» Self-Help » Be Lonely, Be Your Best, Santosh Jha [ereader that reads to you TXT] 📗

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attain in life, in societal milieu, which cultural benchmarks label as worthy, you shall decisively find yourself in competition and conflict with so many others, who want the same attainment and that too exclusively. The success of the enterprise shall only partly depend on your efforts and merits as there shall always be many factors in milieu and people, which shall be equally decisive.

That is why successes in our societies are exception, not a rule. However, when you wish to attain something, which is possible only just by your simple and innocent resolve, you shall be always successful. Like your resolve to find utility and worth in intangibles like love, compassion or attach value to being in nature with trees and birds is only your own personal attainment. This enterprise is successful any number of times you do it.

The ancient philosophies tell us to align ourselves only with intangibles as utility because; our own consciousness has worth only as intangible. Our consciousness is intangible and continuous and that is why, it shall find lasting and continuous wellness only in intangible elements. That is why, the philosophy prescribes, true and lasting relationship can happen only between similar and generic elements. Our consciousness is intangible and values the intangibles in our lives more than anything.

If we align our consciousness with value, worth and utility in tangibles, there is bound to be pain, conflict and confusion as these elements are not similar and generic to the true character of our consciousness. This is the change we all need to instil in our conscious mind.

For this to happen, loneliness is the first conscious initiative towards the attainment of onlyness.


Beautifully Beneficial Causality Among

Homeostasis, We, Wellness & Wisdom

Scientific evidences maintain that ageing is 30 percent gene function and 70 percent lifestyle choices. Homeostasis decides it all. Anthropologists say, more than 100,000 years ago when hunting and gathering were the primary economic activities, humankind was in a homeostatic equilibrium with the natural environment. We have lost it way back.

Global researches confirm that the aggregate levels of happiness and well being are not appreciably higher now than they were at the end of World War II (1945), even though per capita income has increased by several hundred percent and in all aspects of life and living, we are now many times better off and comfortable.

It is not that these are stupid data or findings of a science lab, which we are not aware of. It surely looks like we all feel it but cannot say why? We all somehow promptly confirm, something is hugely amiss around us, but when it comes to pinpointing it, we have trouble. Be it our body, mind, family system, society at large, cultures, nations or global order, we all feel, things are not the way it needs to be and there is something small or big, which we are missing, which makes us uncomfortable, missing the desired wellness.

It is not that humanity is not doing anything about all this. There are researches going on. Lots of money and intellect are being invested to know exactly what and why. However, somehow, it is not such a complicated thing that an individual, busy in his or her life and living blues cannot understand and answer. It is indeed a simple common sense, which humanity, some thousands of years back could fathom and point out.

What we are about to discuss under the name Homeostasis is essentially a biological term but has utility and reference in all walks of life and living. We are simply talking of the balance, poise, equability, equilibrium, equanimity and what we have learnt since ages - The Golden Mean. In all our religious books, folklores, spiritual discourses, philosophies and societal wisdom talks, we can find the core concept of balance or poise in everything we perceive, accept and do. The poise and balance is surely not an external idea or a value that is alien to us. It is in fact what we have been designed for and is very much our central mechanism. We are endowed with it but seldom at it!

The key is however to understand this poise, which is the central design of our body and mind and also to seek to extend this idea to all aspects of life and living choices. This is important as we now stand at a juncture of evolution where we have lost this crucial and critical balance or poise since long and need to restore for not only the survival and excellence of the self, but the human race itself. The words below explain in detail the idea of this balance and the factors that we have in our immediate and surrounding environment as well as in our life and living choices that threaten and affect very badly this critical balance.From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

The explanation about the idea of homeostasis is scientific and it needs expert knowledge. That is why I accept that most things about the concept of homeostasis, I have taken from what experts have said. Even most of the words in the following paragraphs, about homeostasis are that of the experts, not truly mine. I surely cannot explain it in layman’s terms as it shall not be appropriate. What I am doing is trying to correlate the idea of scientific concept of homeostasis with the realism of loneliness. I am using the idea of homeostasis, as outlined by experts, with my own perspective of how loneliness is a positive and beneficial endowment for the attainment and perpetuation of this very crucial body-mind need of homeostasis.

Talking about homeostasis, the human organism consists of trillions of cells all working together for the maintenance of the entire organism. While cells may perform very different functions, all the cells are quite similar in their metabolic requirements. Maintaining a constant internal environment with all that the cells need to survive, like oxygen, glucose, mineral ions, waste removal, etc is necessary for the well-being of individual cells and the well-being of the entire body. The varied processes by which the body regulates its internal environment are collectively referred to as homeostasis.

