» Self-Help » Pratikraman: The Key that resolves all Conflicts (Full Version), Dada Bhagwan [famous ebook reader txt] 📗

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Please note that Pujya Dr. Niruben Amin wrote the entire preface of the Pratikraman Book in poetry form in couplets. The translation of this in English is devoid of the rhyming words in many places. Here is the message of the preface is preserved as a preference over the rhyming words .


Unity of mind speech and body, is the worthy goal of life;

When that is broken, Akram Vignani’s pratikraman is the solution in life!

Dada shows the proper method of doing pratikraman;

Connect directly with the Soul of the other, with ‘Dada Bhagwan’ as the witness!

Announce the faults in your heart, ask for forgiveness, repent heartily;

Decide that ‘I won’t repeat it’, then the faults are cleansed simply!

Doing good karma is religion, doing bad karma is non-religion;

Beyond religion and non-religion, lies Self-religion!

Good karma gives credit and this brings the result as happiness;

Bad karma gives debit and this brings the result as unhappiness!

When ‘credit-debit’ is zero, Self-bliss prevails;

The first two increase worldly entanglements, the third brings Liberation!

With the ‘Lord within—Dada Bhagwan’ as witness, repentance is done heartily;

This science becomes effective, for every ailment there is a remedy!

While eating-drinking, bathing-walking, speaking-laughing;

If no one is hurt, these natural interactions are called ‘kraman’!

All that cause hurt to others through attachment-abhorrence, are atikraman;

To turn back from these is known as the process of pratikraman!

Anger-pride-deceit and greed, all are nothing but atikraman;

They all go away instantly, when for them you do pratikraman!

Atikraman through attachment-abhorrence affects both;

By doing pratikraman for them, the effect is resolved in both!

A stained cloth and its washer, there is trouble for both;

Kraman affects no one and everyone acts in natural mode!

Every embodied Soul routinely projects endlessly;

Mere hearing of communal riots, third world war is imagined!

Innumerable fractions exist in one second where one does endless atikramans;

Atikraman creates worldly life and it comes to the end by pratikraman!

If the insulter is seen as wrongdoer, that is atikraman;

If speech was harsh, act was wrong, that too is atikraman!

If the children are beaten, that is atikraman;

Feeling, ‘why did he swear at me?’ is also atikraman!

If anyone feels hurt by you, it is atikraman;

Remember Dada there, and do instant pratikraman!

No intent is there at all in your heart to hurt the other person;

Yet you are instrumental in the hurt, hence Dada gave this great discourse!

If one is hurt with or without your knowledge, this is atikraman;

If his face doesn’t show but mind was disturbed, this too is atikraman!

Any embodied Soul hurt through mind-speech-body;

Instantly, heartily and certainly, do its’ pratikraman properly!

What decreases karma’s load is religion and what increases it is non-religion;

No new karma is bound by doing pratikraman and that is supreme religion!

Ask for energy to advance higher, pray heartily;

Pray to Gnani, Self, guru, God’s idol or a deity!

Shout out for forgiveness for the purpose of cleansing faults;

Small faults will be gone and Samayik will dissolve the knots!

How can there be freedom from sinful karma of endless times?

This happens when one inscribes Gnani’s knowledge to heart!

If this is not available, find what is revealed in the scriptures;

Revealed creates intellect-wisdom that annuls sinful karma!

A strong desire to annul sinful karma and to do pratikraman;

Shall free one from weight of sins of endless lives!

Injustice in personal or business, what is its’ penance?

Decide in front of God-‘I don’t ever want to do it again’!

Innate self’s mistakes from previous life hurt at present;

Get bliss of Freedom when, with equanimity you accept!

Endure with gratitude, all the pains that others give;

Doing Dada-given pratikraman, puzzles you shall leave!

Scientific method of Jains, of recall-repentance-resolve;

Other religions too, give top priority to similar resolve!

Perfection and thoroughness, imparts this Vitarag Science;

Takes practical religion to top, and grants religious contemplation!

Helping climb upward steps, pratikraman grants absolute contemplation;

Tirthankar Lords convey perfect religion of the Self and of worldly interaction!

Dadashri explains the essence of recall-repentance-resolve;

In front of Gnani or Guru, admit the faults of the self!

Free of fear and with decisive mind; hand over charge to guru;

And awaken easily again when you do pratikraman given by guru!

To be free from karma, paramount weapon is pratikraman;

Progress without guru by doing Dada-given pratikraman!

Excess pain is in chanting-penance-fasting; meditation and yoga;

Only pratikraman is savior, it shall definitely give you moksha!

Repentance frees from sins, gives a sacred-state;

Repent repeatedly in front of God and ask for forgiveness!

Repentance done by a person is always from the heart and natural;

‘Pratikraman frees from karma’ is the law that is natural!

To heartily ask for pardon of faults is the way to freedom;

Even if not heartily done, it preserves goodness for the self!

If you have to drink alcohol, apologize with decision of wanting to quit;

One day it shall be quit, is the scientific exactness!

This is ‘Akram Vignan’; it has got to give result;

Moksha in two hours, hear Gnani’s Gnan -Agna!

