» Self-Help » Improve Your Health By Improving Your Mind, Becky Evans [free novels txt] 📗

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Reiki is a word that means REI, universal energy and KI, vital energy. It is a technique of canalization and transmission of vital energy through the imposition of hands was developed in the year 1922 by the Japanese Zen Buddhist Mikao Usui. Usui based his healing techniques on methods and philosophies taken from various Asian healing practices, according to Langone Medical Center at New York University.


At the root of Reiki is the concept that a disease is caused by imbalances of vital energy in the body and that the correction of these imbalances promotes healing.


Through a process called initiation, a Reiki master (Usui was the first) can teach others to master this healing power. In 1937, a Japanese-American named Hawayo Takata brought the practice of Reiki to the West when he returned to his native Hawaii after a long period of Reiki training in Japan, according to the International Reiki Training Center.


Reiki assumes that there is a vital energy of the Universe that is everywhere: in the Cosmos, in Nature, in ourselves. When that energy flows through our body our defenses are active, and our organism can experience maximum well-being. When such energy ceases to flow, illness, stress, anxiety, and other discomforts occur.



Reiki is used to obtain peace and balance at all levels:


Physical: improvement in ailments, injuries, metabolism, etc.

Emotional: emotional problems, aggression, unhappiness, etc.

Mental: harmful habits, stress, insomnia, etc.

Spiritual: harmony, peace, balance, etc.


Reiki acts in depth by going to the root of the physical or emotional problem, allowing the emotion or pattern of behavior that has created the imbalance to manifest and be healed.


It also helps us to grow personally and to expand our consciousness.


Reiki therapy can be received by all human beings (healthy adults, sick, pregnant, children and babies), including animals and plants.


It is a complementary therapy to conventional medicine and psychological therapies recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).












The Reiki method is based on the Hindu belief about Chakras, which would explain the health status of human beings. According to this belief, the malfunctioning or blocking of one or several Chakras would be the one that provokes or aggravates the bad health of the disease giving rise to diseases and disorders.


The reikista acts as a channeler of universal energy and his goal is to re-harmonize the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes that have become ill. It has been officially recognized and recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO - WHO) for its positive results, for example it is highly recommended a session of Reiki before and / or after an qirurgical intervention.


There are many currents of Reiki at present and in each one of them is taught in a different way, however in all channels the same Universal Energy is channeled, of which is that these currents of Reiki act under the same principle.





Like most therapies inspired by Buddhism, Reiki is not a healing technique in itself, but a way to find balance and harmony in life. Mikao Usui himself left five principles to focus on life:


Do not be angry

Do not worry

Give thanks

Work diligently

Be nice to people



These five rules should be recited in the morning and at night, and ensure the improvement of body and mind.


Reiki has also received influences from Hinduism, as the vital energy unlocks the chakras: six or seven centers of energy that supposedly all people have in our body:


When the chakras are blocked is when our immune and emotional defenses go down, and the physical and mental illnesses occur. Therefore, Reiki acts not only physically, but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually.



When someone applies (or applies) reiki, he enters into a state of deep relaxation, in which he achieves greater serenity and tranquility (hence, disorders such as depression give way, and these people begin to see in perspective their life and their problems, often getting solutions), in addition to a much greater self-knowledge. All this provides more happiness, and when the mind and spirit are happy, the body responds in good health.









Something to mention is that anyone really interested in understanding this about the energy of bodies and helping others can begin to do reiki. No hard and difficult training is required (although obviously preparation is needed): they are not "chosen" or endowed with any extraordinary extrasensory power.


You only have to learn to open the Reiki channel and use your energy and that of the other person, and this is how you acquire the capacity, and the more you practice, the stronger you become. And when combined with other disciplines, such as acupuncture or medicine, therapeutic functions are enhanced and benefits are achieved more quickly.


A Reiki session can last approximately forty-five minutes and the patient will lie on a stretcher, barefoot and dressed. During the session, you use soft music and aromas such as incense or essences (aromatherapy).


They place their hands on a series of locations in the body called chakras and the Reiki Energy flows.


During a treatment, you feel a deep relaxation, a great sense of peace. Many people fall asleep, which does not influence the final result at all, some feel a tingle, heat or cold in different parts of the body as energy flows, other people see colors, experience a feeling of "floating" or feel emotions that surface and others feel nothing and not because Reiki is not working.



Individual sessions can be done to obtain a deep relaxation and sensation of momentary well-being or the treatment of four sessions where you work more thoroughly to remove the patient from some state of disharmony.


At the end of this treatment individual sessions can be taken as often as the patient needs.


They increase your energy and your moods, giving you a more positive point of view about life.


Previous stress situations do not seem to worry you as before.


Many patients after receiving their first sessions experience changes that can be annoying. It is usual that in the days following the session you can have feelings of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat or just spend a week angry or feeling at the edge of the skin. Then this person thinks that Reiki has gone bad and is worse than before starting the sessions. This is what is called a healing crisis.






Even so it is usually used some kind of music to induce that state as the pure silence there are people who can get to bother.


That is the purpose of music to make Reiki help us not only produce that state of deep concentration but also accompany the energy dance that occurs during the session.


The music causes many different feelings and feelings for everyone who listens to it so it is very important to know the patient to choose the music that can help him the most. Even this can also vary for days therefore you have to have a good repertoire and do not always put the same disc come whoever comes. You also have to help the therapist to give as much attention as possible and open your intuition to listen to the messages of Reiki.





Publication Date: 11-15-2017

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