» Self-Help » Give Me My Crown Back, Santosh Jha [best romance ebooks .txt] 📗

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the ‘Milieus’ by ‘Conscious Awareness’.

Our personal sense of ‘I’ or self, or call it the layers of consciousness is just a media of the body-mind causalities. This means that we may keep thinking happily that ‘I’ or myself is seeing and accepting a Reality but the fact may remain there that actually, the specific Reality is playing it out using our body-mind as media to express itself in a way, which makes us accept a Reality the way we do. That is why there is an ancient prescription to humanity – ‘Don’t Be, You Shall Be.’ The prescription is to come out of the consciousness of ‘I’ that is in an auto-reaction mode working mechanically and stupidly as ‘Media’ of twin internal and external causalities – the first causalities of body and mind and second causalities in the milieus.

It is to be realized with utmost humility and sincerity that consciousness itself is just a media of body and mind and the ‘I’ of average person simply works as media to play out the realities that internal and external causalities make him to. This has to stop and an individual needs to detach himself or herself from this auto-mode reactionary ‘I’ or self, which acts and behaves like a media, without ever understanding the ‘self’ and the causalities that it works with and works on him or her. So, the primary cognitive change is to be aware of self and causalities and detach the consciousness from the internal and external causalities; as far as possible.

We need to understand and accept that evolving and growth has two stages – auto-mode learning and conscious unlearning. From infant stage to adulthood, an individual keeps assimilating information and available knowledge from its milieus in subconscious state of ‘auto-mode learning’. Very few individuals, who have managed to evolve strong consciousness as early as 14-16 years of age, may begin to start the parallel process of ‘conscious unlearning’ or pruning of subconscious auto-mode learning. However, after the stage of adulthood, say 20-25 years of age, an individual needs to accept that he or she as a ‘Media’ must change. The media must shift its primary situation from a ‘Reactionary-Subconscious Being’ to a ‘Receptive Conscious Being’. It means; the Higher Consciousness begins to shape up as aware and holistically inclined ‘authoritative command’ center to effect engineering and management of the body-mind media’s causative auto-behavior and action.

It is therefore clear that for every individual human being, men or women; there is an indispensable process of evolving to Higher Consciousness, which is that person’s internalized ‘command-control’ mechanism for reasoned, rational and objectively logical action/behavior. This Higher Consciousness is the intangibility of functional consciousness, which evolves as repository of compassion. It is this Higher Consciousness, which has the structural and functional wherewithal to unravel the holism of Reality and Liberty. Naturally, what all humans Need is right and holistic education-training-knowledge mechanism and processes for optimal evolution of Higher Consciousness. It is crystal clear that ‘Awareness’ of Higher Conscious Self is an internalized process, which is an outcome of knowledge and not power-authority restrictions and suppressions. Rather, these two actually kill the process of higher Consciousness as power-authority-violence is alien and antagonistic to human consciousness. Very naturally, the contemporary model of state, government and politics embedded in power-authority and mandate for legitimacy of violence is worst enemy of humanity, only infusing more and dangerous quantum of conflicts, chaos, stupidities and hypocrisies in human world. They cannot ever have the mandate for ‘Human Management’ as it is the internalized, innate, embedded and wired role of human consciousness itself, which is based on education-knowledge and not ‘management’ by force and violence.

Before we take up the idea of Higher Consciousness in details, let us go back to the issue of driving skill training as example of how human consciousness works and why external ‘control’ and forceful authority never works and is rather alien to human mechanism. This example of driving skill is just a symbol of how state, governments and politics have been doing something on and for humanity, which is not only futile and unproductive, but also counterproductive, stupid and hypocritical.

Driving is probably a classical example of how individual and society need to act and interact with each other, without the much hyped role and need of state authority. Driving is also a good example of how ‘awareness’ is not only a ‘partial’ idea but a holistic realism and this is what every person needs in loads. Most people feel and believe that driving is all about the skill to drive a vehicle with ease and comfort. It is popularly felt that to have effective and smooth handling of accelerator, clutch, brakes and steering wheel and use them in synchronous symmetry is qualification enough for having a good driving skill. And then, add to some basic recognition of a few traffic signs and you are eligible for your driving license.

However, in actuality, these are just ‘part’ eligibility of having good driving skills. Most people miss the holism of driving Reality and this is probably why, globally, road accidents are leading killers of humans. And, everyone of us know, what causes these killer accidents? The top three killer causes are – distracted-drunk driving, speeding and carelessness. Amazingly, none of these figure when a driving license is handed to a person as he or she has acquired good driving skills. How can there be an eligibility denial on the basis of a person’s attitudinal and behavioral troubles, which are both specific as well as generic?

