» Self-Help » Power of Flowers, Kalai Selvi Arivalagan [beginner reading books for adults TXT] 📗

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Why flowers

The world will not be a beautiful place if it is without flowers. Flowers with their varied colors and perfume tell the human beings that the life is here to live and enjoy life as it is. Flowers have the power to make even a shabby place look as a place worth living. A flower can bring along with it cleanliness, beauty and peace of mind to the place.

According to wikipedia, a flower is a reproductive structure found in flowering plants. The four main parts of a flower are the calyx, corolla, stamen and pistil. The parts of a flower are arranged in a circular pattern called a whorl. Calyx is the outer whorl of sepals. Calyx is green in color and in some plants it looks like a petal. As a collective unit the sepals form a calyx, and the petals form the Corolla.

The Corolla is the inner whorl of petals. The petals are thin, soft and colorful to attract insects for pollination. A whorl of stamens consists of a bunch of filaments. Each filament is topped by an anther, in which pollen is produced. The pollen contains the male gametes. The pistil is the female part of the flower. The pistil has the carpel, which is the female reproductive organ of a flower. The sticky tip of the pistil is called stigma and it receives the pollen grains.

The floral structure of every plant is different from the other. The main parts of a flower are described by their position and not by their function. It is surprising to note that all the flowers do not have all the four main parts of a flower. Some flowers lack some parts or some times they are modified for some specific function.

The floral formula is used by the botanists to represent the structure of a flower. Specific letters, symbols and numerals are used to describe the structure of a flower.
Ca – calyx
Co – corolla
A – androecium
G – gynoecium

Many flowers are used as symbols with specific meanings. Red roses are considered as symbols for love, beauty and passion. Daisies are considered as symbols for innocence. Lilies are considered as symbols for resurrection and life.

Jasmine is also considered as a symbol for love. Orchids are symbols for perfection, and sunflowers are considered as a symbol for infatuation. In Hindu mythology, Lotus is considered as a symbol for fertility, purity and creation.


Healing power of flowers

 Flowers have always been associated with healing.


From Ancient Egypt to Tibet flowers have been used for healing. The Ancient Egyptians believed that the spirit or essence of the flower contained magical healing powers given by the deities and that their fragrances came from the gods so mortals might become more perfect by absorbing the scent.  Tibetan Buddhists sprinkle or sometimes immerse a patient in water in which flowers have been soaked.


In the modern urban and technological world, many people do not have knowledge of local wildflowers that our ancestors possessed,. However, we can now see flowers from all over the world in Botanic Gardens and obtain exotic blooms either produced in hot houses or flown across the world to flower shops in a matter of hours.


Flowers have always been associated with healing, both in their natural state, also as essential oils, as perfumes and as flower essences. Flower essences are produced by extracting, it is said, the spiritual essence of the flower by floating it on pure water in sun and moonlight.


Both essential oils and flower essences such as Doctor Bach, the Alaskan Flower Essence Project or Desert Alchemy Floral Essences from Arizona, transmit the healing power of flowers in concentrated form though flower essences work on a and emotional and spiritual level.

Significance of flowers - Mother at Arabindo Ashram




Publication Date: 03-10-2013

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Flowers that are tiny, small, big, and huge!

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