» Self-Help » Internet Cash Genie, Egir Cela [best books for students to read TXT] 📗

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The Competition Is Irrelevant!



It doesn’t matter.


Yep. You heard me right. It makes no difference what your competition does.

Why? Because they only serve one purpose.


You see, it’s easy to get caught up in what your competition does. They lower their price, you lower your price. You offer free shipping, they do the same thing.


It’s a never ending game. Whenever somebody makes a move, there is a rush to follow.


Well, guess what? You may be surprised to learn you don’t have to worry about having the lowest price. You can forget about having to match the competition’s advertisements. Best of all, your customers and prospects could soon care less who offers these advantages.


There is a better way. And it works in 3 easy steps:


“Spy” on your competition. Uncover what they are doing successfully and unsuccessfully.


Improve on what they are doing.


Forget about them and focus on the strategies (you will soon uncover) which will separate you from the crowd by leaps and bounds.


Let’s look at some examples of companies successfully using this formula:


Case Study # 1: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts


You may be familiar with this company. In only a few short years they became a phenomenon, completely wiping out their main competitor Dunkin’ Doughnuts in countless cities across the United States.


How’d they do it? Well they did not offer a cheaper doughnut or the latest and greatest new treat, or by using any other marketing ploy. Nope.


Rather, they offered something different… a total experience. Instead of just offering doughnuts, they gave consumers the rare opportunity to see how the doughnuts are made.


It was a place where customers could take their kids to the store and watch as their doughnuts are taken off the conveyor belt and served to them… hot, ready to eat.


This was a great improvement over their competition. There was no way Dunkin’ Doughnuts could do the same thing.


Why couldn’t they?


Well, for one thing their stores were already established. So changing the design would not only cost a fortune, it would not work in many stores. But more importantly, they also could not duplicate the story told by Krispy Kreme. That is, the story of having a special treat that the whole family could enjoy.


As a result, Krispy Kreme created excitement all of the country, greatly expanding and rapidly destroying Dunkin’ Doughnuts (in many markets) in a matter of years. All this without doing the old “see and copy” game.


Let’s talk about another example:


Case Study # 2: Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream


Millions of loyal consumers see Ben & Jerry’s far and above the rest when they head to the ice cream section of their local supermarket. It’s not because it’s the cheapest or the fanciest.


But rather, they offer a superior product in the minds’ of loyal consumers. When shoppers are looking at the ice cream section they don’t see ice cream, but a fun, thick, and tasty treat.


Additionally, if you’re a shopper, you probably also know where this product originates.



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It’s from the state of Vermont… where life is more laid back, workers are treated right, and with an image that makes you feel just plain good. You just don’t feel the same way when you buy the supermarket brand.


In fact, even if they raised their price a little bit, it would most likely not matter. That’s because consumers don’t make their decision of what to purchase based on a product’s advantages, but the way it makes them feel to get it.


Let me repeat that as it is a key point for your business as well:


…consumers don’t make their decision of what to purchase based on a product’s advantages, but the way it makes them feel to get it.


Whether the feeling is prosperous, smart, secure, healthy, or even sexy… keep this in mind…


Shortly, you will uncover the secrets to turning your business into one with a loyal following, almost cult-like… where your customers just won’t feel the same by going with somebody else.


In other words, your competition will be irrelevant. It won’t matter one bit. It just serves one purpose…


To “spy” on them and gain inspiration for improvements. You don’t have to worry about them as a business threat, because they will no longer be a serious threat to your bottom line.


You should also know this…


It does not matter what kind of business you have. These strategies can be applied to anything. From affiliate marketers to website owners to Fortune 500 companies. Every type of business can gain significantly from applying the lessons you are about to learn.


So, let’s get started with the *most* important step to utterly creaming your competition…




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The “Secret” Ingredient To Every

Successful Internet Business…



It has nothing to do with the latest, greatest marketing technique… or a special new piece of technology. Nope.


In fact, it has been around for thousands of years. Can you guess what is?


If you said it’s your story, then you’re absolutely right. Nearly every successful business has one… and every business that stands above their competition DOES have one.


Sometimes the customer comes up with the story themselves based on how they view the company… but smart companies are the ones that go right ahead and tell the consumers what it is.


If you’re a little confused on exactly what I mean by a story, then listen up:


Stories are everywhere. They are how your customer or prospect thinks about your business.


Whether your product is thought of as “exotic,” “folksy,” “trustworthy,” or whatever positive emotion you want to associate with your product.


Now, before we get any further, we need to dispel a possible misconception.


