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Scientific Laws represent the highest level of scientific certainty. Based on the natural laws of information, Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt on six conclusions clearly exclude the possibility of the emergence of life through evolution.

Werner Gitt´s words seem to echo the statement that “Jesus Christ is our Creator!” The ingenuity of creation will be demonstrated by some examples.

With a large amount of research astronomers today are looking for planets in other star systems. Among all so far registered planets and exoplanets not even one Earth-like planet was found.

We have been in the field for several years now, acquiring minerals, leases, completing title work and legal opinions, land surveys, conducting geological analyses of all data including 3D Seismic, Neozoic geophysical, and then having wells drilled on several of our leases.

wendy is a hacker who thought she had a freind. until...

همه در آرزوی صلح و آرامشند اما تعداد کمی کاری برای آن انجام می دهند. در میان مردم سرتاسر دنیا که در پیله خودخواهی خود خزیده اند، انسانهایی پدیدار می شوند که تنها به یک آرزو قانع نمی شوند و وارد اقدامی می شوند. من به عنوان یک انسان، هیچ کاری برای این امر مهم انجام نداده ام. من فقط شعرهای افضل شوق را به زبان پارسی ترجمه کردم تا صدای این مرد را گسترش دهم ... فاطمه صلاحی