» Self-Help » The Perfect Doll, Becca Marien [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Perfect Doll, Becca Marien [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Becca Marien

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we headed over to the table.
“Guys.” She said to three people in black. “This is Shiloh Eperson. Shiloh, this would be a part of your team. Owen is the photographer, Frankee is hair and makeup, and Freaya is wardrobe.”
        We each nodded at each other as we were introduced.

“We’re going to see what we can do.”
       The three of them got up, and led me through the door behind the table. It was a small room and Frankee ushered me over to a makeup area. I sat down in the chair that most girls would have had to climb to get in. I was dowsed in makeup, my hair blown out. I went behind a little curtain, and pulled on the outfit that Freaya picked out.

   I stepped onto a long white sheet and Owen began to snap pictures. All of the sudden he stopped.
“Shiloh,” He sighed, “This isn’t a day at school. Stop hunching your shoulders. No one here is going to make fun of your height. Relish it child.”
“Your right.” I nodded, and stood up taller. “Can I just walk around for a second? To get used to the camera. I’ve never done this before.”
“We know.” Amara said not unkindly, “That’s why I picked you.”
          I walked back and forth as Owen snapped pictures. I listened to the sound and became familiar with it. That would be the song of my career. I took a breath, channeled my most self-absorbed version of Piper and turned to the camera. Frankee looked at Freaya with wide eyes, and Freaya arms crossed nodded with a grin.

“Can I get some wind?” Owen asked, moving around me a bit.
          Frankee and Freaya grabbed a few fans and layed on the floor and aimed the fans at me. I tipped my chin up against the wind.
“That’s good.” Owen said looking at the camera and heading towards the door.

   We followed. Owen sat down in front of a lap top, Amara and I claiming the chairs on each side of him. The others leaned in close over us. Owen hooked the camera up to the lap top and a picture of me hunched over popped up.
“See how scared you look?” Owen ran a finger over my shoulders. “Companies want confidence. No one is going to want to wear their clothes if they make the model look like she’s carrying a hundred pounds. Now this, however.”

  He changed pictures, and for a second I thought the girl was someone else. That he was showing me what I should have done, but it was me. Under all the makeup, I spotted my brown eyes.

“This is what they want. If you can keep this up,” He looked at Amara.
“We can work with you for sure.”

“Sounds good.” I nodded, “So I’ll be getting minimum wage right?”

They all laughed.

“No sweetie. Each shoot with pay a thousand dollars.” Amara sobered up, “Your free to start now right?”
“Free all summer.”
“We’ll just have to meet with your parents and draw up a contract. From now on The agency will take care of you. Your life will change soon, so be ready for it okay?”
“When should we meet with my Dad?”
“Well,” Amara clapped her hands, “Now is fine. You guys can pack up right?”
They all nodded and waved us away.

 Amara’s car was black, sleek and shinny. She had tan leather seats, and a really cool GPS system. I typed my address in and we drove over. I directed her to the guest parking, which was nicer in my opinion, and we headed over to the elevator.

“Is that-“
“Yep.” I nodded.

          Brody was fast asleep, a soda cup on his desk, surrounded in a ring of condensation. We headed inside my tiny apartment. I looked at Amara. She was trying to draw herself in. The place had that effect on people. Dad stood up from the table and walked over to us. One look at him, and I thought I might have to catch Amara from the swoon she was about to have.
“Shiloh?” Dad questioned, “A new friend.”

 He held out his hand and Amara jumped back into her skin.                                                                                                                                                                                  “Amara More.”

“Okay.” Dad looked at me.
“She’s my agent.” I explained. “I got a job.”
“What type of job needs an agen-“ He sighed, “Shiloh I don’t know.”
“It’s a summer job.” I told him, “It’ll help me with my confidence.”
Amara stepped in. “All shoots will be age appropriate, and the money she earns will be deposited into a bank account. We can even put your name on it.”
I nodded.
“No.” Dad shook his head. “The money Shiloh makes is hers. I’m sorry for being rude, can I get you something to drink?”
“I’m okay.” She looked around the house, “Where’s the woman of the house.”
Dad and I looked at each other.
“She need to sign the contract too.” Amara looked at each of us.
“Mrs. Eperson is no longer with us.” Dad finally spoke up.
“Oh,” Amara answered, and as if she was in on the rule all along she said, “So I’ll have your lawyer stop by with the contract around ten tomorrow morning?”
“I’ll be here.”
“Once I have the contract, we can get started. I’ll be in touch.”

We kissed cheeks without touching each other and she left.

