» Self-Help » Pratikraman: The Key that resolves all Conflicts (Full Version), Dada Bhagwan [famous ebook reader txt] 📗

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repeatedly like separating milk and salt!

If others are hurt you should know it right away;

Hurting words changes expression and smile will go away!

Giving pain makes you insolvent, if you terrorize, intimidate;

If you broke heart or hated, he will return the wrath as a snake!

Fight between in-laws causes hurt, attacks or suicide;

Do deep and prolonged pratikraman with self-criticism!

Gnani says ‘I cause pain occasionally and unintentionally;

Exception though this is, here, pratikraman I do specially!

Give protection, so he doesn’t fall, I consider his thoughts;

Handle his ‘Vyavasthit’ and stop him before he falls!

One makes a mistake, asks forgiveness, repeats same mistake;

Explain him with love, forgive him and have good thoughts!

Others go on making mistakes and are never aware of this fault;

No repentance or forgiveness, hence the loss of love and respect!

They should be opposed and to tolerate them is senseless;

Make them aware of it and forgive them with pure heart!

And yet if nothing happens, then finally you should tolerate;

Or else, mind will be spoiled, say ‘that’s how it is’ and tolerate!

If someone is hurt by me and then he doesn’t come near me;

End this with pratikraman, I complete the account of karma!

Is there anything wrong if one lets go because of egoism?

Gnani says it is wrong, there’s charge of being instrumental!

Yet, if he stiffens up, resolution ‘pending’; you shouldn’t oppose him;

Keep on doing pratikramans, some day inner burning will subside!

After prolonged altercation do collective pratikraman;

‘Dada Bhagwan, I am diligently doing its’ pratikraman!’

Collision in the world is the account of the worldly interactions;

Pratikraman repairs the mind, not to break it, is Gnan-essence!

Relative self’s conflict, pratikraman ends its origin;

When conflicts end, liberation happens in three lifetimes!

If he multiplies, you divide with the same number;

Thus avoiding conflict and clash is benefit of Akram!

Conflicts of speech and body are called gross forms;

Others know not- are of mind and called subtle forms!

Someone is seen attacking; ‘Vyavasthit’ arises in mind;

Still if his fault is seen; in subtler level mistake you’ve slipped!

If you strongly decide that no one is at fault here;

Yet if fault is seen, it is the subtler form of conflict!

Engrossment with file number one is the subtlest conflict;

Awaken, do pratikraman, it’s the eminent way to be free!

Vibrations of pratikraman will reach other person instantly;

Karma binding of atikraman happens when ego and intellect join!

Seed of raag-dwesh result in like-dislike type circumstances;

Single remedy of pratikraman will destroy the root of raag-dwesh!

Different types of thoughts about pride, envy or doubt may come;

Do instant pratikraman, or else it reaches other person before too long!

Doubt that ‘a robber will rob me’ makes a happy person unhappy;

You’re owner of universe, can morning dew extinguish a volcano?

What is the reason for fear? You consider yourself as temporary;

Fear vanishes with the understanding – vision of ‘I am the eternal Self’!

Repentance burns the faults like a string that burns to ashes;

In next life, uprooting of these faults, a simple touch causes!

After attaining Self-realization, even pratikraman is an effect;

Slash the faults by pratikraman, remaining as the pure one, the dirt is cleansed!

Atikraman in eating-drinking brings on body’s ailment;

Atikraman is innate nature and pratikraman is self-effort!

Ask for Gnani’s forgiveness if you break the laws of eating;

If you don’t endorse addiction, then one day you’ll be quitting!

If you don’t do pratikraman, the parmanus will stick again;

Addiction will return in next life, opinion supporting it will make it stick!

If discharge is not known-seen and pratikraman is not done;

Mind will continue to form since the opinions aren’t gone!

After Self-state, do purusharth of the Self, Liberation surely you’ll get;

But in following Agna, doing pratikraman, there may be defect!

Dada sometimes drank tea but first He did its’ Pratyakhyan;

Otherwise tea will stay with you, Gnani remains forever alert!

Pain happens to the body, simply ‘see’ and ‘know’ it as separate;

Non-violent intent and separation, is absence of arta and raudra dhyan

Atikraman binds karma and not bound through conduct;

Pain never touches ‘Ambalal’ for a moment, due to ‘Vignan’!

Adverse meditation arta and raudra, harass every moment;

Arta results in animal state and raudra sends one to hell!

Worry of future is artadhyan, and one hurts the self;

Bullet of worry doesn’t hurt others, even his wife isn’t aware!

Causing pain to others, giving pain even in thoughts;

Raudradhyan it is called cause others get its’ effect!

Change the meditation of arta and raudra when it happens;

‘It is the result of my karma’, see others as just the evidentiary nimit!

To see the world as flawless is known as dharmadhyan;

Cleaning with pratikraman, Gnani counts it as dharmadhyan!

Repenting done once turns raudra to arta meditation;

Pratikraman again for it, arta becomes dharma contemplation!

