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from terrorism, there is this incessant effort by state, governments and politics to play up the dormant but potential conflicts over different competing identities. Within countries, in neighborhood and even in far off regions, the state and politics intentionally create ‘enemies’ and ‘aggressors’ based on identities and the abstract idea of so-called National Interest. From threats of internal violence to actual wars and trade wars, every single tool of engagement of conflict are first created and then blown out of proportion by smart media-management to keep the people convinced that they are perpetually threatened and need the umbrella of protective politics and state power to remain free and well. The state and politics successfully engender the much required mandate for its legitimacy, which is impossible in peace time and normal life. The modus operandi is simple – politics first creates an enemy, unleash its terror in societies and then proclaims itself as the only savior of people from the scourge of the imminent terror. The fearful and perpetually insecure masses hurriedly extend ‘full’ mandate and legitimacy to politics on this proposed agenda. Once the mandate is acquired, the politics and governments kill some irrelevant people or probably those with the ‘inimical identities’ and attain warrior eulogy.

It is here the role of Deep State comes into picture. The most forceful Deep State agency is state and government backed and financed political cadre of political parties. They have the mandate and legitimacy of their political bosses to unleash conflicts, violence and insecurity in the society, going all out to fire up identity conflicts. They are also the most effective agency of ‘Fake Information’ dissemination, where the pliable and soft media helps a great deal. The media itself becomes an agency of Deep State. Together they create such an unmanageable crisis, where their political bosses could easily purchase mandate for their legitimate right to lead the people. Fear, insecurity, distrust is the seed the Deep State successfully sows in the minds of people to reap a prosperous crop of violence-conflict in the society. This ensures mandate for legitimacy of a powerful and authoritative state, governments and politics. The Deep State agencies have the crucial task of ‘creating’ an Enemy and then, the politics and governments ‘kill’ the enemy to attain glory and charisma of warriors. It is simple but never ever manifest to people. How can it be? Even in 21st century, 97 percent of state and government actions are kept secret from the people and they do it legally and constitutionally under lawful pretext of ‘Official Secrecy’. Why secrecy? Oh! It is for national interest and national security! As if the real and true enemies of a country do not already know about everything. Well, enemies of state can know but the people of the state cannot! It is very hypocritically protected by jurisprudence…

There is a clear trend of all these in the 21st century itself. It has a trajectory, which everyone should be aware of. Much of the erstwhile flamboyance and sheen of the autocratic propensities of the 20th century state and governments had begun to fade as after the Second World War, the idealism of ‘Welfare State’ started to take deep roots in many functional democracies of the world. Liberalism and openness in state and governmental functionality in last few decades of dying 20th century emaciated the state and politics as growingly, people’s mandate became diverse and dissipated. Internationalism was taking shape as international trade and commerce as well as ‘soft-capital’ of skilled manpower migration began to rule national interest. Naturally, nationalism and restrictive identity-based politics got weakened. Globally, political parties felt this growing disinterest of surging middle-class in governmental bounties and political affiliations. Last decade of 20th century was probably the worst phase for state, governments and politics as they had lost much of the brute power and unrestricted authority over people and national priorities. It was the time for state and politics to either bounce back with vengeance to regain the fast losing ‘empire’ or face definite death.

The state and politics bounced back in the early days of beginning of the new millennium of 21st century. Globally, state and politics acquired the similar modus operandi of regaining the lost territory. Politics, state and governments ferociously poured oil in the extinguishing fire of ‘Identity-Conflicts’ and simultaneously embarked on the time-tested politics of fear and insecurity. The old and now sidelined philosophy of ‘Social Contract’ was re-flamed and put to optimum use. Terrorism as a card for definite success was already there but many states and political lords ‘recruited’ and ‘hired’ mercenaries, with specific insistence on having a tangible ‘identity’ attached with terrorism. The Deep State agencies were rediscovered, diversified, indoctrinated and emboldened. This surely served the dual purpose of creating a resurfacing of identity-based hate and conflict oriented ‘Reactionary Nationalism’ and on the other hand infused the much required inflated sense of fear and insecurity among common people. Global researches have already established this trend in people.

This was almost a global trend in the start of 21st century and it has paid huge dividends to state, governments and politics. Identity nationalism and terror perceptions were successfully pumped into mainstream and populist perceptions of average person globally and it not only restored the legitimacy for authoritative and strong state and governments but also extended the much needed boost to the global arms bazaar, which is lifeline of many rich countries. State and politics also successfully launched what we may call the ‘trade war politics’ to lend credence and support to a ‘nationalism’ agenda for masses. Aggressive international politics with vocalization of ‘Local Economic Interests’ as rallying point for international trade relationship very much suited politics and state as it made people rally around them. Mistrust, threatening posturing and inflated sense of national pride, et al were played dexterously by state and politics to strengthen mandate for legitimacy.

