» Self-Help » Be Lonely, Be Your Best, Santosh Jha [ereader that reads to you TXT] 📗

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is a tough game and things are always so uncontrollably on the move and drift. Like life, a soccer game has so many randomized potentials, which may land either way, in quick turn of time and space. Landing a goal is very tough as it needs so many elements in combination getting right. Still, the ultimate and most crucial punch is the very critically timed and most controlled execution of the push or slide by the goal-maker. The goal-maker knows it deep within his subconscious mind that a goal is usually the outcome of a very self-controlled execution in last seconds of a long build-up. The mad celebration is of the ecstasy and thrill of the self-control – the self-control of not only the individual goal-maker but also the entire team members, who build up a possibility with skilled conscious self control.

Life is also very tough like a highly intense game of soccer. The chances of success in life are as tough and rare as a goal in soccer. The potentials are also quite randomized. The real happiness, thrill and celebration in life is also about successes. Success, like landing a goal, is very tough as it needs so many elements in combination getting right, at one point of time and space. We also know it very well that like a goal, success is usually the outcome of a very self-controlled, high precision execution of some very personalized elements, after of a long and tiring build-up. In celebrating successes, we all actually celebrate the intangible element of meticulous control and precision of personal or group actions and behaviours.

Therefore, the simple fact is – when we derive so much thrill and ecstasy in being in control of so many external factors, how happy we shall feel, when we are in perfect control of our own inner self and consciousness. If control over external factors and elements of milieus can be called success, isn’t it that the same control over internal and intangible elements should be considered larger and better success!

However, this does not happen in our lives. We seldom consider the inner success as real thrill and happiness. This is pop cultural influences in our consciousnesses, which we have to unlearn. This is crucial unlearning as this very insistence on celebrating only external successes and not the internal ones has caused so many troubles in the contemporary cultures. This is the dysfunctional worldview of contemporary celebrity culture.

If winning and losing is a brutal function of just a stupid kick of the ball, into the wide net, then it translates into trouble for humanity. If successes and celebrations of sports are confined only to the incidence of goals, then this success is not only very scarce, but also divides humanity into two classes – one who celebrates and another who feels depressed and uncelebrated. The true and real celebration is sports, the rhythm and excellence of the sportsmanship. The true and real success is that of the spirit of intangibles of the game – the energy, perseverance, skills, artistry, bonhomie, competitiveness, compassion between two sides, etc.

Celebrations of successes of tangibles and materials only are calamitous. We know, only 5 percent of people own 95 percent of global resources. It is calamitous to confine the celebration of success of goals in life’s game to only 5 percent people. The cultural realism, in which tangible and material success is so rare and scarce, vast majority of people can never be in happy situations. Everybody needs success and celebration in life. We all have equitable rights to be happy and thrilled in life. But this pop culture and contemporary liberal worldview has managed a calamitous situation, where only a few could manage to hit a goal in the game of life. Only a few celebrate and rest remain depressed. Only a handful is celebrities and vast majority remains uncelebrated. This surely is a recipe of calamity for humanity.

However, what we are talking about is true empowerment. We are talking about altogether new game of life, where this stupid rule of winning and losing does not work. In our game of life, everyone is a winner and nobody is depressed of losing. We are talking about the celebration of the successes of internal self-control. We are talking about the game of life, where our higher consciousness plays the sports with intangibles. In our new game, success is how we enjoy intangible elements, which are within us, in our consciousness. And that is why we are in true and lasting self-control of everything. We are in control of the elements of the game and we ourselves assign value and utility to what we do in our game. We are in self-control of our consciousness and that is why we enjoy sports, the rhythm of the game, the spirit of sportsmanship. We not only play the game, we own it, we make the rules and our celebration is not the success of a goal or two, but of the sports itself.

The true happiness of loneliness is in being our own masters. Masters of our own destiny, masters of our own happiness, masters of our own celebrations. The few may have the whole of universe in their castles but we have all our attainments and possessions within us, within our higher consciousness.

We are lonely, we are in control, we are happy, and we are surely truly empowered. We celebrate, not successes but life itself. We are happy and thrilled always because we are what we are. We are lonely and at our best.


Leaving You With Einstein’s Thoughts

There is something about this mesmerizing and mystically marvellous consciousness, a very cardinal idea of human life, about which I can never have enough. Talking about consciousness, I surely cannot forget to mention something, which Einstein said about it. This has great utility here, when we are talking about how everything starts and ends with consciousness. If ever, there happens to be a Theory of Everythingness, about which Einstein always was thrilled about, I am growingly becoming sure that it shall have to do with our perfect and total understanding of the idea of consciousness. This hypothesis of loneliness being a hugely facilitative time-space realism for empowerment and wellness, gets a major support, when we talk about what Einstein said about consciousness.