You have become pure Soul; non-Self complex does arta-raudra dhyan;

non-Self complex does pratikraman, that’s when it is dharmadhyan!

Pure Soul’s is shukla meditation, non-Self complex’s dharmadhyan;

In the end thus parmanus are made absolutely pure!

Arta-raudra meditation never happens in Akram Gnan;

Inside shukla, outside dharma; because ego is lifeless!

Faults that happen now since their pratikraman wasn’t done;

One can get freedom from them if proper pratikraman is done!

Knowing the fault is dharmadhyan, meditation as the Self is shukladhyan;

Inner ‘Absolute’, outer ‘dharma’- know it as state of one more life!

On Akram path, one can go as far as this State;

If inner and outer are ‘Absolute’, moksha happens in the same life!

‘Guests show up at late night’; on seeing them there is strife in mind;

‘Why did the deadbeats show up now’-words promptly flash in mind!

Yet, to their face he says, ‘Welcome, will you take some tea?’

The guests will ask for Khichdi, vegetables or for some curry!

Wife gets upset, husband asks, ‘When are they leaving?’

Wife says, ‘How do I know? Your friends, your habits!’

Tradition states ‘Guest is God’; yet there is arta-raudra dhyan;

For this, pratikraman is necessary, or else, he digs a mine of loss!

Self-realized person’s intents don’t change by doing pratikraman;

He gets rid of faults forever by doing pratyakhyan and pratikraman!

The fault remains pending if pratikraman is not done;

Increase one-two lives, or to Liberation if instantly done!

If a person is openly angry, today from karma he is free;

If angry in his mind, he will bind karma for the next life!

Do pratikraman for abhorrence, because attack is committed;

Attachment is discharge karma; Gnani explains this thoroughly!

However, if one isn’t alert and Agna he didn’t follow;

Do pratikraman for attachment as well or he will fall!

If there is inner link or violent intent, it is called kashay;

If they are absent, it isn’t kashay, there’s only discharge!

Yet, if others get hurt from your discharge kashay;

Doing pratikraman is proper according to Tirthankars!

Kashays may be heavy, they’re relative’s property after all;

‘Seer’ is not burned there; Gnan gives him protection!

Discharge faults are lifeless after Self-realization state;

Their karma are not heavy, Gnani jokes about the faults!

Heartily pratikraman ends the faults in short effort;

Repeated pratikraman, by law, frees one from bondage!

Wholesome pratikraman is acceptable when there’re multiple faults;

‘Dada, I am doing wholesome, please accept it as the total for all’!

If no courage for face to face, ask forgiveness in the mind;

Do face to face with a noble person; others will abuse it otherwise!

Before going to Liberation, exhaust the subtle body;

Do collective pratikraman and you will be free finally!

It is called self-effort when one does pratikraman for faults;

State of valiance is being the Knower of the one who knows!

Anger kashay that is bound for infinite lives is like a crack in a boulder;

Business of repeating lives continues if there’s no pratikraman!

Anger that one didn’t repent for is like a crack in the ground;

It persists since pratikraman-pratyakhyan were not done for that!

Fifth step of spirituality is wholesome pratikraman-pratyakhyan;

By doing them one arrives at the sixth which is called pratyakhyan!

Faults cause millions of veils; do as many pratikramans;

Because collectively done in past, veils continue to hinder!

Pratyakhyani veils are like a line drawn in the sand;

Burnt out kashays are like a line that is drawn in water!

When karma of kashay unfolds and affects the self within;

There is suffering of pain; they’re called pratyakhyani kashays!

When karma of kashay unfolds and do not affect the self;

Bliss prevails within; they’re called ash-like kashays!

At the fourth step is Self-realization; fifth is one of no-resolve;

Sixth is with resolve where file is thick in worldly life!

At the sixth step, external conduct is not accounted;

At seventh sobriety manifests and eight is one of ‘never-before’!

When sexuality-tuber and attachment with woman is gone;

One crosses the ninth and thus to the tenth he goes!

When parmanu of anger-pride-deceit-greed do not exist at all;

There’s total void of these kashays; one achieves the state of God!

In discharge karma, even one parmanu of kashay isn’t seen;

Dada has seen Absolute Self, experience-state one achieves!

Preaching while kashays are there, one goes to hell, alas!

Big difference in punishment if a lawyer commits a crime!

An ignorant person should not go on stage and preach;

‘I am learning’; others listen to the words and learn!

After becoming pure Soul he knows ‘vyavasthit’ as the doer;

Instant pratikraman is done, Self-realized is only the Knower!

No one’s fault is seen and freedom from all attachments prevails;

While all worldly acts are done, this is the way of Akram Vignan!

Where there is absence of anger, it is Lord Mahavir’s forgiveness!!

Not a thing to be given, is the valiant person’s natural forgiveness!

Where one is in Knower-Seer state, kashays are totally absent;

Mistake in Knower-Seer state, rule of

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