» Self-Help » Publishing Tips & Tricks Part 9: Become Active on BookRix, BookRix [best books to read for self improvement txt] 📗

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Become Active on BookRix

In the first tip from our series “Publishing Tips & Tricks” we told you that the best marketing is when you’re active. But you have probably wondered what you can do to be active. That’s why we want to show you the options on BookRix for getting more attention as an author.

Build up a network, invite your friends and colleagues to read your book on BookRix and kindly ask them to share it. Use our groups to look for contacts who share the same interests as you. Find fans of the topics or genres you’re talking about in your book and connect with them. These contacts are not only important as they might be your potential readers, but they can also forward you important information such as events that could provide a promotional platform for you.

Post a link to your book in the corresponding groups and recommend it to users who might be interested. Take part in contests on BookRix because then the community will not only pay more attention to you as an author, but also to your books.

Don’t wait for others to help you, but also become prominent as an author by thoughtful, helpful and good reviews. Other readers will be interested in you. Consequently they will see what you are doing and also find your books. Furthermore, an author who has received an enriching review is more willing to deal with the book of another author and thus to write a review themself. And reviews about your books are always the first points of reference on the Book Info Page. That implies they can be seen as advertising for others in order to become interested in your books. The more reviews (and it must not only be good ones), the more the interest is increasing in your books.

Consider other authors as colleagues or partners. It doesn’t help you seeing them as your competitors because it has shown that authors can help each other a lot. An author who spoils things with other authors is always disadvantaged. This is not only a proven result from communities such as BookRix, authors are readers and therefore customers as well, but also that authors support each other and share networks. Thus they significantly increase their reach – regardless of the platform.

*Also, keep in mind that the BookRix team is always out there reading and reviewing your books, even if you aren't aware of it. If you want to be featured around the site, your book can't be rated as 18+, so only rate that highly if your book is really violent or sexually explicit. We WANT to promote your book, so don't put up barriers! Keep in mind that there isn't much of a difference between 16+ and 18+!


Publication Date: 06-27-2012

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