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duly elected welfare states.

It is rather a huge hypocrisy that most states and their democratic governments have enacted such harsh and absolutist laws, in the pretext of ‘culpability of people’ against state sovereignty and so-called national interest and nationalism, which have violated the human rights most. They have proved hugely potent weapon for mass destruction of human dignity. The brutality of state and governments is on the rise and they keep blaming it on people, standing them as culprits of violation of state sovereignty. This has to be understood in detail of holism.

There have been systematic researches and sufficient records already in public domain about the massive culpability of states and governments in killing its own people. The word, ‘Democide’ is now a reality in almost all countries of the world, not only dictatorships but also in democracies, where people are supposed to be the sovereign. Democide means intentional killing of unarmed and innocent people of one’s own country by the state and government agencies. Broaden the scope of the Democide by including all innocent and unarmed people, who are caught in the cross-fire of nations’ stupid and gruesome hypocrisies of so-called National Interest-led international relations; the human loss, miseries and annihilation of Human Dignity are colossal.

Different human rights organizations and independent researchers put the figures of global Democide somewhere between 170 to 260 millions in the last century. And do ask why these huge numbers of innocent and unarmed men, women and children were killed? The singular answer is because of ‘National Interest’, as defined and installed by the politics of the day. The state and governments, even the democratic nations and so-called welfare states are now unfettered and absolute in their power and authority to put the ‘National Interest’; or a far more vague idea of ‘National Security’, above everything; above lives of people. Tragically enough, the judicial systems of countries are also happily aligning with state and governments, not the common people and their human rights. They also favor politics and governments by buying the abstract and mystical notion of National Interest and failing to extend any relief to people whose liberties are massacred on the name of national interest. And, do also ask what this ‘National Interest’ is?

It is the brilliance of the brightest of stupidities and hypocrisies that millions of innocent and unarmed people are killed for the sake of something, which is probably the most abstract, mystical and immeasurable reality of human world. Both the words – Nation as well as Interest; or for that matter Security, are abstractions and indistinctness glorified to noblest of munificence and magnanimity. The state, governments and politics are unbridled and unaccountable in defining national interest as per their whims and fancies. They either have the judicial system ‘nexus-ed’ to validate their abstractions and mysticisms or the judicial system feels it okay to fall in line with the populist pressure, which politics successfully garners over the sensitive issue of national interest. The citizens have no recourse to justice against state repression over them, in the name of whimsical and illogical idea of national interest.

This is what human mind consciousness is a genius at. This human genius of designing and devising ingenious abstractions and vagueness has its expression and reflection in almost everything humans think and do. The best and most innovatively cunning are however reserved for religion and politics. This National Interest idea and idealism has many parallels. A woman asks her lover, ‘How much you love me?’ The lover replies with confidence and intelligent assurance, ‘I love you as much as stars in sky and I can pluck the moon for you.’ The woman in love is hysterically elated and deeply satisfied with the Legitimacy and sincerity of the Mandate of her man’s love! Love for the wildest of stupidities called nation is always more mystical and intense and therefore, populism innovates myriad of hypocritical legitimacy and mandate for national interest.

This abstraction is our design. This instinctive and innate propensity for everything abstract, intangible and formlessly vague is the way our consciousness works out Reality, the way we accept. This we all know, as modern science has unraveled this Reality for us in the last few decades, with empirical and mechanismic evidences. This is also what we all know as the basis of ‘Populism’, which rules most Reality domains of human world and is accepted with universal ease and liking. Religion and politics are the master craftsmen of this artistry of populism manufacturing. Most things populist is majorly and innately abstractive and vague by their design and intent. Nationalism, national interest, national security, patriotism, or for that matter most ‘isms’ based on identities and ethnicities are abstract and vague. It is because they have the true and natural basis in the deep and lateral plexus of our brain states and their mechanism. If history of humanity is a living document of the infinite spectrum of stupidities and hypocrisies, which caused untold miseries to people, killed millions of innocent and unarmed people, wreaked havoc on peaceful existence of large sections of population and annihilated the Human Dignity in innumerable ways, we now in 21st century do know that it was because of the stupid design of human mind consciousness with immense propensity for abstractions and mysticism. This stupidity has to end in 21st century and naturally, state and politics shall automatically lose any semblance of legitimacy and mandate if these abstractions are dropped.

