» Self-Help » How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #5), DeYtH Banger [tohfa e dulha read online .txt] 📗

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and unless she lives really far away. This way you not only get to talk to her and know more about her, but you can hold her hands with her permission while doing so.


7. Hugging Really Matters


Now that you’ve reached her apartment, tell her, "We should do this again" and then lean forward to hug her. And the "hello again” hug. Do hug her when you meet her again for the second date. Duh.

8. Never Forget the Kiss


And now that she’s responded positively to all your physical moves, it’s obvious she’s comfortable being in close proximity to you. So go ahead, and kiss her. No tongue, please. Be a gentle man. And don’t linger on her lips for too long – you don’t wanna come off as a desperate person. This is a very obvious thing that most men sadly often forget, and thus need to be told when working on how to seduce a woman with touch.

9. Use Your Arm


I’d suggest not trying this manoeuvre the first time around, but keep it for the second or third date. So when you’re on your next date with her and are sitting beside, not in front of, her, casually slide your arm around her shoulder, resting it on the head of the sofa you guys are sitting on, and let it stay there. She’s sure to notice it and in all probability she’s gonna let it stay there, because if you people are on your 2nd date, then she obviously is attracted to you.


10. Gently Touch Her Leg


Well, come on. You guys have kissed, you’ve hugged, and you’ve hugged again. She’s obviously into you so why not make a move? But first, create an emotional connection with her and win her trust. Bear in mind that the more she opens up to you, the more she’ll trust you. The more her brain tells her to trust you, the easier it will be to seduce her with your touches. So go ahead, and ever so gently rub your hand on her thigh. But be careful – some women assess this move to be too intimate and it may backfire. So if you’re not confident of her reaction, then keep this aside for the 3rd date.




10 Quick Ways to Impress a Stranger Girl




Impressing a girl that you know is easier than impressing a girl you know nothing about, because with the former, you have at least bare minimum knowledge of her likes and dislikes, right? But when it comes to how to impress a stranger girl, you don’t know where to begin because you know basically nothing about her. But here’s the thing – even with zero knowledge, you can actually end up impressing said girl.



10 Ways to Impress a Stranger Girl


1. Grab her attention


If she’s young and pretty, then you can be sure that she already has a line of guys just waiting to date her. So if you think you can impress her just with your good looks, you may be right. But if you really were that good looking, you wouldn’t be looking up articles on how to impress a stranger girl on the net, right? Know that eye contact is essential. If she catches you looking at her, make eye contact for 1-2 seconds, look away, then look at the ground and smile shyly.

Remember: Girls love confident, guys, but we love awkward guys even more.


2. Babies are instant chick magnets


If you have a niece or nephew you can borrow for a day, great! Take them to the place your mystery girl frequents, and then be the good little uncle that you are. Play with them, give them attention and make them smile. OR you can just as easily pinch the cheeks of any cute children that you come across (who are with their parents, of course), baby talk with them for a couple of seconds, and be on your way. Such actions will not only make you stand out in a crowd of guys, but will also instantly make her notice you as well. If this is not possible for you, then know that.


3. Dogs work just as perfectly


Any man who is kind to pets (cats and dogs) is seen as instant dating material by most women, because it shows that you are a caring and sensitive man (a rarity these days). Do with your dog what you would do with your niece or nephew as mentioned above, and see the magic work on your future girlfriend.


4. Hygiene is important


When it comes to how to impress a stranger girl, this one goes without saying. But we still have to say it because of just how many boys don’t give importance to their hygiene. Guys, no girl on this planet is ever gonna be attracted to someone who reeks of body odor and bad breath. Oh, and using deodorants excessively cannot be used as a substitute for showering. They just can’t. That’s disgusting, until and unless you’re planning on attracting a female troll.


5. And so is appearance


Shave your face, get rid of douche hats, hoodies, vests and v-necks, crocs, sandals, no old and tattered clothes and definitely no wearing your jeans lower than your hips. To be on the safer side, simply opt for a pair of regular jeans (not the torn ones), and a plain/casual t-shirt. For shoes, canvas or gym shoes would be your best bet.


6. Be by yourself


A guy who is alone in a crowd appears to be way less intimidating than a group of guys laughing and talking to each other. It also makes you easier to approach (if she chooses to do so), so make sure you’re always alone when you’re frequenting her place. The only acceptable companies are babies or pets.