“Are you sure about this kiddo?”
“Yeah,” I nodded, “I think this will be good for me. I already feel better about myself.”
“Well, that’s always a good thing I guess.”
“How’s the new project coming along?”
“Outside flowering.” He sighed, “Your mother was way better at it than I was.”

None of us mentioned that he had actually mentioned mom.
“Let me take a look.”
He held out a hand and I sat down. I looked at a picture of the building, and the green slab to be covered in flowers.
“Line flowers along the back,” I pointed, “And use the rest of the space for marbled water fountains.”
“See,” He laughed, “I knew this was for a girl.”
“Get to work, and see if they like it.” I punched his arm.

“Thanks kid.” He shut the lap top and picked it up.
“Bring home a pizza.” I said.

“You got it.

“A coke!” I called as he shut the door.
        I shrugged and headed to my room. In my haste of leaving, I had forgotten my phone. I moved aside the paper, as a knock sounded. Maybe that was Piper! I hurried over and opened the door, but Amara came in.
“Hey,” She whispered as if she was sneaking in at midnight. “I saw your Dad leave, and I wanted to give this to you.”

“What is it?” I took the envelope.
“A bribe. I am completely unashamed to give it to you. I want you to be apart of the team.
“You don’t need to worry Amara.” I set the envelop on the counter. “I’m in.”
“But is your Dad in?”
“Yeah. He just wants to make me happy and for me to believe in myself.”
Amara gave me a soft dare I say it, motherly smile, and took my face in her hands, “I believe in you Shiloh, and soon you will too.” She dropped her hands, “When is Dad getting back?”

“Around dinner time.”
“Would you like, “She pointed with her thumb, “ Would you like to get a late lunch with me? We can do some light shopping even. Only if you want too.”

“I would love too.” I smiled, “But I don’t have any money.”
Amara pointed at the envelope, and I picked it up.
“I’m going to count it okay?”
“Okay.” She nodded.
“Not because I’m spoiled, but because I want to save some, and I want to know how much I have.”

“Of course.” She smiled.
I counted out one thousand dollars.

“Well,” Amara clapped her hands, not giving me a chance to answer, “We should get a move on then.”



Amara ordered salmon, veggies, and some mashed potatoes. I ordered a stake with a baked potato, and a coke.

“Even though the contract isn’t signed yet, I want to go over a few thing’s with you. Just to give you a little taste before you sign.”
“The agency likes it’s girls and boys to be well taken care of.”
“What do you mean?”

“I’ll take you over to a lot and have you pick out a car. Then we’ll go house shopping. The house will be bought and put in your name.”
“All of the expenses will be paid by the agency. When we get your name out there, which will be soon, stores will be giving you clothes to wear out. You’ll be wearing a five thousand dollar wrap for free.”
“That’s a little weird.”
“It’s good for their business. People will ask you were you got it, and who are you wearing.”
“And it brings people in.”
“Exactly.” She nodded. “I do not want you to lose weight, but I do not want you to gain it. In the new house you’ll find a gym. Your personal trainer will come every day for an hour. A nutritionist will be there every day to prepare snacks and meals for you.”

“That’s a lot of pampering.”
“That is exactly why I’m letting you know a head of time. If you’d like to back out-“
“No.” I shook my head. “I’m in.”
“Good.” She smiled. “ Once you get your name to be a house hold name, A security team will be assigned to you.”

“We can’t ever be too careful with our kids.”
          Amara stopped as the waiter brought our food. He set down the plates and drink, gave a little bow and walked away.
“It’ll be a lot to handle at first, but you’ll get used to it.”
“And I’m assuming you’ll book my shoots?”
“Correct. Well start at nine, and stop at ten pm.”
“Make it eight thirty.” I shook my head. “I’ll have around ten hours of sleep, and thirty minuets to shower, chow down my breakfast, and then get to the shoot.”
“Okay.” She nodded, “So how do you want to do your sqedual? The shoots last an hour.”
“Book them thirty minutes apart, so we can have time to get to the next shoot.”
“Okay. You’ll let me know if it’s too much for you right?”

“Right.” I took a bite of my food.
“You’ll have Sunday off from the shoots, but you’ll use that day to pamper yourself for Monday.”
“Does taking a nap count?”
“As long as it’s on a massaging table.”
        I looked up to see if she was kidding but nope. She was serious. Okay. No me time. That’s fine. I guess. It’s just for the summer anyways.

I sure would miss tanning on the fire escape with Piper though. But I had to keep her separate because I knew Amara would like her better than me. Pieper had more money than Dad and I did. She was a little short though. Amara took me shopping and dropped me off.

Dad’s car was gone, so I had time to put away my clothes, and shove the bags under my bed. I didn’t want him to see them. We

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