the telescope to the place, and even in broad daylight the planet will very often be seen. The telescopic appearance of Mercury is, however, disappointing. Though it is much larger than the moon, yet it is sufficiently far off to seem insignificant. There is, however, one feature in a view of this planet which would immediately attract attention. Mercury is not usually observed to be a circular object, but more or less crescent-shaped, like a miniature moon. The phases of the planet are also to be accounted for on exactly the same principles as the phases of the moon. Mercury is a globe composed, like our earth, of materials possessing in themselves no source of illumination. One hemisphere of the planet must necessarily be turned towards the sun, and this side is accordingly lighted up brilliantly by the solar rays. When we look at Mercury we see nothing of the non-illuminated side, and the crescent is due to the foreshortened view which we obtain of the illuminated part. The planet is such a small object that, in the glitter of the naked-eye view, the _shape_ of the luminous body cannot be defined. Indeed, even in the much larger crescent of Venus, the aid of the telescope has to be invoked before the characteristic form can be observed. Beyond, however, the fact that Mercury is a crescent, and that it undergoes varying phases in correspondence with the changes in its relative position to the earth and the sun, we cannot see much of the planet. It is too small and too bright to admit of easy delineation of details on its surface. No doubt attempts have been made, and observations have been recorded, as to certain very faint and indistinct markings on the planet, but such statements must be received with great hesitation.

The facts which have been thoroughly established with regard to Mercury are mainly numerical statements as to the path it describes around the sun. The time taken by the planet to complete one of its revolutions is eighty-eight days nearly. The average distance from the sun is about 36,000,000 miles, and the mean velocity with which the body moves is over twenty-nine miles a second. We have already alluded to the most characteristic and remarkable feature of the orbit of Mercury. That orbit differs from the paths of all the other large planets by its much greater departure from the circular form. In the majority of cases the planetary orbits are so little elliptic that a diagram of the orbit drawn accurately to scale would not be perceived to differ from a circle unless careful measurements were made. In the case of Mercury the circumstances are different. The elliptic form of the path would be quite unmistakable by the most casual observer. The distance from the sun to the planet fluctuates between very considerable limits. The lowest value it can attain is about 30,000,000 miles; the highest value is about 43,000,000 miles. In accordance with Kepler's second law, the velocity of the planet must exhibit corresponding changes. It must sweep rapidly around that part of his path near the sun, and more slowly round the remote parts of his path. The greatest velocity is about thirty-five miles a second, and the least is twenty-three miles a second.

For an adequate conception of the movements of Mercury we ought not to dissociate the velocity from the true dimensions of the body by which it is performed. No doubt a speed of twenty-nine miles a second is enormous when compared with the velocities with which daily life makes us familiar. The speed of the planet is not less than a hundred times as great as the velocity of the rifle bullet. But when we compare the sizes of the bodies with their velocities, the velocity of Mercury seems relatively much less than that of the bullet. A rifle bullet traverses a distance equal to its own diameter many thousands of times in a second. But even though Mercury is moving so much faster, yet the dimensions of the planet are so considerable that a period of two minutes will be required for it to move through a distance equal to its diameter. Viewing the globe of the planet as a whole, the velocity of its movement is but a stately and dignified progress appropriate to its dimensions.

As we can learn little or nothing of the true surface of Mercury, it is utterly impossible for us to say whether life can exist on the surface of that planet. We may, however, reasonably conclude that there cannot be life on Mercury in any respect analogous to the life which we know on the earth. The heat of the sun and the light of the sun beat down on Mercury with an intensity many times greater than that which we experience. When this planet is at its utmost distance from the sun the intensity of solar radiation is even then more than four times greater than the greatest heat which ever reaches the earth. But when Mercury, in the course of its remarkable changes of distance, draws in to the warmest part of its orbit, it is exposed to a terrific scorching. The intensity of the sun's heat must then be not less than nine times as great as the greatest radiation to which we are exposed.

