» Self-Help » Be Lonely, Be Your Best, Santosh Jha [ereader that reads to you TXT] 📗

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cyclicality. That means, happiness is a dynamic, evolving entity and we have to be very endowed and prepared to be in control of most of the factors and elements, which synthesize happiness in time and space dimensions. This itself presupposes that we are in acceptance mode, in happy reception of the truths, objective realism and ephemeral nature of most realism about life and ourselves.

There are some critical truths about life-living and our own body-mind mechanism, which we need to be in absolute reception of acceptance. This is option-less. These acceptances are unavoidable for lasting happiness. Being in the flux and drift, or wilful denial of these truths shall always have calamitous impact on our wellness as well as happiness.

The primary acceptance is mortality. We have already talked about how acceptance of mortality opens the doors of empowerment for us, which in turn translates into life-living wellness and personal excellence. Another very important acceptance is the unpleasant truth that evolution has not designed us and bestowed us with any higher purpose of life. It was a stupid engineering, an accidental or randomized chain of mutations, which were aimed not at excellence of the species but bare survival. Therefore, another very critical acceptance is that all of us have to individually design and devise our own higher purpose of life, which augments our wellness, happiness and excellence.

Evolution needs to be accepted as it facilitates a very crucial learning for our wellness. Evolution science accepts that DNA is the foundation of all lives, including humans. This DNA mutates naturally in its course of replication, which is essential for survival and continuation of life. The mutations are option-less as changes in external milieus need suitable changes in DNA and therefore, mutations are a function of adjustment to outer or external milieus. This realism is the most beautiful and most primary metaphor of how life and its overall wellness are all about adjustments. We have talked above about happiness and wellness being a synthetic realism. This means, life and its wellness is not static but dynamic and necessitates masterly adjustments for lasting wellness and happiness.

Moreover, evolution also offers a great metaphor of how self-control is the critical attainment in life. Science accepts that mutations are not only natural and option-less but also randomized. The mutations are not aimed at excellence but bare survival. This extends to us a metaphor of self-control. We surely cannot afford to be as random as evolution’s mechanism of DNA mutations. We need great self-control to ensure that mutations in our lives may be an adjustment to changes in external milieus but these changes we accept in our lives has to be optimally controlled, if not perfectly controlled; and never randomized. Our life-living choices cannot be controlled exclusively by external elements in milieus. As scientists say, we are past the stage of stupid engineering of evolution. We are now very endowed and empowered. All future mutations, in human lives or in the world we live shall be controlled well by us. Self-control defines the modern humanity, not randomized and erratic causality. We shall do all the best possible masterly adjustments with empowered self-control.

Another important acceptance is about the overall futility of pop shades of cultures in our contemporary lives. It is said, ‘every healthy kid born is a veritable genius of the cosmos but it takes 25 years for the society and popular cultures to turn him or her into a stupid’. This is just a hint at the fact that societies and cultures of contemporary times have become a storehouse of choicest hypocrisies and they have calamitous impact on a person’s wellness, happiness and excellence.

We do not need to go into details of this issue. What we have to accept is – everyone is born with certain specialities as well as few disadvantages. Ancient Indian tradition said that all people are born with one of the three broad consciousnesses. Modern science classifies all people of the world under seven memes or shades of consciousnesses. The primary acceptance about consciousness is – one’s true purpose of life and living and one’s lasting wellness and happiness is in doing such things in life, for which his or her consciousness is naturally aligned to. We have already talked about how subjective consciousness defines and decides one’s cognition and this subjective cognition in turn shapes up his or her causalities of life and living. We have also talked as how higher consciousness is powerful enough to change this innate mind consciousness and instil a higher purpose in life.

Modern science has done a lot of researches into types of people, based on their consciousnesses, body constitutions and brain types. Contemporary science classifies all people of the world into 16 brain types. These brain types are genetic groupings, which signify that each brain type has specific innate and born mental as well as physical skills. Each brain type has inherent body-mind proficiencies as well as deficiencies, which largely decide what a person can do well in life and what not.

These brain types are somehow a practical guide to know from early age as what a person can do best in his life and what pursuits can fetch him or her best set of wellness and happiness gains. Scientists say, the brain type decides almost everything one does; academics, economic activities, careers, relationships, parenting, expressions and communications, sports and leisure, spirituality, etc. We are not going into details of all these scientific findings. What we wish to say is – we live in an age, where we have growing pool of critical information about life, living as well as our own mechanism. Acceptance of these information is surely going to help us in designing and shaping our lives and living in such a way, which suits our subjective individual consciousness. The simple acceptance is – if we are true to our consciousness, we are close to our homeostatic equilibrium. This helps us attain poised cognition and causality. This in turn helps us remain in lasting wellness and happiness.