Therefore, what stands now as beyond any doubt is the singular Reality that our contemporary human world does not need politics and government for 7 billion plus people and their missing wellness. Humanity does not need nation-state systems, the power and authority of state and governments, the military might of huge armies, the fast growing national and global economies, however democratic and liberal they might seem, for the solutions of human troubles. What humanity needs is a universal and globally implementable common single and scientific education mechanism and process, which could deal with intrinsic, innate and embedded troubles and weaknesses in human mind consciousness design. Humanity does not need politics, governance, economy, moneys, wealth, religion, cultures, etc. What it needs for its lasting wellness, peace and prosperity is Science – The objective, empirical, measurable and verifiable knowledge of Holism of Reality. Humanity needs objective and holistic mind training, a universal education mechanism, across borders of nationality and all other identities-ethnicities, to tide over the innate and intrinsic troubles of its mind consciousness, which is the seed of all troubles and therefore the singular object of correction. This human integration is one-point agenda of humanity and it must now be initiated.

The 21st century world is standing on the definitive threshold of singular probability – either humanity accepts its stupid hypocrisies, sheds its current obsession with abstract Reality and embarks on a course-correction, which is now well laid out, or perishes in foreseeable future, which is the most likely probability. Humanity cannot survive very long if it continues with the contemporary stupidities and hypocrisies, which the current nation-state system, politics and governments, national and international economy and international relations uploads on human world with impunity. The human world is brimming at the edges and it is definitely moving towards its own annihilation. The only course-correction towards reversal to sanity and survival is singular universal knowledge and education system for human mind training to integrate all humanity into singular ‘identity’, to weed out troubles in the very design of the human consciousness and cognition. And, it shall be very natural that all other domains of human knowledge shall have to be integrated for this singular purpose of correction of consciousness.

What needs to be understood and accepted with objective and holistic mind consciousness is the fact that most troubles of humanity have a singular basis and this basis is the very design of Human Consciousness. If human world has so many things so good, beautiful and right, they also come from the human consciousness itself. All good and bad, right and wrong have their basis in human consciousness as it is the sole entity, where Reality is unraveled at its myriad shades, engendering twin probabilities of good and bad, right and wrong. Therefore, what is needed to be managed and engineered is human consciousness. This is the sole and exclusive domain of scientific, objective, measurable and verifiable mind training through a universal education-academic system. This is hugely specialized domain and therefore only top scientific brains can be entrusted with the task. Of course, the scientific expertise has to work in perfect integration with all fields of human knowledge and also, all fields shall have to suitably synchronize and synergize their own knowledge dispensation. But surely, it shall not be as it is in contemporary human world, where all power and authority for all decisions regarding human life-living and affairs are solely in the hands of a handful of politicians, who have the single eligibility of having ‘populism’ in their favor to stupidly claim as Solution-Makers of human troubles.

Effectively, it may be that billions of people vote and elect a handful of politicians and in a sense validate the requirements of democracy but once elected, these handfuls shall become sole destiny-makers of these billions and, these billions have not a whiff of anything that this handful of politicians would do in the name of the welfare of the same billions. These politicians shall decide the syllabus of education, they shall decide what and which way billions of humans, from childhood to adulthood would learn and not learn. They shall decide what Reality is for billions of humans and shall use the colossal might of the authority of state institutions and agencies to execute their own ‘Personal Will’ over billions. The ‘General Will’ of billions shall finally become subservient to ‘Personal Will’ of handful or even one or two politicians. This is how the abstraction of ‘Populism’ works in human world. This is how abstractions and hypocrisies present and install Reality for human world.

This stupidity and hypocrisy is what human history has documented well, yet, humanity is never ever willing to learn from history and set out for a course-correction. This happened so far because humanity didn’t have this critical knowledge of human consciousness and Reality. The 21st century humanity cannot let this stupidity and hypocrisy continue as it shall and it is already leading humanity to complete annihilation. The question of Human Dignity may seem relatively a smaller concern, yet it is the seed requirement of any semblance of ‘welfare’ of people.

In this eBook, why we are saying, ‘Give Me My Crown Back’ because of the historical evidence that humanity began by installing the supremacy of education and intellect over politics and governance of people. Initially, politics and state power was placed under the repository of knowledge and intellect of humanity, who had no power and authority but people’s mandate. It is because they accepted the role of state and its institution to empower and enrich the moral consciousness of people. They represented the General Will and upheld the mandate of masses by reigning in the state and rulers. The General Will of the masses was based on the contemporary understanding of Reality, which the academicians, philosophers and intellectuals proposed and not by the ‘Personal Will’ of the handful of rulers or politicians.

If we look at the history of human civilization, it is clear that in almost all ancient civilization, be it Indian, Greek, Roman or Chinese, this was the common basis. The collective intellect of contemporaneous humanity in ancient times was respected and given leadership position even in kingdoms where the King was supposed to be the agent of God. The ancient wisdom of philosophy had jurisprudence and individual dignity as key ingredients.

This changed in the evolution of times and modern democracies toppled this trend completely. Globally, be it the developed nations or the underdeveloped ones, intellectuals, academicians, scientists and thinkers have completely been alienated from political-governance decision-making process. It is now done predominantly by a nexus of politician-bureaucrat-corporate oligarchy. Brilliantly

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