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different with our identities and external appearances but all 7.5 billion humans are expressions of singular Reality. As we have discussed earlier in our detailed talk about Reality always being ‘contextual’ and ‘relativistic’, there shall always be different ‘identities’, which shall keep human population in competitiveness, conflicts and hypocritical stupidities. That is why the singular human enterprise in 21st century is to accept this ‘Identity-Reality’, be compassionate about differences, which these identities create and keep evolving towards a singular ‘Universal Identity’ of Compassionate Higher Consciousness.

Why we are talking about ‘Identity’ issue and the differences these competing and conflicting identities create is to decipher how ingeniously and dexterously the state, governments and especially politics steps in into this innate fallibility and culpability of humanity to create a situation of indispensability for themselves, even while there is no role for them. It is not that politics is the lone and sole agency of this hypocritical stupidity. The religion, spiritualism, economics and even psychology are equal partners in the ‘crime’. The politics is however the parent-apparent of all of them as it aligns all other accomplices to this malicious craftsmanship of creating ‘mandate’ of ‘legitimacy’ for their roles. And, what is this role?

This whole stupidity of hypocrisy has been duly perfected as a widely popular and ‘acceptable’ political-social philosophy and it continues to hold ‘legitimacy’ even in 21st century – the age of scientific reason and objective logic. The primary stupidity of hypocrisy, which politics and economics created was consolidation of the most innate and entrenched hypocrisy of Nation-State and from this came the most abstracted and mythical idea and idealism of Nationalism. The first ‘identity’, which evolution created was the entrenched Reality of Geographical-Climatic Divide. Our Earth, where humans evolved and spread, has a long history of human settlement in amazingly diverse geographical-climatic conditions. A person living in -56 degree Celsius at North Pole glaciers and another living in 56 degree Celsius at Equatorial desserts are stupendous example of the brilliance of adaptation potential of humanity. However, this diversity innately created diversities of morphological, cultural, attitudinal, behavioral, sociological and psychological identities. It was only natural that human settlements on Earth evolved with this entrenched potential of competitiveness based on ‘Identity-Diversity’ and as early humans had a tough life to lead, it was only natural that competitiveness and conflicts for available resources and survival threats has an innate and ingrained element of ever-present violence.

These primary identities naturally branched off into many others and humanity kept adding conflicts and violence in personal as well as collective spaces. However, what every common man and woman must remember that in the long history of humanity, the average men and women, living in peace with whatever they had and wherever they were, never accepted and encouraged war and violence. It was always the polity and economy, and its handful of so-called ‘warriors’, who led, funded and designed wars. The culpability with common men and women however has always been that they mandated and legitimized; even adored and worshipped those warriors of polity and economy, who won the battles, even at the cost of millions of lives of ‘other’ humans.

Human history is a ghastly and deplorable document of human stupidities and hypocrisies, which killed millions in wars and wreaked calamitously brutal experiences on billions. Early humanity, that in the middle-ages and even dark ages, preceding the age of Renaissance and Liberalism in 15-16th century surely can be forgotten and forgiven for not understanding the Reality of Universe and Reality of Humanity but there can be little justification over what the rationalists and liberals did to humanity. Now in 21st century age of scientific and objective Reality and Reason, if humanity continues to live in dark ages Time and Knowledge, then it is nothing but dead admittance that we humans are the worst species in the history of cosmos. This dubious distinction seems real and true.

The political and economic stupidity-hypocrisy of Nation-State and Nationalism were created and installed in an era, when the intellectual classes had already begun to accept the primacy of individual and his/her position in all matters of societal affairs. Renaissance and liberalism accepted that affairs of humanity must be defined by secular, objective and scientific facts of life and living and not by faith and abstract mythical order. The intellectuals probably tried to install the supremacy of individual and scientific factuality in human management but they had to fail primarily because the then politics and economics did not find this idea and idealism suitable for their needs. They ensured that human societies remained divided, conflicted and violence-ridden on the basis of diverse ‘Identities’. It suited the personal ambitions and economic benefits of the handful of aristocratic elements and moneyed classes. It is manifest even to a blind, deaf and insane person that differences between people and identity-based human management suits none but polity and economy; especially those handful in leadership positions. Naturally, if average person expects the polity and economy to work for his or her welfare and wellness, then he or she is even worse than an insane person.

Almost entire 16th to early 20th century, humanity was divided, grouped and forced into wars and other atrocities to fulfill the ambitions of a handful of those in political spheres and economic domains, to profit, by leading the masses to ‘Identity-Based’ stupidities and hypocrisies. The politics and economics of the day managed to install the stupidly hypocritical idea and idealisms of nation-state and nationalism, stoking the entrenched yet dormant divides on the lines of ‘identities’. They even used ‘Imperialism’ as a tool of nationalism and wars for perpetual mandate and legitimacy of their primacy and utility in societies. History is neatly documented with detailed maneuverings of the political and economic classes of the time in raking up identity-crises to create such stupid idealisms like nationalism and imperialism.