7. Be regular


If you know places where she hangs out regularly, make sure you visit those places frequently, and at the time that she visits them. If she works at an establishment, then you should focus on how to impress a stranger girl by capturing her attention. And the best way to do so is to become a regular client there.


8. Approach her at the right time


The key to approaching her is when she’s free, not feeling rushed and has time to relax. So for example, if she’s a waitress at a coffee shop, wait for either her lunch break, or for her shift to get over. If you’re going to approach her when she’s serving other customers, cleaning tables or making coffee, you are not only going to catch her off guard, but are going to be a hurdle in her professional chores.


9. Do something different that catches her attention


Now this is where your creativity and talent are put to good use. If you’re a painter, choose a good spot where she can easily see you from her work place, and start painting still life. If you play musical instruments, then play them to entertain bystanders! Help old people cross the road, or simply collect the trash that people have thrown on the streets, and throw it in a garbage bin. Whatever it is, make sure it’s an unusual activity which will catch her eye.


10. Talk to the people around her


This is one of the more convenient ways on how to impress a stranger girl. It could be her friends, colleagues or coworkers. Chat with them, especially if they are dudes – because it’s just easier for you to talk to men than to girls, right? And when they are comfortable with you, broach the topic of the girl in question, and very subtly get to know as much as you can about her through her acquaintances. This will definitely help you decide better if you want to pursue her, or not. But be careful – people can often be poor judges of other people, and tend to believe negative rumors easily. So keep that in mind when your new acquaintances talk to you about her.





10 Indicating Signs That a Girl Is Single





So you have had your eyes on a girl for some time now, and you like her. But the problem is this – you don’t know if she’s single, or if she’s in a relationship. I mean, she’s nice and friendly to you, but that could simply mean she sees you as a good friend or companion, and has no romantic interest in you, right? So then how to know if a girl is single?

By checking out the following 10 signs, of course. But do keep in mind that just by themselves, these signs are not 100% indicative of her relationship status. She may or may not be doing these things when she’s single or committed, so please don’t forget to use your common sense when coming to your conclusion.


How to Know If a Girl Is Single


1. She isn’t stuck to her phone



The two biggest reasons girls use their phones is to either communicate with their friends, or their boyfriends. Sometimes, it’s the boyfriends that want to be in constant contact with their girlfriends (esp. if their relationship is in the honeymoon period). So if she doesn’t check her phone often, keeps it on silent when with you and has her complete attention focused on you, her chances of being single are high.


2. She maintains a respectful distance from guys



Now of course, she might be the kinda gal that doesn’t socialize with guys much because she isn’t comfortable with them, or she simply maintains a distance in order to avoid unnecessary drama. However, it could also mean that she’s in a relationship and she’s respecting her boyfriend’s wishes by maintaining a distance from guys who aren’t her friends.



3. Push her to reveal her status


How to know if a girl is single? Simple. Trick her into telling you. Just once, text her something random or funny late at night, and when she responds, reply with


“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t look at the time. I hope your boyfriend doesn’t mind me messaging you this late!”

And this is where she tells you whether she’s single or not.


4. Have a discussion on relationships


IF you seldom hangout alone with her, then whenever you’re with your mutual friends and her, then casually drop the topic of relationships. Encourage people to discuss their ideal partners and what the best qualities of their current partners are. To make the conversation go, begin with yourself. And when her turn comes, make sure you listen carefully. Conversely you can have


5. A discussion on being single


Start the conversation by discussing the merits of being single and how you’re enjoying your days being single, but how you wouldn’t mind a relationship if you find the right girl. Let everybody have their turn – those who are single will happily declare so, while those in a relationship will make their stance clear. This is a very smart way for how to know if a girl is single.


6. Your conversations aren’t short/quick


Now she might consider you an acquaintance or even a casual friend, but that’s where the relationship will end for her. She will not go out of her way to sustain conversations with you or discuss random topics with you. And this is because she is trying to maintain a healthy distance from you. However, if her actions are exactly the opposite, then she’s either single, or is one of those women who never lets go of her male friends after getting into a relationship.



7. Observe the way she dresses when she meets you


Does she dress casually? Has little to no makeup on? No heels, no hair style? Well, then she’s either deliberately dressing down in order to not give you the wrong signals, or is among those women who don’t bother with how they look in public. If on the other hand, she wears pretty dresses, high heels, little to lots of makeup etc. when she meets you, it’s entirely possible that she’s not only single, but is also looking for a guy to have a relationship with.


8. Look up her

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