Subtle pain inflicted to someone, that too is called atikraman;

You may be aware or not, instantly do pratikraman!

That which is done voluntarily is where one can ‘do’ purusharth -self effort;

That which is done due to pressure of forces is mandatory and is karma effect!

Doing is mandatory; like-dislike is voluntary;

Facing insult is mandatory; pratikraman is voluntary!

Ignorant one has free will to do repentance and resolve;

When stealing-killing pleases; a huge tuber of sin is formed!

Sensualist’s thoughtful pratikraman results in celibacy;

Purity from hearty pratikraman then rests on Dada!

Pratikraman and Trimantra done together certainly give the result;

Prayer to great Gods and freedom from sinful karma is the result!

Endless pratikramans have shown no result yet, why?

Not one was with ‘shoot-on-sight’ knowledge, that’s why!

Pratikraman done in morning and evening, but mechanically;

Pratikraman without repentance, pratikraman it can’t be!

What was memorized is spoken daily, just like a record;

Not finding the real culprit, he hurts the person in front!

Not a single mistake is absolved, whole life he did;

Pratikraman like a parrot; Mahavir’s path it can’t be!

Pratikraman in Maagdhi language isn’t understood very well;Ascetics and saints say, ‘I did’ and raise the egoism as well!

Mahavir’s so called followers ‘perverse and insensitive’, without exception;

Believe that Self resides in rituals; leaving no space for complaint!

Disciples of middle twenty-two Tirthankars, proficient they were;

Alert at every moment each day, they did pratikraman everywhere!

If you ask the meaning of daily pratikraman, they know it not;

Annual pratikraman of Samvatsari, sins will not wash!

On Paryushan, see whole year’s sins, feel the heartache;

You feel like dying that day, alas! How people were hurt!

Did you ever have these feelings, or simply got dressed and jeweled up;

Like going to a wedding on the Paryushan day, formal and smug!

‘Forgive my bad actions’-to those they like, no remorse for all others;

You’ve ruined Vitarag Gods’ reputation; this isn’t Mahavir’s religion!

In true Vitarag religion, five hundred pratikramans are done daily;

It is done ‘shoot-on-sight’ and with repentance nightly and daily!

This is Mahavir’s reign and ‘Gnani’ is ornamental to the reign;

In Kali-Kaal, Kramic path stagnant; Akram moksha unveiled through ‘Us’!

With instant-cash pratikraman, adverse mediation vanishes;

Where Akram Gnani has manifested, ‘Godly state’ is attained with ease!

Pratikraman’s purpose is fulfilled, be it credit karma or freedom;

Whether done in ignorance or knowledge, it is the main support!

Self-knowledge is freedom-path and not pratikraman alone;

Pratikraman after Self-awareness starts You on to Liberation!

After the illusion-I am Chandulal- is gone, bondage of karma stops;

With the illusion, pratikraman is for recurrent cycles of dirtying and cleansing!

Pratikraman is recommended, do it ‘shoot-on-sight’;

If you can’t do that- next is- do it morning and night!

Can’t do this, do it fortnightly, or every four months;

Once a year if nothing else, if no mother aunt will do!

Even aunt isn’t real in this Kali-Kaal, she is like a hired one;

Where’s moksha? Where’s religion? It is only the egoism’s illusion!

Doer or helper, pratikraman should be done proper;

Created are decorative words, intents are forgotten!

Atikraman is at every step, yet the remedy is pratikraman;

In the realm of the Vitarag there is no secret or corruption!

You do pratikraman for the dead and not for the living;

Bhaav-pratikramans are true; wrong are those with words and rituals!

Those won’t have proper result, its’ true value is illusory;

Believed as Self’s benefit; its’ a loss and not a victory!

To recite like a parrot is effect-dravya pratikraman;

‘It shouldn’t be so’ intent- is called as bhaav-pratikraman!

If chain of life after life mistakes isn’t broken, it isn’t ‘Samvatsari’ of Mahavir;

They’re ineffective pratikramans and they disgrace Lord Mahavir!

Please forgive me readers but my heart is getting filled;

I do pratikraman for the strong words that were scribed!

Action with ‘I am the doer’ casts more veils of illusion, eludes liberation;

Chanting in AM and PM he drinks the ointment, meant to be applied!

Vows of Kramic path to eat no root vegetables or at night;

Taken without understanding, vows won’t help in Liberation!

Vows can be taken for only faults whose pratikraman was done;

Explanation of proper pratikraman, Akram Vignan has done!

To cleanse the blemish, ascetics apply soap on the table;

Followers scrub the floor; world laughs at this!

They take vows to renounce and slowly they can quit it;

But vow to renounce what is quit, how can one deal with such understanding?

For all atikramans done through acts, pratikraman must be done in Kramic;

In Akram Path, body is separate from the Self; no action will touch!

Credit and debit karma get cleansed by doing pratikraman;

For moksha, both types of karma are renounced and the Self is acquired!

Without awareness, pratikraman ‘shoot-on-sight’ can’t be done;

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