» Science » The Story of the Heavens, Sir Robert Stawell Ball [snow like ashes series TXT] 📗

Book online «The Story of the Heavens, Sir Robert Stawell Ball [snow like ashes series TXT] 📗». Author Sir Robert Stawell Ball

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the hemisphere directed to the sun would enjoy eternal day, while the opposite hemisphere would be relegated to perpetual night. According to this discovery, Mercury revolves around the sun in the same way as the moon revolves around the earth. As the velocity with which Mercury travels round the sun is very variable, owing to the highly elliptic shape of its orbit, while the rotation about its axis is performed with uniform speed, it follows that rather more than a hemisphere (about five-eighths of the surface) enjoys more or less the light of the sun in the course of a Mercurial year.

This important discovery of Schiaparelli has lately been confirmed by an American astronomer, Mr. Lowell, of Arizona, U.S.A., who observed the planet under very favourable conditions with a refractor of twenty-four inches aperture. He has detected on the globe of Mercury certain narrow, dark lines, the very slow shifting of which points to a period of rotation about its axis exactly coincident with the period of revolution round the sun. The same observer shows that the axis of rotation of Mercury is perpendicular to the plane of the orbit. Mr. Lowell has perceived no sign of clouds or obscurations, and indeed no indication of any atmospheric envelope; the surface of Mercury is colourless, "a geography in black and white."

We may assert that, there is a strong _a priori_ probability in favour of the reality of Schiaparelli's discovery. Mercury, being one of the planets devoid of a moon, will be solely influenced by the sun in so far as tidal phenomena are concerned. Owing, moreover, to the proximity of Mercury to the sun, the solar tides on that planet possess an especial vehemence. As the tendency of tides is to make Mercury present a constant face to the sun, there need be little hesitation in accepting testimony that tides have wrought exactly the result that we know they were competent to perform.

Here we take leave of the planet Mercury--an interesting and beautiful object, which stimulates our intellectual curiosity, while at the same time it eludes our attempts to make a closer acquaintance. There is, however, one point of attainable knowledge which we must mention in conclusion. It is a difficult, but not by any means an impossible, task to weigh Mercury in the celestial balance, and determine his mass in comparison with the other globes of our system. This is a delicate operation, but it leads us through some of the most interesting paths of astronomical discovery. The weight of the planet, as recently determined by Von Asten, is about one twenty-fourth part of the weight of the earth, but the result is more uncertain than the determinations of the mass of any of the other larger planets.



Interest attaching to this Planet--The Unexpectedness of its
Appearance--The Evening Star--Visibility in Daylight--Lighted only
by the Sun--The Phases of Venus--Why the Crescent is not Visible to
the Unaided Eye--Variations in the Apparent Size of the Planet--The
Rotation of Venus--Resemblance of Venus to the Earth--The Transit
of Venus--Why of such Especial Interest--The Scale of the Solar
System--Orbits of the Earth and Venus not in the same
Plane--Recurrence of the Transits in Pairs--Appearance of Venus in
Transit--Transits of 1874 and 1882--The Early Transits of 1631 and
1639--The Observations of Horrocks and Crabtree--The Announcement
of Halley--How the Track of the Planet differs from Different
Places--Illustrations of Parallax--Voyage to Otaheite--The Result
of Encke--Probable Value of the Sun's Distance--Observations at
Dunsink of the Last Transit of Venus--The Question of an Atmosphere
to Venus--Other Determinations of the Sun's Distance--Statistics
about Venus.

It might, for one reason, have been not inappropriate to have commenced our review of the planetary system by the description of the planet Venus. This body is not especially remarkable for its size, for there are other planets hundreds of times larger. The orbit of Venus is no doubt larger than that of Mercury, but it is much smaller than that of the outer planets. Venus has not even the splendid retinue of minor attendants which gives such dignity and such interest to the mighty planets of our system. Yet the fact still remains that Venus is peerless among the planetary host. We speak not now of celestial bodies only seen in the telescope; we refer to the ordinary observation which detected Venus ages before telescopes were invented.

Who has not been delighted with the view of this glorious object? It is not to be seen at all times. For months together the star of evening is hidden from mortal gaze. Its beauties are even enhanced by the caprice and the uncertainty which attend its appearance. We do not say that there is any caprice in the movements of Venus, as known to those who diligently consult their almanacs. The movements of the lovely planet are there prescribed with a prosaic detail hardly in harmony with the character usually ascribed to the Goddess of Love. But to those who do not devote particular attention to the stars, the very unexpectedness of its appearance is one of its greatest charms. Venus has not been noticed, not been thought of, for many months. It is a beautifully clear evening; the sun has just set. The lover of nature turns to admire the sunset, as every lover of nature will. In the golden glory of the west a beauteous gem is seen to glitter; it is the evening star--the planet Venus. A few weeks later another beautiful sunset is seen, and now the planet is no longer a point low down in the western glow; it has risen high above the horizon, and continues a brilliant object long after the shades of night have descended. Again, a little later, and Venus has gained its full brilliancy and splendour. All the heavenly host--even Sirius and even Jupiter--must pale before the splendid lustre of Venus, the unrivalled queen of the firmament.

