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has to be done fast and sure. The Cadre of Catalysts is the way to have it. For example, a political party gets around 25-35 percent of all votes and forms a government. However, if the rest of 65 percent people, who did not vote for the government, wish to disagree with any of the policy or measure of the government, it has no institutionalized way to assert their own more powerful and more legitimate mandate.

Therefore, why not a global institutional mechanism and process for people to assert their mandate and legitimacy claims? The Cadre of Catalysts surely is the way. If there can be a United Nations Organization (UNO) for legitimate nations, why not a United Non-Government Organization (UNGO) for the Cadre of Catalysts? The 21st century is the era of connectivity and communication. Modern era is a time-space for universal sovereignty of people, across and above national, political and ethnic boundaries. No idea and no practicality can survive and thrive if it does not have a unified critical energy and mass of people with single focus and agenda. No idealism and righteousness can survive and thrive if it does not have an institutionalized mechanism and process for legitimacy of mandate. Today is the Time for the Cadre of Catalysts to have them and march ahead with their own DIGNITY for the cherished agenda of universal Human Dignity.

Second important aspect of this integration and assimilation of like-minded-ness is the much required unification of collective knowledge of humanity. We have already talked in detail about how very critical it is for Getting The Crown Back. The ONE-Ness agenda has only one vehicle and carrier – the universal common education-knowledge-training of all humans, with singular focus on Reality and Human Consciousness. Naturally, all scientists of the world have this task at hand to unify and create a Singular Unified Command of science.

Like the activists-intellectuals, the scientific community is also big and hugely powerful but scattered, unaligned and engaged in diverse knowledge-innovation pursuits. Like the idea of Cadre of Catalysts, the scientists also have to accept the unification and assimilation of all diverse agenda and pursuits into singular universal agenda of education-knowledge. No doubt, different domains of Reality, which thousands of very resourceful and respected scientists are investing their time and energies into, are important and humanity owes a lot to them and their efforts. But, the primary issue is – humans and humanity always comes first. Every little or big enterprise the scientists do are essentially for we humans. Naturally, the humans have to survive and thrive in their personal life-living first, then only any knowledge or innovation can have any meaningful fruition for humanity.

There is a small perceptional issue, which all scientists, young or established, have to see, understand and accept. If power, authority, attainments and possessions are not aligned with concurrent, collective and complementing proprietorship of wider humanity – the common men and women, it has little utility and fruition. Also, it unleashes the major propensity of they landing in the hands of oligarchic and autocratic elements of society, which ultimately is used against masses. The scientific community may likely accept with deserved humility, this culpability. That is why the 21st century beckons them to unify, become more aligned and integrated to average people and their world and ensure that their knowledge is translated into empowerment of average person.

The scientists have probably also not understood their own power-authority, vis-à-vis the public. The contemporary world may not have good connect with actual science and scientific knowledge yet, everyone vows by science. Even the most powerful and resourceful leaders of faith-structures and worst of stupid politicians claim to have ‘scientific mandate’ of their hypocrisies. The scientists have to see and accept that they and their collective power-authority of knowledge have much more populist mandate and public legitimacy, compared to that of governments and politics. Also, their mandate and legitimacy are being hugely misused and misinterpreted among the masses. The pseudo-science is probably the largest chunk of ‘fake news’, which political and governmental people and agencies use to ‘buy’ populist mandate and legitimacy for their behaviors and actions. The scientists have to own this culpability as all this happens because of their ‘disconnect’ with masses and lack of integration and assimilation of their collective knowledge. They have to come forward.

There is a very simple and yet hugely potent proposition, which scientific community has to understand and accept. The mandate and legitimacy of state, government and politics should never be sole and exclusive in society. The whole world now knows and accepts that they have grossly misused and corrupted the mandate and legitimacy. They have used the mandate to unleash oligarchic and autocratic actions on masses, suppressing their liberties and compromising the Human dignity. Yet, there is almost no parallel and equally powerful alternative from people, who could use them to bridle the mandate of state, government and politics. As we have talked about earlier, the General Will of the masses is always the superior and ultimate mandate that must have the mechanism and process of restraining the mandate of politics. The scientists of the world therefore must be actively participating in the mainstream of societal and cultural exchanges. The General Will of the masses gets a huge boost and strength when scientists align themselves with common people and throw the weight of their knowledge and wisdom behind this General Will. As we said earlier, the hypocritical and stupid regime of autocratic and suppressive oligarchy fears nothing but the question of reason and logic. The world knows and accepts that scientists have the ultimate and final question of reason. They must lend this weapon to the mandate and legitimacy of the General Will of the people. They haven’t so far and this is the time to correct it.