It is now an established scientific fact that human consciousness is essentially very localized. If left alone and not conditioned otherwise, average men and women do not bother much about ‘Others’ beyond their own family and society. They get associated and linked only to a small collective of few hundred people. It has been well documented that humanity up to 14th century was like that, irrespective of whichever territory of the Earth they lived. They were happy being connected to and associated with local groups, their small kinship or tribe and some strong leader in their small group. They had little concern with kings, kingdoms and their ambitions. This changed as scrupulous political players of their time stirred up the ‘identity’ politics, firing up the hell of nationalistic identities and created a collective ambition of imperial enterprises to expand their national identities. They also erected the demon of wars with others so that population could be in perpetual threat and continue their mandate behind the political leadership. The economic classes, who sought profit out of this imperial ventures and nationalistic surge successfully aided and financed the politics. A small group of mercenary elements in society, good numbers of slaves and prisoners were roped in for this venture of profit. This all led to a prolonged phase in time where humanity was devastated by wars, conflicts and miseries because of the game-plan of politics and economics of their times. This culminated in two World Wars, which till date remain the darkest blot on the head of humanity.

Even today, when state, governments and politics seek to continue their mandate of legitimacy, the political circle, in collaboration with economic spheres, invoke nationalism sentiments, create and aggravate identity-conflicts and perpetuate violence culture in societies. The human nature remains essentially localized and as is the design of human consciousness, average men and women are innately attuned to live in peaceful and accommodative space within their localized milieus. If they are left in peace with their own instinctive nature, people usually do not take their differences and conflicts too far. It is established by the science of consciousness that average people have an innate tendency to hit back to normal life-living (allostatic balance), even when there is a divide and conflict (homeostatic imbalance). They also cannot see and live up big and abstract issues like nationalism, war hysteria or political agenda of far-fetched consequences. It is always the politics and economics that lead people to well-planned agenda.

In political science, there is a valid and well-established political process, which has the legitimacy of not only academics but in the very modern Constitution of all democratic states. This process is termed as ‘Political Socialization’ and ‘Political Recruitment’. It means, the political parties and politicians can very legitimately work on the basis of politicization of identities, which are instinctive in humans. They can and they very well, politicize ‘identities’ by standing them in competition and conflict with other ‘identities’ and then condition the consciousnesses of people with a particular identity to support their political party to come in power, so that their identities could not be in threat and disadvantage. So, essentially, they first invoke identities, back them, make them competitive and belligerent. This then creates a society where conflict and violence becomes order of the day. They create the divides – between identities and entrenched classes; like rich versus poor. They create crisis in society so that it becomes compassionless, emotionally charged, reactionary and a violent space, requiring intervention of ‘power and authority’. They then seek mandate and legitimacy to install themselves as exclusive owner of violence to suppress and control innocent people, whom they themselves make culpable at first place. All these are globally legal and constitutional and validated as political socialization and political recruitment. This happens to be a classic case of how jurisprudence happily weds the stupid-hypocritical philosophy of political profitability and happily dumps not only people but the Reality of humanity itself.

Like in the past, state, governments and politics simply has no business in human management of their life-living affairs. They have to create their utility and fruition in human affairs by first creating troubles and then install themselves as ‘solution-providers’ of the troubles. Since ages, the modus operandi of state and politics has remained the same. Contemporary states, governments and politics continue to stoke nationalism-fire and identity-divides. The form and structure of imperialism as a tool of nationalism has changed from open wars and colonialism to capital, goods and investment based imperialism. The national interest, national security and global trade are the tools of neo-colonialism.

There is a long and tainted history of state, governments and politics in being the number one enemy of common people and this has a reason; not ingrained in any philosophy or abstract mystical perception but the very science of Reality. They are at best a rather fringe and unimportant part of the holism of Human Reality, which has little need of these three unnatural structures of human life-living. Their very primacy in contemporary human world is the worst hypocrisy and stupidity of humanity. Their corrupted and hypocritical working mechanism is now an established fact of contemporary human world and yet, humanity has not yet secured their timely demise.

Look at how politics, states and governments have successfully created the monster of terrorism themselves. The state and politics were themselves the agency of terrorism and later they created mercenaries and installed them as terrorists. They attached a specific ‘identity’ to the terrorism, which suited them fine in their overall design to aggravate the identity-conflicts. Now, most states and political spheres use their media management reach and skill to install disproportionate fear and terror in the minds of average person and use the inflated fear as monster, against whom they rally around the masses for securing and prolonging their mandate for dwindling legitimacy. Global threat of terrorism is now an effective tool in the hands of state and politics to stoke the extinguishing fire of nationalism and identity-associations. We have already discussed as how very small threat terrorism is, when compared to so many big threats for humanity, where state, governments and politics could actually help people but have failed miserably.


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