By story I don’t mean “image.” It is much deeper than that. It is an experience that prompts your customers to purchase. An image, on the other hand, is much too simplistic. It does not create the opportunity for your customers to relate and bond with you.


Adversely, a powerful story allows you to gain an amazing power. One to sneak right past your customers’ defenses, which have been built-up against anyone who might be trying to sell them something.


More than that… the right story is what will make your sales go crazy for years to come, mainly because it is the single most powerful tool of influence.


Think about this… person does not have to admit they were wrong to agree with the lesson taught in a story. And that means, the right story can allow nearly any pre-existing belief customers might have to be wiped clean.


Pretty powerful, huh?


With that said, let’s look at an example:


Example # 1 – Wal-Mart, one of the largest businesses in the world.


Love or hate ‘em Wal-Mart is an excellent example of having a story. Why?


Because people have two different stories for Wal-Mart. The first one built the empire. The more recent story, threatens to damage their bottom line.


Wal-Mart has grown to its massive size and crushed the competition because people see them as the “ultimate store”. A place in small towns where everyone can gather… and where all the family shopping can be done. It fits the top wants of millions of consumers.


The story that built the empire is the one Wal-Mart tells its customers: “Get your needs satisfied quicker, easier, and cheaper, while going to the friendly family store.” They even have senior citizens welcome you inside the door.


Now here’s the story some folks believe, the one that threatens to damage the bottom line…


Wal-Mart is a big, heartless corporation. This because of the aggressive tactics they use to keep the prices low. And of course, this story is what people have arrived at without influence from the company.


What you should take away from this is simply that your business might have two stories… the one you want your customers to know and the one they come up with on their own.


If you don’t even tell them a story, your customers and prospects will most likely develop their own. Possibly negative, possibly positive… it all depends on the individual.


However, when you are able to formulate a successful story (and


subsequently tell it), you will automatically gain an instant connection with your customers. That in turn will create a non-stop stream of sales allowing you to out-distance your competition.


But before we talk about how to create a successful story, let’s look at a few more important points with…


Example # 2 – Google. How did they come to dominate a large majority of search traffic, especially when there was so much competition in the early days of the Web?


Well, you guessed it. They told a story. They became known as, “The customer friendly place to get superior search results.” In other words, they were doing everything possible to give the searcher the best possible results.


And it didn’t matter if they really provided the best results, this was what they told the searcher… and in the early days of the Web, relevance was what they demanded most.


Now, you might be thinking Google doesn’t have much of a story. You’re right. You don’t have to overcomplicate this. It just needs to be enough to create belief in your customers’ mind of your superiority. It is why they should care what type of search engine they use or what superstore they go to.


So how do you create a compelling story for your business? One that is even more compelling than any corporate business might be daring enough to try?


Well, I’ve summed up the process in 3 quick and easy steps:


First, you must uncover your USP (Unique Selling Proposition).


What is special or unique about your business? What advantages do you offer that your competition does not?


Do you:


Wrap gifts?


Offer lower prices?

Give faster delivery?


Have superior features?


Have more experience?


Have a better track-record?


Provide more to choose from?


Offer better technical support?


Personalize the product or service?


Offer more extensive customer service?


Have higher customer satisfaction rates?


Essentially, you are uncovering the logical reasons someone should do business with you rather than the competition. Once you have made a list of your advantages, your Unique Selling Proposition will begin to emerge.


Your object is to choose the single biggest advantage over your competitors.

Here are some examples:


Video store claiming, “The Movie You Want Is Always In Stock” or “No More Late Fees”


Do you see how powerful those are? They both address frustrations the consumer has when doing business with the competition. It answers the question of why the consumer should do business with this video store versus others.


Affiliate marketer claiming, “Detailed and Honest Reviews of Dog Training Products.”


Search engine optimization expert selling their services by saying,


“Search Engine Optimization Expert Gets Top Rankings For Key

Terms Using Proven Bag of Little-Known Tricks Reserved Only for




In this case, it doesn’t even have to be unique. All search engine optimization experts have a proven bag of tricks they offer to their clients. This is still a Unique Selling Proposition because it highlights advantages others do not.


A famous example of this being done is associated with the legendary copywriter Claude Hopkins and his work with Schlitz Beer about 70 years




He highlighted the fact that the beer is produced in amazingly hygienic and pure conditions. Although others had the same process, nobody talked about it in detail.


This gave a huge boost in Schlitz beer sales and decimated the competition. Quite simply, the idea that others had less hygienic conditions was forever ingrained in the consumers’ mind.


As you can see, uncovering the USP can give you a powerful advantage.

However, a USP alone is not always going to cream your

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