This realism needs to be internalized. The difference can only be realized, not known by just reading about it. Each one of us is different within, even while we all look almost the same from outside. The real and true endowments are all within – in our consciousnesses and we have to accept with holistic reception that consciousness has a structure and function, which are all within, in our brains. Our consciousness, which is an intangible entity, aligns naturally with intangibles in external as well as internal milieus.

That is why it is crucial to first accept as of what consciousness type we are. Then, as per his or her consciousness, he or she must design or re-design his or her life-living choices. All life choices and personality choices need to be aligned and generic to one’s special shade or type of consciousness. This alone can be the right recipe of lasting wellness and happiness. Often, we align with elements in our milieus, which are opposite and antagonistic to our consciousnesses. Often, we align (have relationships) with people, who are in different shades of consciousnesses, which may be opposite or badly competitive to our own consciousness. This is primary cause of chaos, conflicts and confusion in our lives. This is definitive design of disaster for most of us. We have to be self-aware of choices.

Now, the most important aspect of consciousness needs to be accepted. This acceptance is the golden wisdom, which we all need to internalize. This acceptance is the core and cardinal hypothesis of the idea of happiness of loneliness.

Science is always very helpful, if we remain warned of its populist extrapolations. Scientific research has established that a normal grown up brain is only 15 percent genetic; remaining 85 percent is environmental. This means, we are born with a brain structure, which evolves and shapes as we mature. It is the elements in our ambient cultural and physical milieus, which form the majority part of our brains.

We have already talked about how many of us feel that average healthy kid is born with a genius brain and the cultural elements turn him into a stupid. What this stupidity is all about. This stupidity is chaos, conflicts and confusion, which cultures and other milieus loads on our minds as we grow and mature. This stupidity is the prime source of the most calamitous disease of humanity called hypocrisy.

This is the point, we have to accept and work our ways with. Human kids have long maturity periods and for long years, they are dependent on parents, families and society for their life-living decisions. Science says, a human brain matures fully at the age of 25 years. It goes through a long process of development, altered by learning and unlearning. For this long period of maturity, the values, ethics, life-living choices etc are all directly or indirectly decided or influenced by others’ brains, very seldom our exclusive brains. This means, there are loads of learning, which we unconsciously or subconsciously imbibe into our mind consciousness. Many of these elements and factors, which become part of our consciousness is not what our brain types may be. This surely is a conflict situation.

What we need, when we attain an age of 18 and above, is quality leisure time for retrospection and rumination. If we keep pace with the drift and flux of external cultures and milieus, we can never ascertain, what is causing split and conflict in our consciousness. As we accept the utility and fruition of positive loneliness, a conscious choice of functional solitude, we are in an empowered space of life. We can then ruminate. We can then have an exclusive dialogue with self and ask key questions about appropriateness of so many elements in our consciousness. We can then check out the utility of those elements, which are either causing conflicts or lying untapped within. We can then finally redesign and reshape our consciousness by pruning things from our life-living choices, which are detrimental to our overall homeostatic equilibrium.

The true and lasting happiness has a sure and settled mechanism. We need to be in good homeostatic poise to be in true and lasting happiness. Not only that; our consciousness must be empowered enough for we to have the self-control and self-discipline to adjust our actions and behaviours to keep returning to the set point of homeostatic equilibrium. Self-indulgence or elements in external milieus may occasionally disturb the poise in our lives but we must always have this self-control to hit back to the set point of poise.

Loneliness is happy situation because this facility extends us the golden opportunity to have enough personalized latitude for manoeuvring our best resources to keep maintaining poise in life. The happiness of loneliness is in being the master of your life and cease to be a slave of external elements. The happiness of loneliness is in the feeling of empowerment, which ensures that your life-living choices are shaped, coloured and designed not by anything external to you, but by the internalized elements, your higher consciousness is in perfect control of.

What is the thrill and ultimate joy of life-living experiences? Different people may describe it differently. Most however may not, as there is little conscious awareness in most things we all do in our action-reaction auto-mode behaviour. Still, many may admit that the biggest thrill and ecstasy in life is this very intangible emotion of being in perfect control of things.

A best-paid soccer star once said about one of his favourite goals. He said he enjoyed it more than sex with his girlfriend. How can we explain that? Can kicking a stupid ball in a wide net be a joy more intense and satisfying than sex, that too with your beloved? It definitely looked so. Most of us have seen how the goal-makers in intense soccer matches throw themselves into wild exhilaration and boisterous celebrations after a goal! Surely, not many get such a huge kick in sex to behave uprooted like that!

The simple fact is, soccer

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