» Self-Help » How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #3), DeYtH Banger [my miracle luna book free read .TXT] 📗

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(What your friends and other dating coaches won’t tell you)



Couple sitting face-to-face at restaurant table, smiling


Since 2006 I have been helping men increase their success rate with women and generate better and more fulfilling results.
A fair amount of the men who come to me are guys who have either recently got divorced or have come out of a long term relationship. Some have kids, some don’t, some are as young as 25 and some are as old as 64. Although their age, cultural background and career status may differ, they all share these FOUR major issues when they have finally made the decision to take action and renter the dating world.


1. The dating scene has changed.


The dating scene is always changing, we all know that, but in the last 10 years it has changed on dramatically rapid level. Wether it has become better or worse is a separate matter entirely, the point is this huge change can be very intimidating for someone who has not dated anyone for a long period of time.
However, although there are indeed always changes in the nuances of social dynamics from generation to generation, the rules of attraction remain the same and always will. Which is why on the 7-Day Mastery Programwe show men how to apply those solid rules of attraction that cut through all the bullshit that unfortunately most men spend too much time focusing on.


2. Approach anxiety.


If you have just come out of a long term relationship, they you probably haven’t approached a woman for a very long time. Approach anxiety can be crippling. It affects people feel about themselves on many levels and can be incredibly frustrating. My blueprint to complete freedom from approach anxiety is something we share on day one of the 7-Day Mastery Program, it’s important that men get handle on this, rather then relying on making approaches via online dating sites and apps.



3. Lack of confidence.


You might feel like a failure because your relationship failed but that kind of negative mindset is what you need to eliminate as possible, because it eventually becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. I always pose the following questions to the men who come to me
“Haven’t you been through enough? What do you achieve by carrying around that mental and emotional baggage? How is it serving you?”
Some of the men have had time to heal and reflect, and have managed to build up a little more confidence in themselves, but until they are actually back in the dating scene getting real tangible results, that confidence they have managed to get back is usually short lived.


4. The inability to seduce


After a while, you never really had to seduce your partner .You both just kind of ended up having sex in evening. Maybe on her birthdays there was a bit of flirting for old time sakes, but on the whole, the sex just happened. Although the sex might have been OK, that incredible thrill of the seduction process had been missing for a long time, and a consequence, you lost that charm and capability that made her so attracted to you in the first place. Most attraction experts will not go into the detail of seduction and actual sexual escalation. They might give some basic flirting tips, but in my opinion that’s not enough. The attraction triggers, non-verbal and verbal sexual escalation techniques that I share with the men who come to me are what I believe really gets them those results. Let’s face it, the last thing you want is to get into a never ending cycle of friend zones with women that you’re attracted to.
Although me and my team of experienced instructors teach men how to have more impactful conversations with women and make stronger and more exciting connections with them, we feel it is extremely important that the men who come to us know exactly what they have to do next in order to turn those connections into something more than just friendships.




It’s never easy coming out of a longterm relationship, and the temptation to wait for months and even years to heal can actually be dangerous. You can literally find yourself going from one comfort zone to another one. Evenings spent scrolling through online dating profiles and hours upon hours spent on reflecting on the past will only lead you to either bitterness or nostalgic fantasies. Neither of those predicaments will get you results. Neither of them will make you happy.




I know what I’m saying sounds harsh, and maybe you were hoping for someone to tell you to just keep strong, and maybe attend a speed dating event when you’re finally healed and ready, but hat kind of well meaning but redundant advice is not something you will ever hear me dish out.


You need to get move on with your life. You need to stop making the same mistakes whilst expecting a different result. If you’ve tried to do this alone and had no success, then you have essentially two options. You can either stubbornly carry on doing it alone and get no where, or you can do it with us and get real results in just 7 DAYS.

Every single man who has attended the 7-Day Mastery Program has turned his life around and is now in a far better, far more exciting and far more fulfilling chapter in his life.


Have a look through some of these video testimonials we have received from past students who took action. Hopefully their personal journeys will give you the motivation to do the same.

Chapter 6 - Enough Lies (Experiences)

 She’s Young, DUMB, and Ready For Your D--k…





I admit it…

She wasn’t the smartest girl I’ve ever met.

Ok, that’s putting it mildly.

She was dumb.

Like, really dumb.

I mean, if dumb were dirt – she’d have about 40 acres.

