» Science » General Science, Bertha May Clark [miss read books TXT] 📗

Book online «General Science, Bertha May Clark [miss read books TXT] 📗». Author Bertha May Clark

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Fireplaces, 17, 18.
Fixing, in photography, 128.
Flame, hydrogen, 80.
Flood, Johnstown, 214, 215.
relation to forests, 217.
Flour, self-raising, 231.
Flume, 177.
Flute, 297.
Focal length, 118.
Focus, of lens, 118.
Fog, 37.
Food, 60-69.
carbohydrates, 64, 65.
economy in buying, 66-69.
fats, 65.
fuel value of, 60-62.
need of, 63, 64.
preservatives, 252.
proteids, 66.
value, 67.
waste, 60.
water in, 75.
Foot pound, 172.
Force and motion, 156, 157.
and work, 156, 157.
magnetic lines of, 329-331, 334.
muscular, 155, 160.
Force pumps, 192, 193.
Forests and water supply, 216-217.
Forging of iron, 40, 41.
Formaldehyde, 253.
Freezing, effect of salt, 44.
effect on ground and rocks, 42.
expansion of water on, 41.
ice cream freezer, 44.
Frequency in music, 273, 275.
Fresh air, 22-24, 49.
amount consumed by gas burner, 22.
and health, 49, 50.
in underground work, 202.
in work under water, 203-205.
Friction, 173, 174.
losses by, 174, 210.
source of heat and fire, 47.
Frost, 36, 37.
Fruit, canned, bleached with sulphurous acid, 242.
colored with coal tar dyes, 253.
Fuel value of foods, 60-62.
table of fuel values, 67.
Fulcrum, 159, 160.
Fumigation, 251.
Fundamental tone, 290, 291, 292.
Furnace, hot air, 19.
Fuse, 340.
Fusion, heat of, 40.

Galvanometer, 341.
Gas, acetylene, 152, 153.
and unburned carbon, 151.
coal, 151, 152.
effect of heat on volume, 96, 97.
effect of pressure on volume, 95-96.
engine, 185-186.
for cooking, 151, 152.
illuminating, 92, 93, 150, 151.
liquefaction, 97, 98.
meter, 93, 94.
natural, 152.
Gasolene, 149, 150.
as cleaning agent, 227, 243.
in gas engine, 185, 186.
Gauge, pressure, 92-94.
Gelatin, plate and film, 129.
Glass, kinds of, 119.
molding of, 40.
non-conductor, 321.
Grape juice, fermented with millet, 233.
Gravity cell, 309, 310.
Grease, and lye, 221.
and soap making, 223.
Gulf Stream, 24.

Hard water, and soap, 225.
Harp, 295.
Headache, 124, 125.
powders, 259.
Health, effect of diet, 62, 64.
Heat, 9.
absorbed in boiling, 31-32.
and disease germs, 250.
and food, 252.
and friction, 47.
and light, 142, 147.
and oxidation, 45, 48, 49.
and wave motion, 145-147.
conduction, 25.
convection, 24, 25.
from burning hydrogen, 80.
from electricity, 312-315, 339.
needed to melt substances, 39.
of fusion, 40.
of vaporization, 32.
produced by compression, 96.
relation of water to weather, 29, 40.
set free by freezing water, 40.
sources of, 29-30.
specific, 28-29.
temperature, 27.
unit of, 27, 28.
Heating effect of electric current, 312-315.
Heating of buildings: central heating plant, 19.
fireplaces, 17-18.
Heating, furnaces, 19.
hot water, 19-22.
Helix, 318.
Horse power, 173, 351.
Hot water heating, 19-22.
Hues, primary, 135.
Humidity, 38.
proper percentage for health and comfort, 38, 39.
Humus, 216, 217.
Hydrocarbons, 149.
Hydrochloric acid, composition, 227.
in bleaching, 241.
to make a salt, 227.
to make carbon dioxide, 55.
to make chlorine, 238.
to make hydrogen, 80.
Hydrogen, 65, 66.
and chlorine, 239.
and water, 79.
chemical conduct, 126-127.
flame, 80.
in voltaic cell, 307.
peroxide, 53, 252.
preparation, 80.
to liquefy, 97.

