» Science » General Science, Bertha May Clark [miss read books TXT] 📗

Book online «General Science, Bertha May Clark [miss read books TXT] 📗». Author Bertha May Clark

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Antichlor, 240.
Antipyrin, 259.
Armature, 319, 320.
dynamo, 350.
motor, 335.
Artificial lighting, 148-153.
Atmosphere, 81.
carbon dioxide in, 54-55.
height of, 81.
nitrogen and oxygen in, 262.
pressure of, 82-86.
water vapor in, 36-38.
weight, 86.
See Air.
Atmospheric pressure, 82-86.
Atomizer, 92.
Atoms, 102.
Automobiles, gas engines, 185.
Axis of a lens, 119.

Bacteria, 133.
as nitrogen makers, 263.
destroyed by sunlight, etc., 133, 250, 251.
diseases caused by, 133.
in butter and cheese, 133.
Baking powder, 229-230.
Baking soda, 227-229.
Barograph, 87.
Barometer, aneroid, 84-85.
mercury, 84.
use in weather predictions, 86-87.
Bases, action on litmus, 221-222.
properties, 220-222.
Battery, electric, 311.
Beans, as food, 66.
roots take in nitrogen, 263.
Bell, electric, 319-321.
Benzine, 150.
as a cleaning agent, 227.
Benzoate of soda, 253.
Bicarbonate of soda, in fire extinguisher, 55, 56.
in Rochelle salt, 227.
in soda mints, 231.
in seidlitz powder, 231.
Bicycle pumps, 202.
Blasting, by electricity, 314.
Bleaching, 237-243.
by chlorine, 238-240.
Bleaching powder, 239-240.
Body, human, 63-64.
a conductor of electricity, 292.
Boiling, 31.
amount of heat absorbed, 31-32.
of milk, 32.
of water, 77.
point, 15.
Bomb calorimeter, 61.
Borax, as meat preservative, 253.
as washing powder, 226.
Boric acid, as meat preservative, 253.
Boyle's law, 95-96.
Bread, 232-233.
unleavened, 233.
Bread making, 232-235.
Breathing, hygienic habits of, 50.
by mouth, 50-51.
Burns, treatment of, 52-53.
Butter, adulteration test, 16.
bacteria in, 133.
Buttermilk, 230.

Caisson, 203-204.
Calcium carbide, 152-153.
in making nitrogenous fertilizer, 264.
Calico printing, 249.
Calorie, 27-28, 61-62.
Calorimeter, 61.
Camera, 128-129.
films, 129.
lens, 129.
plates, 129.
Camping, water supply, 195-197.
Candle, 148-149.
as standard for light-measure, 104-105.
Candle-power, 105-107.
Carbide, calcium, 152-153, 264.
Carbohydrates, 64-65, 149.
Carbolic acid, 152.
as disinfectant, 251.
Carbon, 56, 66.
in voltaic cells, 308.
Carbon dioxide, 53.
as fire extinguisher, 55-56.
commercial use, 55-56.
in baking soda, 228.
in fermentation, 234.
in health, 54.
in plants, 55.
preparation of, 55.
source of, 53.
test for, 228.
Catarrh, 259.
Caustic lime, 222..
Caustic potash, 222.
Caustic soda, 218, 222.
to make a salt, 227.
Caves and caverns, 71.
Cell, dry, 310.
gravity, 309-310.
voltaic, 306-308, 310.
Cells of human body, 63, 64, 66.
Centigrade thermometer, 15.
Central heating plant, 19.
Chalk, in making carbon dioxide, 55.
Charcoal as a filter, 57.
commercially, 57.
preparation, 57-58.
Chemical action, and electricity, 307, 315-317.
and light, 126, 127.
Chemistry, in daily life, 218, 219.
Chills, 38.
Chloride of lime, in bleaching, 240.
disinfectant, 251.
Chlorine, and hydrogen, 239.
effect upon human body, 239.
in bleaching, 238-240.
influence of light upon, 126.
presence in salt, 227.
Circuit, electric, 321.
local, in telegraph, 325-326.
City water supply, 206-212.
Clarinet, 297.
Cleaning of material, 226, 243.
Climate, influenced by presence of water, 29, 40.
Clover, nitrogen producers, 263.
Coal, 30.
Coal gas, 150, 151.
by-products, 152.
Coal oil, 149, 150.
Coal tar dyes, 152, 218, 245.
Cogwheels, 170.
Coil, current-bearing, 320.
magnetic field about, 331-333.
Coke, 152.
Cold storage, 97.
Color, 134-141.
and heat, 142, 143.
influenced by light, 137.
of opaque bodies, 136, 137.
of transparent bodies, 135, 136.
Color blindness, 140, 141.
designs in cloth, 248, 249.
Colors, compound, 138, 139.
essential, 139-140.
primary, 135.
simple, 138.
spectrum, 134-135.
variety in dyeing, 247, 248.
Combustion, heat of, 45.
spontaneous, 52.
Commutator, 335.
Compass, 328.
Compound colors, 138, 139.
Compound machine, 171.
Compound substances, 103.
Compression of air, 91, 92.
cause of heat, 96.
Compression pumps, 201, 205.
Concave lens, 118.
Condensation, 33.
heat set free, 40.
Conduction of heat, 25.
Conductivity metals, 321.
Conductors, electric, 321, 322.
Conservation, of energy, 58, 59.
of matter, 58, 59.
Convection, 24, 25.
Convex lens, 118.
Cooling, by evaporation, 35-36.
by expansion, 97.
Copper, in electric cell, 307.
Core, iron, 319.
Corn, bleached with sulphurous acid, 242.
Cotton, mercerized, 218.
bleaching, 241.
dyeing, 245-247.
Cough sirup, 258.
Crane, compound machine, 172.
Cream of tartar, 229.
Creosote oil, 254.
Crude petroleum, 149, 150.
Current, electric, 306, 312.
alternating, 349.
induced, 346-347.
measurement of, 340.
resistance, 312, 343, 345.
strength, 339, 340, 344.