But my God she was HOT,
and that ASS... was unreal.

So what was I to do?

What would YOU have done?

Talk about a moral dilemma!

Well, I’m proud to say that in the end, I did the right thing:
I made sweet love to that perfect body all night long.

Because hey, dumb girls need love too!

And who was I to deprive her of what she really wanted?
(A man twice her age.)

Yes, admittedly, talking to her was a bit like getting
a root canal without novocaine…

But I had a simple solution…

We talked with our bodies.

And in the end, it was wonderful.

Yes, our relationship never evolved into something deeper.
But it was special anyway – based almost entirely on playfulness,
cuddling, and sexual chemistry.

Now here’s the lesson…

A certain percentage of younger women (18-30 years old)
LOVE older guys (40-60 years old)...

And her love for older guys has NOTHING to do
with her intelligence.

I’ve slept with younger women who were brilliant,
and I’ve slept with younger women who…
thought “Old Spice” was for cooking.

The fact is, SOME young women
(regardless of her looks or her intelligence)
are almost exclusively attracted to older guys.

Sometimes much older.






Never Do This With a Girl You Like...




If you've ever wanted to confess your feelings and tell a girl just how much you like her...


Don't do it man.

Telling her how you feel is one of the DUMBEST things you could do.

I know it might sound harsh...

But if you want her to truly want you... think about you sexually... and maybe even fall for you...

Then you have to make her UNCERTAIN about you.

Keep her on her toes, so she never knows for sure whether you like her or not.

My buddy Mike calls this Keeping Her in "The Gap."

He explains it really well in this video...

Click Here To Watch It

According to Mike:

"The Gap is that uncertain grey-area between 'he likes me' and 'he's not interested'."

You always want to keep women in "The Gap."

For example...

Smile and give her a hug... then tell her she's a troublemaker and turn away from her. Show that you like her... but maybe you don't REALLY like her... both at the same time. Trust me, it'll drive her nuts.

Another example...

Text back and forth with her for hours, then STOP... and don't get back to her for a whole day. Her mind will go crazy wondering why she's not hearing back from you.

One more example...

At a bar or party, talk to the girl you like... then talk to her friend. And then talk to another girl, and another... Give every girl an equal amount of attention, so none of them are never sure which one you like the most.

You'll know you're doing it right when they all start fighting for your approval.

The idea is simple.

The longer you can keep a girl in "The Gap," the more she will start to obsess over you in her mind...

She'll be desperately thinking...

"Am I good enough for him?"

"Does he think I'm cute?"

"Does he want me?"

"God, I hope he wants me..."

"What can I do to make sure he wants me?"

Have you ever noticed that when a girl does that to YOU, it makes you want her more?

It drives you crazy when she's sending mixed signals like that... you can't get her off your mind.

So keep her in The Gap, and she will feel the same way about you.




How to (passively) Attract Women with ease (do today)





My dude!

This morning I woke up in #BEASTMODE

Got my morning workout in. And even had time to masterminded with the one and only Dean Graziosi before writing this email...

That said, I hope you're having a dapper morning as well!

Because today we're going to cover a SUPER important topic...

RAW Masculine Confidence.

Have you ever heard that to get women, you need to be "confident"?

Have you ever thought advice like "be confident" is worthless because it offers you zero actionable value?

...Yeah, me too.

But here's the truth, confidence IS important. That's why I'm about to reveal the SECRET to having real confidence...

Most people don't actually know what it means to be "confident"...

And a lot of people simply think they are confident when they actually have the LEAST amount of it.

In a nutshell, here is my simple

definition of RAW confidence:

You know WHO you are.

You know WHAT you stand for.

You know WHERE you're going.

And you don't feel the need to prove yourself to anybody.

When you have all of those things in order for yourself, you can confidently say that you are a "confident" individual.

I'll give you a quick example...

Up until recently, I was not very active on Facebook (or any social media)...

Starting last week, I started to contribute some value to Facebook groups that revolve around dating advice.

And I was doing this in my free time, expecting nothing in return...

I would comment on questions that other guys would post in these groups.

...Offering some insight on what I would personally do in their situation, or what I've found to work for my clients. And the responses I got were very interesting...

For the most part, guys would be super THANKFUL for me contributing value.

One guy even took IMMEDIATE action on exactly what I told him to text a girl, and he had a date planned with her for

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