Moreover, the scientific community has this most important task of scripting a universal and common education-knowledge regime for young and all. It is not only stupid but hugely calamitous that politicians and bureaucrats could decide what humanity needs for its education-knowledge. It is a domain of pure science objectivity and sensibility. Human consciousness, its evolution to a compassionate higher consciousness and logical-objective understanding of Reality is the singular knowledge and educational requirement of all humanity and only scientists can sit together and prepare the roadmap to it. The politicians and governments have already vitiated the educational and knowledge system of humanity. This needs to change.

Scientists must also build sufficient pressure on governments and politics to invest most of the resources of state and governments on education and knowledge. Currently, most nations spend less than 5-6 percent of their GDP on education. This spending is growingly diminishing in real terms every passing year. Humanity needs maximum spending on education and knowledge building-dissemination. It must be around 20 percent of the GDP. The scientists alone can ensure it. This can happen only when the big and hugely powerful and impacting scientific community could extend their weight to the General Will of the masses. It is irreparable tragedy of humanity that archaic and obsolete faith-structures as well as regressive customs and traditions are now the most dominant elements shaping contemporary General Will. The scientific community may kindly and compassionately admit the culpability of this contemporary situation and make proper enterprise to create a novel General Will, based on objective scientific Reality.

It is such a travesty and tragedy of humanity that top scientists of the world, who have benefitted the humanity so much by their persevered pursuit of critical knowledge, are not the celebrities of humanity. All sorts of stupid and hypocrites from the fields of politics, entertainment industry, artists and even YouTubers have become the top celebrities of contemporary humanity, whom millions of people follow as if they are Gods but there is not a single scientist whom average people know and celebrate as treasure of humanity. This reflects how scientific community has delinked themselves, mass memory, popular perceptions and contemporary cognitions. It is calamitous that they are not part of the General Will of the masses. This is tragic and catastrophic as humanity must never celebrate anything else if it cannot first celebrate knowledge and wisdom. Scientists shall have to reclaim their position as public intellectuals and be very much a potent part of the General Will.

The primary trouble with the question of reason, which we are saying is the most potent check on political and governmental hypocrisies, is that most of the contemporary world public intellectuals, who currently supply reason and logic to it, are primarily political itself. The contemporary composition of public intellectuals, especially those, who have access to and friendliness with contemporary electronic and print media, is majorly of those intellectuals, who have some sort of political affiliations or leanings. If not, they seldom get media-mileage and therefore not part of public memory. They surely are easy to be labeled as right or left intellectuals, which weakens and discredits the question of reason. Moreover, most contemporary public intellectuals are sort of forced by popular media to have reactionary mode and priorities. This kills the question of reason. The scientists must come forward and actively become the dominant and top part of the public intellectual fraternity and lend credibility and sheen to the question of reason.

The other very crucial element of people’s General Will, the corrective and restrictive control of its mandate and legitimacy on state, government and politics is global money spending by philanthropists, corporate funding, activists and public charity. No doubt, billions of dollars are being spent by individuals and corporate philanthropists for public causes and issues. They too need to unify all spending for this singular cause of Human Dignity. There is little denial to the fact that huge amount of moneys are available and lined up for very restricted enterprise of humanity, which we all know as Plexus of Profiteering. So, cancer research gets big moneys as they have the potentials for Pharmaceutical enterprise for profit. Health and medicine researches and studies are getting big time money but they have no reflection on either the question of reason or Human Dignity. This money too should be invested in what we label as battle for Human Dignity through funding of all such enterprises that work for education-knowledge of singular Reality and compassionate human consciousness. Why? It is because it is the primary investment that has the potential of best profitability – social as well as economic. How?

We all know economy does well when there is general sense of wellness, prosperity and peace in the societal-cultural-political milieus. We have already agreed that peaceful and poised milieus are the bare basic element for evolution of compassionate higher consciousness. Therefore, if moneys are invested primarily for prosperous, poised and settled milieus, all economic activities shall prosper and those with ownership of moneys shall gain profitability. We already see in the contemporary world, right wing nationalistic sentimentalities are unsettling internal milieus within nations and it has led to not only shrinkage of bilateralism in trade but also open trade wars. Amicable and peaceful global milieus, with liberal-compassionate attitudes are must for the success of the Plexus of Profiteering. Naturally, there is no better investment than funding all initiatives to work towards a universal common education-knowledge enterprise to ensure single universal Identity of humanity. This alone can ensure peaceful world and ideal set up for all shades of profitability.

In contemporary human world, the most crucial element that has the best potential of leading and installing any change is money. The moneys are now confined to a handful of big powerful individuals, who together own more than half the world. It is documented that world’s 6 richest individuals have as much wealth as that of world’s bottom half. It is also known that richest five percent people have 95 percent of world’s wealth. This is calamitous for the prosperous, poised and peaceful global social-cultural milieus but this has a silver line too. This situation has the marvelous potential of these richest ‘Six Individuals’ coming together for a singular cause

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