Homeostasis in a general sense refers to stability, poise, balance or equilibrium. It is the body's attempt to maintain a constant internal environment. Maintaining a stable internal environment requires constant monitoring and adjustments as conditions change. This adjusting of physiological systems within the body is called homeostatic regulation. Because the internal and external environment of the body is constantly changing and adjustments must be made continuously to stay at or near the set point, homeostasis can be thought of as a synthetic equilibrium.

Homeostasis then is more than just balance, it is the combination of changing parts within the body that are constantly in different states, yet also constantly adapting to internal and external variables in their environment.

Science says, homeostasis allows the body to adapt to a wide variety of environments, both internally and externally. In order for the body to maintain healthy, it needs to remain in a state of balance, homeostasis. When the body is unable to maintain homeostasis, disease often ensues. A great many factors can affect the body in such a way as to throw off homeostasis. Stress is one of these many factors. As is commonly known, stress on the body can induce both physical and psychological changes in the body.

Science says, while the body is able to adjust to natural changes within the body, and generally without (temperature changes, etc), it cannot adjust to activities which we subject ourselves to. Smoking promotes changes within the body which homeostasis has no control over. It cannot defend against the harmful effects of smoking, drinking alcohol in excess, or depriving our bodies of necessary sleep and nutrients. Poor dietary habits can take a toll on the body for which homeostasis can do nothing to recover balance.

We have gone a long distance on the wrong path since ages. The environment we live in is so much polluted, the food we eat is so unhealthy and lacking natural sanity, the lifestyle we lead is so full of excesses and extremities that together they all put us off this precious balance, miles apart. Most of modern degenerative diseases, also called lifestyle-diseases are the result of this affected homeostasis of human body, living choices and external environment.

What is important is to know that disease and cellular malfunction can be caused in two basic ways: either, deficiency (cells not getting all they need) or toxicity (cells being poisoned by things they do not need). Contemporary environment and lifestyle choices are doing both at the same time and that too very badly. In our fast-paced lives and peer-pressured race for unending marathon of instant-self-gratifications, we are not only depriving our bodies of the basic needs for survival but also adding hell lot of toxicity than our bodies could handle. Survival is all about homeostasis in nature as well as nurture domains. Tragically, we live in a cluttered milieu and annihilated nature as well as nurture.

Now, it is crucial to understand and accept, how in our drift and flux lives, we are actually killing our homeostasis, which in turn is creating havoc with our life-living wellness and personal excellence. It is so very important to understand and accept that in addition to the internal control mechanisms, there are external influences based primarily on lifestyle choices and environmental exposures that influence our body's ability to maintain cellular health. They are:

Nutrition: If your diet is lacking in a specific vitamin or mineral your cells will function poorly, possibly resulting in a disease condition. Usually people take overdose of macro nutrients like carbohydrate, protein and fat but seldom nourish their bodies with micronutrients like vitamins and very important minerals which are key to homeostasis and homoeostasis regulation. We need to understand, a deficiency of even a nondescript mineral called zinc could create havoc with body homeostasis. Equally crucial are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc. Balanced diet in today’s fast-paced life is most crucial requirement and this is what most people ignore. It needs to be reminded that in contemporary clutter culture, the mass media, pep psychologists, markets and celebrities are all spreading inappropriate and extrapolated information about not only right food and right diet but almost all aspects of life-living choices. That is why there is that overload of confusion about what is right and good for us. We need to stop and check things for our wellness.

Toxins: Any substance that interferes with cellular function, causing cellular malfunction are toxins. This is done through a variety of ways; chemical, plant, insecticides, and/or bites. A commonly seen example of this is drug overdoses. When a person takes too much of a drug their vital signs begin to waver; either increasing or decreasing, these vital signs can cause problems including coma, brain damage and even death. As per latest info, an average American has 12 prescriptions a year. All over the globe, average people too are taking far many medicines than necessary. In America, more people die of prescription drugs than any other single disease. Moreover, the toxins in the environment in major cities are major culprits of homeostasis. The air we breathe, especially in bigger cities is calamitous. The food we eat is so much laced with harmful chemicals, pesticides and adulteration that every day we are adding loads of toxins in our bodies. The toxicity has already penetrated to genes and dangerous mutations are devastating next generation.

Psychological: Your physical health and mental health are inseparable. Our thoughts and emotions cause chemical changes to take place either for better as with meditation, or worse as with stress. Our hormones, which are agents of homeostasis, get hugely affected by our mind state and lifestyle choices. The psychological factors are the most crucial ones in degrading homeostasis. It has been found that in modern living spaces, most diseases have psychological reasons which finally take the shape of psychosomatic diseases. They get listed

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