» Self-Help » How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #3), DeYtH Banger [my miracle luna book free read .TXT] 📗

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How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #3)

by DeYtH Banger


 "I'm not a comedian. And I'm not sick. The world is sick, and I'm the doctor. I'm a surgeon with a scalpel for false values."

- Lenny Bruce




"You never have a comedian who hasn't got a very deep strain of sadness within him or her. Every great clown has been very near to tragedy."

- Margaret Rutherford



"To be honest with you, when I got into this I never thought about reviews. I never thought about what people would say about me. I was just a young guy who was excited to become a comedian and an actor and I just wanted to get to do what I got to do."

- Adam Sandler


How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #3)






Part 1


Chapter 1 - FVG Chapter 2 - FVG (Part 2) Chapter 3 - FVG (Part 3) Chapter 4 - FVG (Part 4) Chapter 5 - Let's Talk Chapter 6 - Enough Lies (Experience) Chapter 7 - Let's Talk (Part 2) Chapter 8 - Tactic Chapter 8.1 - Nedy Texting Mistake Chapter 8.2. - Tactic (Part 2) Chapter 9 - Let's Talk (Part 3)



Part 2



Chapter 10 - Conversation Chapter 10.1 - Conversation (Part 2) C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O -  Dash (Part 1) C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O -  Read C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O -  Dash (Part 2) C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O -  Dash (Part 3) C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O -  Dash (Part 4) C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O - Dash (Part 5) C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O - Dash (Part 6) C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O - Dash (Part 6.1) C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O - Dash (Part 7) C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O - Read (Part 1) Chapter 11 - Cut The BullShit Tail Chapter 11.1 - Cut The Bullshit Tail (Part 2) C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O - Dash (Part 8) Chapter 12 - Roller-Coaster  Chapter 13 - Roller-Coaster (Part 2) Part 1

"But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated."

Ernest Hemingway

Chapter 1 - FVG

 4 Easy Ways To Make Your Conversations Stand Out




As you know, there are things you can do in conversations with women that absolutely KILL the attraction she’s feeling for you. Just like the wrong body language can kill attraction, the wrong conversations can do the exact same thing.

Can you guess what the wrong kind of conversation is?

If you guessed a BORING one, then you’re absolutely right.

But what makes a conversation boring?

Ever thought about that?

Some men think it’s the topics you talk about.

Others think it’s a lack of humor.

While certain topics and humor can certainly add to the energy level of a conversation, the real answer is this:

A boring conversation is a conversation that keeps a woman in AUTO-RESPONSE mode.

In other words, it’s standard chit-chat that keeps both of you in a state of POLITE DETACHMENT.

You know what I mean.

Most men will ask the same boring questions that will trigger automatic responses of polite detachment.

Here’s an example.

Him: “So, what do you do for a living?”

Her: “I work in the library.”

Him: “How long have you been working there?”

Her: “Two years.”

Him: “Oh, cool. Do you like it?”

Her: “Yes, sure”.

Him: “Cool. Um…So how did you get into it?”

Her: Tells the same auto-response story that she’s told a gazillion times before to all the other people that asked her that same question.

Boring conversations lack novelty


Boring conversations lack novelty

As you can see, this conversation is really lame because there is no element of noveltyin it.

The questions he asks trigger her to give standard answers and stay in polite detachment mode.

Translation: she experienced yet another boring conversation with yet another boring average Joe. And she’ll blame him for it.

But you won’t be making that mistake.

After you read this article, you’ll know how to have exciting and impactful conversations that women get addicted to.

Here are four easy ways to make your conversations stand out like a black stallion in a prairie full of white dwarf donkeys.





1. Ask Interesting Questions.



Ask interesting questions
Interesting questions are questions that force women out of their auto-response mode.

They are questions that create a subtle shift in her perception about you.

When you ask just a few of these questions, she’ll see you in a different way than your competitors.

Interesting questions usually include some level of detail that boring questions don’t.

Let’s look at some examples.

Let’s say she tells you she’s a nurse.

Here’s what you could ask her to get her out of auto-response mode.

• What do you need to excel at what you do?

• Does your job put a smile on your face every day?

• Have you wanted to do that since you were a little girl?

Can you see how these questions are different? They are more detailed and they have a novelty aspect to them. They are out of the ordinary.

Because she’s not used to getting these questions, you won’t trigger any auto-responses.

Instead, you’ll make her THINK. Also, just by asking these simple questions, you’ll immediately shift her perspective about YOU.

She’ll instantly see you as different.

Interesting questions are different and with more detail


Interesting questions are different and with more detail

Now, of course, don’t ask these three questions in a row, because that would be really weird.

Instead, weave them into your conversation.

For example:

Her: “I’m a nurse.”

You: “Nice. So tell me, have you wanted to be a nurse ever since you were a little girl?”

Her: “Yes, believe it or not, I actually did.”

You: “I can already see you running around the house dropping heavy stuff on your parents’ toes just so you could take care of their injuries.” (said teasingly and with a cheeky smile)

Her: “Nooooo… I would never do that. I’m too sweet for that…”

You: “So tell me, I’m wondering, what does it take to be a really good nurse?”

Her: “Well, that’s a good question. I never thought about that, actually… I think you need to be… etc.

Can you see how the conversation got more interesting just by using one or two interesting questions?

Here’s another example. Let’s say you are on a date and she tells you she’s from Italy. Here’s what most men will ask:

• What part of Italy are you from?

• Where in city XYZ do you live?

• Is it warm there?

Can you see again how boring and auto-response-evoking they are?

Boring questions trigger auto-response answers


Boring questions trigger auto-response answers

Here’s a better question to ask: “I’ve actually never been to Tuscany. Tell me two interesting things about Tuscany that would make me want to go visit it?”

Can you see the difference again?

Also, there’s an added advantage to this question. By answering it, she’ll give you multiple topics you can talk more about.

She might say that you need to go to Tuscany because of its Renaissance art and for the architecture.

And voila! You now have two more subjects you can talk about. The Renaissance and architecture.

If you happen to know some interesting facts about those topics, now would be a moment to say them.

That way you show her that you are educated and have knowledge, which will trigger more attraction in her.

Yes, you read that right. Knowledge and wisdom are attraction triggers.

Here’s a little exercise for you to help you prepare for your next conversations.

Step 1: Make a list of the kind of questions that you usually ask during conversations. List them all together. It doesn’t matter if they’re interesting or boring. Just list them all on the same paper.

Step 2: Circle the interesting questions and copy them on another piece of paper called “Interesting Questions”.

Step 3: Turn the boring questions into interesting questions and also add them to the “Interesting Questions” list.

After you’ve done this exercise, you’ll have a list of interesting questions to ask.

You’ll also become aware of the boring questions that you usually ask so you can avoid them.

 2. Use Strong Opinions.



Strong opinions make conversations interesting
Every introverted man has opinions about things.

The problem is that most introverts are so scared about voicing them in the presence of a woman because they are afraid it might lose them the girl.

This is such a big misconception.

I’ve been coaching introverted men for more than 20 years now. As part of that, I’ve been interviewing many women on this topic.

And here’s what all of them said to me.

No girl ever said, “I didn’t sleep with him because

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