Einstein said, ‘No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.’ What Einstein talks about consciousness and what ancient wisdom also did; seems to be the same. Yes, we are talking about the mystical marvels of our magical brains and the intangibility of consciousness, which it creates for us. Einstein termed consciousness as an optical delusion. Since his declaration, humanity has known a lot about consciousness and has also begun to accept. First time in the history of humanity, we are in a position to see things from a Level of Consciousness, which was unavailable since thousands of years of our journeys, battling with so many crucial questions of life. As Einstein said, we have had so many questions about ourselves and the world we lived but answers were either not coming or they were just a manipulation of human ingenuity to fill in gaps with something smart.

Lewis Thomas said, ‘Only two centuries ago, we could explain everything about everything, out of pure reason, and now most of that elaborate and harmonious structure has come apart before our eyes. We are dumb..... We have discovered how to ask important questions, and now we really do need, as an urgent matter, some answers. We now know that we cannot do this any longer by searching our minds, for there is not enough there to search, nor can we find the truth by guessing at it or by making up stories for ourselves. We cannot stop where we are, stuck with today's level of understanding, nor can we go back. I do not see that we have any real choice in this, for I can see only the one way ahead. We need science, more and better science, not for its technology, not for leisure, not even for health and longevity, but for the hope of wisdom which our kind of culture must acquire for its survival.’

The key idea, which comes out of Einstein’s opinion about Levels of Consciousnesses is that since long, we have faced problems, which is one level of our consciousness. However, this same level of consciousness cannot help us attain solutions. We need to shift to a higher level of consciousness. This higher consciousness is holistic, assimilative and integrative in its perspective and accepts realism from a singular perspective of objective logic.

Now that modern science has made us know so much about how our brains work, humanity has landed at such a Level of Consciousness, which is surely much higher and qualitatively different from what we had in the past. This new consciousness level, which we have managed because of our scientific understanding of our brains, has almost all answers and they are the true ones. As we understand the brain mechanism and its functional mystery, we are looking at answers of age-old problems with new knowledge of the 3Cs. The knowledge of brain has engendered the new wisdom of consciousness, cognition and causality, which has many true answers as well as the right perspectives of possible true answers.

As Einstein said, not knowing about certain realism creates a layer of consciousness, which manufactures troubles and problems for most of us. Knowing the same realism and its multidimensional mechanism empowers us and lands us on a higher platform of consciousness, which can then design and devise solutions. This is very practical prescription for contemporary humanity and its troubles. We have talked about this in detail in this book. Loneliness and its dysfunctional imagery in our populist perceptions emanate out of our age-old beliefs about realism. However, when we approach the same issue with a higher level of consciousness, the cognition changes and this creates a new causality, which accepts that loneliness is not a trouble, but a hugely facilitative tool of our higher consciousness.

Understanding about our brain is the new level of consciousness, which Einstein talked of, where solutions are engendered. It has to be embraced with learned and practiced humility of compassionate acceptance that in most moments of our life, we are mostly a function of our subconscious selves – a state or layer of consciousness, where most actions and behaviours are auto-mode processing. It is an action-reaction mechanism our brain is designed for. However, the same brain has also evolved to accept higher values and conscious choices, often overriding the auto-mode instinctive life-living choices. This conscious layer is our solution providing genius. The subconscious mind is just responding and therefore leaving loads of fragmented thoughts. This splits us and lands us in chaos and conflicts. The higher consciousness is a mind positioning, which rises above drift and flux choices and streamlines all thoughts in a fruitful linearity.

This symmetrical thought processing is a layer of consciousness Einstein speaks of as solution provider. We all have to attain it. This is true success for us. And this success comes when we know and accept the objective knowledge about how our brain works for us. Once we accept this, we shall learn that not only loneliness, rather many other realism of our life-living experiences are not the way we have been accepting them since ages. We are in our perspectives and our perspectives are in us. Therefore, when we accept this new perspective, we change and with our change, our perspective changes to the new cognition and causalities.

That is why it has been my humble insistence that humanity in 21st century must discard all other partial and lopsided perspectives and ideas about we, our lives and connect we had with the outside world. We must unlearn the old and obsolete notions of consciousness, cognition and causality and accept the new, holistic and singularly objective wisdom, which modern scientific knowledge

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