After weeks of splendour, the height of Venus at sunset diminishes, and its lustre begins gradually to decline. It sinks to invisibility, and is forgotten by the great majority of mankind; but the capricious goddess has only moved from one side of the sky to the other. Ere the sun rises, the morning star will be seen in the east. Its splendour gradually augments until it rivals the beauty of the evening star. Then again the planet draws near to the sun, and remains lost to view for many months, until the same cycle of changes recommences, after an interval of a year and seven months.

When Venus is at its brightest it can be easily seen in broad daylight with the unaided eye. This striking spectacle proclaims in an unmistakable manner the unrivalled supremacy of this planet as compared with its fellow-planets and with the fixed stars. Indeed, at this time Venus is from forty to sixty times more brilliant than any stellar object in the northern heavens.

The beautiful evening star is often such a very conspicuous object that it may seem difficult at first to realise that the body is not self-luminous. Yet it is impossible to doubt that the planet is really only a dark globe, and to that extent resembles our own earth. The brilliance of the planet is not so very much greater than that of the earth on a sunshiny day. The splendour of Venus entirely arises from the reflected light of the sun, in the manner already explained with respect to the moon.

We cannot distinguish the characteristic crescent shape of the planet with the unaided eye, which merely shows a brilliant point too small to possess sensible form. This is to be explained on physiological grounds. The optical contrivances in the eye form an image of the planet on the retina which is necessarily very small. Even when Venus is nearest to the earth the diameter of the planet subtends an angle not much more than one minute of arc. On the delicate membrane a picture of Venus is thus drawn about one six-thousandth part of an inch in diameter. Great as may be the delicacy of the retina, it is not adequate to the perception of form in a picture so minute. The nervous structure, which has been described as the source of vision, forms too coarse a canvas for the reception of the details of this tiny picture. Hence it is that to the unaided eye the brilliant Venus appears merely as a bright spot. Ordinary vision cannot tell what shape it has; still less can it reveal the true beauty of the crescent.

If the diameter of Venus were several times as great as it actually is; were this body, for instance, as large as Jupiter or some of the other great planets, then its crescent could be readily discerned by the unaided eye. It is curious to speculate on what might have been the history of astronomy had Venus only been as large as Jupiter. Were everyone able to see the crescent form without a telescope, it would then have been an elementary and almost obvious truth that Venus must be a dark body revolving round the sun. The analogy between Venus and our earth would have been at once perceived; and the doctrine which was left to be discovered by Copernicus in comparatively modern times might not improbably have been handed down to us with the other discoveries which have come from the ancient nations of the East.

Perhaps the most perfect drawing of Venus that has been hitherto obtained is that made (Fig. 43) by Professor E.E. Barnard, on 29th May, 1889, with a 12-inch equatorial, at the Lick Observatory, which for this purpose and on this occasion Professor Barnard found to be superior to the 36-inch. The markings shown seem undoubtedly to exist on the planet, and in 1897 Professor Barnard writes: "The circumstances under which this drawing was made are memorable with me, for I never afterwards had such perfect conditions to observe Venus."

In Fig. 44 we show three views of Venus under different aspects. The planet is so much closer to the earth when the crescent is seen, that it appears to be part of a much larger circle than that made by Venus when more nearly full. This drawing shows the different aspects of the globe in their true relative proportions. It is very difficult to perceive distinctly any markings on the brilliantly lighted surface. Sometimes observers have seen spots or other features, and occasionally the pointed extremities of the horns have been irregular, as if to show that the surface of Venus is not smooth. Some observers report having seen white spots at the poles of Venus, in some degree resembling the more conspicuous features of the same character to be seen on Mars.

As it is so very difficult to see any markings on Venus, we are hardly yet able to give a definite answer to the important question as to the period of rotation of this planet round its axis. Various observers during the last two hundred years have from very insufficient data concluded that Venus rotated in about twenty-three hours. Schiaparelli, of Milan, turned his attention to this planet in 1877 and noticed a dark shade and two bright spots, all situated not far from the southern end of the crescent. This most painstaking astronomer watched these markings for three months, and found that there was no change perceptible in the position which they occupied. This was particularly the case when he continued his watch for some consecutive hours. This fact seemed to show conclusively that Venus could not rotate in twenty-three hours nor in any other short period. Week after week the spots remained unaltered, until Schiaparelli felt convinced

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