Dams, 214-216.
Decay, 49.
Decomposition of soil by water, 70-74.
Degrees Fahrenheit and Centigrade, 15.
Density, 11.
Designs in cloth, printed, 248, 249.
woven, 249.
Developer in photography, 128.
Dew, 36, 37.
Dew point, 38.
Diarrhea, 251.
Diet, 62, 66.
economy on table, 66-69.
Discord, reason for, 271.
Disease, and surface water, 76.
relation of light to, 131-132.
Disease disinfectants, 250, 251, 252.
Distillation, 34-35.
in commerce, 35.
of petroleum, 149-150.
of soft coal, 150.
of water, 34, 35, 77.
Diving suits, 204.
Door bells, 319-321.
Drainage, of land, 194, 195.
sewage, 196, 198, 199, 201.
Drilled well, 199.
Drinking water, 75-77.
in camping, 195-196.
and rural supplies, 198, 201.
Driven well, 196-197.
Drought, 217.
Drugs, 255, 260.
Dry cell, 312.
Dyeing, 244-249.
color designs, 248.
Dyeing, direct, 245.
home, 247.
indirect, 247.
variety of color, 247.
Dyes, 218, 244, 245.
Dynamo, 346.
alternating current, 349.
source of energy, 346-347.

Ear, in man, 301-303.
care of, 303.
Earth, conductor of electricity, 326.
Echo, 277.
Economy in buying food, 66-69.
Effort, muscular, 155, 160.
Electric, battery, 311.
bell, 319-321.
bread toasters, 314.
conductors and non-conductors, 321-322.
cost of, energy, 352.
current, 306, 312.
flatiron, 313.
heating pad, 314.
lights, 314.
street cars, 337.
Electricity, heat, 312-315, 339.
as a magnet, 319, 331-333.
practical uses of, 312-317.
Electrodes, of cell, 308.
Electrolytic metals, 317.
Electromagnets, 319.
Electromotive force, 308.
unit of, 344.
Electroplating, 315.
Electrotyping, 317.
Elements, 102-103.
Emulsion, 224.
Energy, conservation of, 58, 59.
transformations of, 58, 59.
Engine, steam, 183-185.
gas, 185-186.
horse power, 173.
Erosion, 73-74.
Essential colors, 139-140.
Evaporation, 35-39.
cooling effect, 35-36.
effect of temperature on, 35, 36.
effect of air on, 38.
freezing by, 98.
heat absorbed, 36.
of perspiration, 38.
Expansion, of air, 10, 11.
cooling effect of, 97.
disadvantage and advantage of, 11-13.
of liquids, 9-11.
of solids, 10, 11.
of water, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Eye, 122-125.
headache, 124, 125.
how focused, 122, 123.
nearsighted and farsighted, 123.
strain, 125.

Fahrenheit thermometer, 15.
Fats, 65.
in soap making, 223.
Fermentation, 232-236.
by yeast, 234-236.
Ferric compounds, 248.
Fertilizers, 262-265.
nitrogen, 262.
phosphorus, 263, 264.
potash, 263-265.
Field magnet, 336.
Filings, iron, 329.
Film, photographic, 129.
Filter, charcoal, 57.
Filtering water, 77.
Fire, 9.
and oxygen, 45, 47.
and tinder box, 47.
making of, 51.
primitive production of, 47.
produced by friction, 47.
spontaneous combustion, 52.
sores and burns, 52-53.
extinguisher, 55, 56.
Fireless cooker, 25,
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