The calamitous fact is – driving has to be accepted in its holism and entirety, like all shades of Reality and this is not done by most humans. We are in the habit of seeing, realizing and accepting only part of the Reality. The holism of Reality of driving skill is – driving is not only about dexterity to ‘drive’ a vehicle well but it is primarily about how an individual, while driving or even when not driving is Compassionate about ‘Others’. Reality shall always be partial and therefore hugely dangerous so far as element of ‘Compassionate Consciousness For Others’ is not an instinctive nature of a person. A huge part of driving is about ‘Others’, who are also on the same road and with equal potential of the same propensity for ‘Self-Centered’ Reality-Acceptance. ‘I’ having acquired great driving skill is only a negligible part of the holism of driving universe. The bigger part is ‘Others’ and therefore, every driving person must be in happy and internalized Awareness of compassionate consciousness towards all ‘Others’.

The trouble starts here. Driving licenses are issued for driving skills and not innate and internalized Higher Consciousness. But then, most driving persons, especially those who meet with accidents are not compassionately aware about ‘Others’. How can the state, governments, politics ensure that every person must have this most crucial eligibility of Higher Consciousness, before he or she is given a driving license or any other permission from the state authority? The state and governments have no role here as it is not something they can ever have the mandate and legitimacy for. It is the domain of intellectual-moral fabric of an individual itself, immediate and larger family, society and cultures. It is primarily about how an individual is evolved with right education-training-knowledge. It is not some eligibility, which can be ‘tested’ by a software or structural-functional regime. It is about human consciousness, which takes years to evolve to Higher Consciousness.

Driving, like any other human skill, especially in societal context, requires high level of awareness about self and ‘others’, skill of perception of ambient milieus, coordination of all five senses, spatial intelligence about maneuverability, persevered practice of the art of simultaneous functioning of varied motor actions of body, a calm-composed mind, self-belief and self-confidence vis-à-vis the vehicle one runs and above all, a very happily assured state of mind to be in affectionate-compassionate reception of equal rights of co-travelers and pedestrians on the road, etc. Naturally, all these are not some skills but they are internalized and embedded elements of the Higher Consciousness. These elements cannot be installed in a person by the fear and force of legitimized violence and punishment of state authority. Had this been possible, there would not have been a so many crimes against humanity by average persons themselves.

The primary task of evolving people to their higher consciousness, so that they could be aware of their possible wrongs, is a long learning-unlearning process, which is the role of education-knowledge, where state, governments and politics has no role to play. What humanity needs, at least as a secondary relief, is a foolproof and highly effective policing and judicial system to reach a wrong doer to justice and lead him or her to such a reform mechanism so that the wrongs could not be replicated. The state, governments and politics have miserably failed in facilitating even his small secondary role. The pragmatism of every individual’s socially appropriate and humanly rational behavior/action has rather been brutally annihilated by state, governments and politics, who in their innate propensity for power-authority kill all rationality.

This example of driving is a broad hint at how human consciousness works and how our average behavior/actions are engendered. It has to be accepted that there is a mechanism of stupidities and hypocrisy within our body and mind and everyone should be educated about that. This alone can guarantee appropriate human behavior/action and sanity and system in society. The origin of all stupidities and hypocrisies of human world is in the brain states; the way our brain has evolved as layered organ, with different parts evolving in different timeline, yet working as a cooperative entity. This layered and ‘collective of part’ brain states create hypocrisies for all of us. This needs to be understood.

We still are essentially instinctive animals, though we have evolved over time as conscious, thinking and logical being. Our brain mechanism still works like most higher organisms; like other big mammals. It is our subconscious brain state, handling all our instincts, which orchestrates all behaviors and actions. The upper brain states of Cerebral cortex region, which plays a key role in perception, thoughts, awareness, memory, languages and especially the sense of subjective self, is a late entrant in the evolution of brain. It is now very much an accepted scientific hypothesis that for decision-making purposes, the mid brain states of cerebellum, handing our subconscious functions, refers a sensory input to all parts of the sensory plexus of body and brain, including the cerebral cortex. However, the finality of an action or a behavior shall always have to be enacted by the subconscious part. Therefore, for an action or behavior to have repeat value and instinctive replication in all times, it must be part of our subconscious brain states.

So, what usually happens is that people think, feel and believe in all good things and high ideals. However, they are seldom practiced enough and therefore, they remain there as long-term memory of sorts in cortex brain states but are not consolidated and encoded in mid-brain states, where the actual consolidation and encoding of experiences as workable memory is done. We all need to universalize goodness and righteousness in our subconscious mind and therefore they need to be practiced repeatedly so that they become part of our instinctive action. If a learning or experience is not consolidated and encoded well in mid-brain states (subconscious domain), there shall always be abstract and mystical replication or even no replication of that learning. This happens because the learning experience could not be consolidated as workable memory. And, when something is not in workable memory, it is not instinctive but just thought or at best a linguistic memory. It is only natural that we shall voice goodness and righteousness but as they are not yet our instinctive behavior/action, they shall not be practiced, when need be. This creates all hypocrisies and stupidities in human world.

It is therefore clear as why human world’s primary and most massive trouble is its own

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