There probably was another dimension to this 21st century resurgence of emaciating state and politics. Liberalism and open trade had a hugely positive impact on national manufacturing as well as commerce. Last decades of 20th century saw a sharp rise in living standards and comfort levels of average person as technology, global finance and cheap international labor created not only cheap and affordable goods and services to common people but also created purchasing powers as economy moved up. This cyclic chain of consumption-manufacturing-purchasing power brought about a definitive, assertive and pampered class of ‘consumer’. This consumerism, which became a power to be reckoned with as 21st century dawned, economy and commerce acquired a hugely powerful role in ‘mandate’ of ‘legitimacy’ with people. This sure was at the cost of already emaciating state and politics. The pampered consumer naturally was all hate and dislike for governments and politics as they were being pampered, respected and genuinely serviced well by economy and commerce. The state, governments and politics had almost lost it and was surely relegating to futility.

The state, government and politics had to bounce back for their very survival and had to tame the newly emerging ‘Legitimate Authoritative Lords’ in the domain of economy and commerce. The 21st century ‘Neo-Nationalism’, which the state, government and politics re-shaped also ensured to install a sense of suspicion against economy, commerce and trade. Politics in third decade of 21st century has successfully installed a populist perception against economy and commerce. Politics has successfully installed distrust among people against moneyed and business class. Politics has first created a populist perception that corruption, wrong practices and unjust behavior in industry, trade and commerce are ‘weakening nation’ and therefore need strong, authoritative and punishable state and government attitude. This surely adds strength to legitimacy of state, governments and politics. More enemies for people means; more legitimacy and mandate for ‘authoritative’ state, governments and politics!

It is here that we need to unravel the nature and scope of the old idea of Deep State, which has now been broadened and redesigned by contemporary politics. This Deep State has also undergone a good deal of transformation like Terrorism. This Deep State is the Frankenstein, which has spread its tentacles to every element of human life-living – be it society, culture, religion, economy, family or state-governmental-political agencies. This has to be understood in details. Why? Because, this is the deadliest part of contemporary state and politics, which is at the root of not only national troubles but also international peace and order!

Modern day world is probably the most enlightened one in the long history of humanity. People in general are more knowledgeable about themselves as well as the external milieus. The technology has landed them in information obesity but this at least makes them aware about the diversity, which humanity professes. Moreover, science is beginning to shape the consciousness of growing number of people and every new generation of men and women have better clarity of the need to lead their lives on the basis of practical realism of body and mind rather than abstract and mythical faith-based system. Also, good life-living and personal security, which economy has growingly begun to service, has made average person become more in control of his or her life, not being dependent on ‘Welfare State’ dole outs, which landed them in the fold of politics.

Apart from this emerging reality of average human lives, there is another crucial factor, which has big impact on the lives of people. Globally, humanity has now settled with certain broad and general rule of life-living. Democracy, rights of people, transparency, accountability, privacy, freedom of choices, etc are now taken for granted as state and governments have growingly become subservient to Constitutional safeguards. Also, national interest, government principles, economic agenda, etc are now well settled for any country and governments and politics cannot be any different. This altogether leaves little maneuvering space for any political party or political government to claim that it can do something others cannot as everything is now settled. All roles are defined and all participants in nation’s march ahead are equally important.

In simple terms, modern day life-living and human affairs management are essentially moving towards a self-regulated system, based on well-settled laws and rules of interaction. As democracies, bureaucracy and economic activities have evolved and matured, there is little role of governments and politics in the overall mechanism and process. The post World War era of humanity has every governmental and political values and norms well benchmarked for every country. People have easy access to all information about everything happening in other parts of the world and therefore, it is an auto-process that humanity is itself gradually moving towards a set of settled benchmarks in personal life-living and collective living. This leaves nothing exclusive and authoritatively powerful in the hands of governments and politics. This surely is not an ideal situation for politicians and political governments. It had already started impacting politics and governments as in most developed and developing countries, mandates were getting fractured, coalition politics and governments had become a rule and no single political party was emerging as strong enough to form a government on its own. This somehow ensured that governments were not autocratic and people had better lives. But it was worse time for politics and governments, who thrive on unbridled authority.

Powerful, authoritative and oligarchic politics and governments thrive when people have ‘unsettled’ lives and fear, conflicts and violence rule society and cultures. Politics and governments have a weak and indecisive mandate for legitimacy when people begin to become self-regulated and lead a settled life. Politics and governments therefore never allow this to happen. As we discussed above, the state, government and politics cannot go beyond Constitution and internationally accepted and settled benchmarks of political and administrative processes. Naturally, they needed a ‘Friend’ who carried the clandestine, unconstitutional and unprincipled agenda of governments and politics. This ‘Friend’ is the Deep State, and its primary assignment is to create ‘Enemies’ of people within the country and outside to install fear and insecurity among people and keep ignited the fire of diverse ‘Identities’ among people so that

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