Ice, lighter than water, 42.
manufacture of, 98, 99.
Ice cream freezers, 44.
Illuminating gas, manufacture of, 150, 151.
measurement of quantity consumed, 93, 94.
test of pressure, 92, 93.
Illumination, intensity of, 105, 106.
Image, in mirror, 108, 111.
Incandescent lighting, 107, 314.
Incidence, angle of, 110.
Inclined plane, 162-166.
screw, 166.
wedge, 166.
Indigo, 218.
Induced current, 346-347.
Ink spots, removal of, 243.
Insoluble substances, 71.
Insulators, electric, 324.
Intensity, of light, 105-107.
of sound, 270-271.
Interval, in musical scale, 283.
Iron, forging, 41.
filings, 329.
galvanizing, 49.
oxidation of, 48.
Irrigation, 193-194.
Isobaric lines, 88, 91.
Isothermal lines, 89, 91.

Johnstown flood, 214, 215.

Kerosene, 149, 150.
Kilowatt, 351.

Lactic acid, 230.
Leaves, 132, 262.
Lens, 117-121.
concave, 118.
converging, 118.
crystalline, of eye, 122.
focal length, 118.
material, 119.
refractive power, 119.
Lever, 158-162.
examples, 160-162.
fulcrum, 159, 160.
Life, and carbon dioxide, 54.
and nitrogen, 261.
and oxygen, 49, 54.
Lifting pumps, 189-192.
Light, absorption, 135-138.
and heat, 142-147.
a wave motion, 145-147.
bent rays, 113, 114.
chemical action, 126-127.
disease, 131-132.
essential to life, 131, 132.
fading illumination, 105, 106.
influence on color, 134.
reflection of, 109-112.
refraction of, 113-125.
travels in a straight line, 108.
white, composed of colors, 134.
Lighting, artificial, 148-153.
Lime, chloride of, 240, 251.
Limewater, 220.
and carbon dioxide, 228.
Linen, bleaching, 241.
dyeing, 245-247.
Lines, of force, 329-331, 334.
isobaric, 88, 91.
isothermal, 89, 91.
Liquefaction of gases, 97, 98.
Liquid air, 98.
Liquid soap, 223, 224.
Litmus, action of acids, 220.
action of bases, 221, 222.
action of neutral substance, 222.
Logwood dyes, 245, 247, 248.
Los Angeles aqueduct, 211.
Lye, 221, 222.

Machines, compound, 171.
inclined plane, 162-166.
lever, 158-162.
pulley, 166-169.
wheel and axle, 169-171.
Madder, for dyes, 245.
Magnet, 328.
electro-, 319.
field of, 329-331.
lines of force about, 329-331.
poles of, 330-332.
properties of electricity, 318.
Magnetic, needle, 328.
poles, 329-331.
Magnifying power, of a lens, 115.
of a microscope, 115.
of a telescope, 115.
Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, 71.
Manganese dioxide, 46.
chlorine made from, 238.
oxygen made from, 46.
Marble, for carbon dioxide, 55.
Matches, 47.
safety, 47-48.
Matching colors, 137.
Matter, conservation of, 58, 59.
Meat, 66.
preservation of, 253.
Mechanical devices, 154, 155.
Melting, 39, 40.
Melting point, 40.
Melting substances without a definite melting point, 40.
Mercerized cotton, 218.
Mercury, barometer, 84.
thermometer, 14-17.
Metals, electroplating, 317.
preservation by paint, 253-254.
veins deposited by precipitation, 72, 73.
welding, 315.
Meter, gas, 93, 94.
Microörganisms, 132, 133.
Microscope, 115.
Milk, boiling point, 32.
Pasteurized, 250.
Minerals, in foods, 62, 63.
in water, 70, 71.
Mirrors, 108-112.
distance of image behind mirror, 111.
distance of object in front of mirror, 111.
image a duplicate of object. 111.
Molding of glass, 40.
Molecule, 100-103.
Mordants, 247, 248, 249.
Morphine, 257.
Morse, telegraphic code, 324.
Motion, in sound, 266, 278, 280.
in work, 156.
Motor, electric, 336.
principle of, 333.
street car, 337.
Mouth breathing, 50.
cause of, 51.
Movable pulley, 167, 168.
Music, 278.
Musical instruments, percussion, 299.
stringed, 284-295.
wind, 295, 299.
Musical scale, 282.

Naphtha in gas engines, 185.
Naphthalene, 152.
Narcotics, 255.
Natural gas, 152.
Needle, magnetic, 328.
Negative, electrode, 308.
photographic, 130.
Neutral substance, 222.
and litmus, 222.
Neutralization, 222.
Niagara Falls, 176.
Nitrogen, 66.
and bacteria, 263.
and plant life, 261.
in atmosphere, 261.
in fertilizer, 262-265.
in food, 66.
preparation of, 261.
properties of, 261.
Noise in music, 280.
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