These tremendous climatic changes succeed each other much more rapidly than do the variations of our seasons. On Mercury the interval between midsummer and midwinter is only forty-four days, while the whole year is only eighty-eight days. Such rapid variations in solar heat must in themselves exercise a profound effect on the habitability of Mercury. Mr. Ledger well remarks, in his interesting work,[14] that if there be inhabitants on Mercury the notions of "perihelion" and "aphelion," which are here often regarded as expressing ideas of an intricate or recondite character, must on the surface of that planet be familiar to everybody. The words imply "near the sun," and "away from the sun;" but we do not associate these expressions with any obvious phenomena, because the changes in the distance of the earth from the sun are inconsiderable. But on Mercury, where in six weeks the sun rises to more than double his apparent size, and gives more than double the quantity of light and of heat, such changes as are signified by perihelion and aphelion embody ideas obviously and intimately connected with the whole economy of the planet.

It is nevertheless rash to found any inferences as to climate merely upon the proximity or the remoteness of the sun. Climate depends upon other matters besides the sun's distance. The atmosphere surrounding the earth has a profound influence on heat and cold, and if Mercury have an atmosphere--as has often been supposed--its climate may be thereby modified to any necessary extent. It seems, however, hardly possible to suppose that any atmosphere could form an adequate protection for the inhabitants from the violent and rapid fluctuations of solar radiation. All we can say is, that the problem of life in Mercury belongs to the class of unsolved, and perhaps unsolvable, mysteries.

It was in the year 1629 that Kepler made an important announcement as to impending astronomical events. He had been studying profoundly the movements of the planets; and from his study of the past he had ventured to predict the future. Kepler announced that in the year 1631 the planets Venus and Mercury would both make a transit across the sun, and he assigned the dates to be November 7th for Mercury, and December 6th for Venus. This was at the time a very remarkable prediction. We are so accustomed to turn to our almanacs and learn from them all the astronomical phenomena which are anticipated during the year, that we are apt to forget how in early times this was impossible. It has only been by slow degrees that astronomy has been rendered so perfect as to enable us to foretell, with accuracy, the occurrence of the more delicate phenomena. The prediction of those transits by Kepler, some years before they occurred, was justly regarded at the time as a most remarkable achievement.

The illustrious Gassendi prepared to apply the test of actual observation to the announcements of Kepler. We can now assign the time of the transit accurately to within a few minutes, but in those early attempts equal precision was not practicable. Gassendi considered it necessary to commence watching for the transit of Mercury two whole days before the time indicated by Kepler, and he had arranged an ingenious plan for making his observations. The light of the sun was admitted into a darkened room through a hole in the shutter, and an image of the sun was formed on a white screen by a lens. This is, indeed, an admirable and a very pleasing way of studying the surface of the sun, and even at the present day, with our best telescopes, one of the methods of viewing our luminary is founded on the same principle.

Gassendi commenced his watch on the 5th of November, and carefully studied the sun's image at every available opportunity. It was not, however, until five hours after the time assigned by Kepler that the transit of Mercury actually commenced. Gassendi's preparations had been made with all the resources which he could command, but these resources seem very imperfect when compared with the appliances of our modern observatories. He was anxious to note the time when the planet appeared, and for this purpose he had stationed an assistant in the room beneath, who was to observe the altitude of the sun at the moment indicated by Gassendi. The signal to the assistant was to be conveyed by a very primitive apparatus. Gassendi was to stamp on the floor when the critical moment had arrived. In spite of the long delay, which exhausted the patience of the assistant, some valuable observations were obtained, and thus the first passage of a planet across the sun was observed.

The transits of Mercury are not rare phenomena (there have been thirteen of them during the nineteenth century), and they are chiefly of importance on account of the accuracy which their observation infuses into our calculations of the movements of the planet. It has often been hoped that the opportunities afforded by a transit would be available for procuring information as to the physical character of the globe of Mercury, but these hopes have not been realised.

Spectroscopic observations of Mercury are but scanty. They seem to indicate that water vapour is a probable constituent in the atmosphere of Mercury, as it is in our own.

A distinguished Italian astronomer, Professor Schiaparelli, some years ago announced a remarkable discovery with respect to the rotation of the planet Mercury. He found that the planet rotates on its axis in the same period as it revolves around the sun. The practical consequence of the identity between these two periods is that Mercury always turns the same face to the sun. If our earth were to rotate in a similar fashion, then
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