» Self-Help » How integrity helps in reaching the ultimate life goals, Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka [best fiction novels of all time txt] 📗

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duties. Many people in Government services are doing simple jobs. The responsibility of Government employee most often ends up with the right to a job and the privileges of that job. Sometimes the costliest services delivered are the government services, because of inefficiency. For the failures, it is rare to find a Government employee taking responsibility on their own and resigning from a job.

The government systems globally are becoming more and more inefficient, that is one more reason for increased expenditure budgets every year. Creating government jobs is not important unless we reduce inefficiencies.

Art, Science and Technology all are important. Say, an engineer designs a car with good engine and structure, but an artist finalises the design of body with good shape and colours. A car designed only by engineers may not be appealing to the common public by looks. One might find more jobs and highly paid, by not studying arts. All the subjects are important in leading a life of completeness. Beauty of existence is an amalgamation of art, science and technology.

Come out of comfort zone

The people should come out of the comfort zone. Living in a comfort zone might make one loose goal. Only sensitive people can come out of the comfort zone. Education need not make a person more sensitive and humane. It is incidental, accidental or by choice, that the great leaders on the earth were not in a comfort zone. They subjected to the challenges of the world, struggled and have got sensitised through exposure in the process their empathy, compassion and response also increased with time.

Deviations in reaching the goal

Don’t accept everything on the path of reaching one's goal. For a living one might chose a profession, but should strive to chose the right profession relevant to ones goal.

We find people saying something like ‘I have this much of assets, or this many people behind me, or this is my support …’, this is a kind of a state of human being which tries to satisfy human needs guides one’s actions and provides meaning of one’s being. These ideas in fact are mostly his greed. This is what is driving some of the humans in their rat race for materialistic goals which in reality is only a matter which is never a part of the inner being of a human. So this realisation should exist among all humans. Once they start realising these basic things then I hope the whole world and all the humanity will be more concerned and will be working for the common good.

Role of parents

Parents trying to reach the goal through children is a form of selfish genes promotion. What they could not achieve in their lifetime they want to achieve through the children.

For instance, every parent tries to envision the future of one’s child with regard to child’s education where a child invests at least twenty years in learning. It takes into account the possible new economic scenarios, likely job market, possible skills and courses one must study to accomplish the goals. It means our educationists and leaders must foresee the changes in economy and society and frame the syllabus and lessons taught in schools are in line with the development visions that take into account the future economy, industry, demography, society and several other related sectors are likely to be say at least 20 to 50 years from now on. Only then the aspirations of a child are met. Of course the technologies and the requirements of the society are fast changing. To keep in phase, the midterm corrections are necessary, that is amending the syllabus or letting the student attend new courses. Learning is a continuous process and learning must meet the purpose. The purpose of learning should support one in achieving the personal and common goals.

As part of the current education system, Human beings spend about one-third to one-fourth of their lifetime to get educated. Parents don’t know in which areas their child is most interested. Children are too small to understand their interest, so they are forced to learn everything till 10th standard. But every child knows their interest in time and space. Their interest might vary with time as they grow. But the teachers and parents believe that the children are too young and they don’t know what they want to be in life. And force them to choose areas, which they believe would guarantee secured livelihood. There is no system to encourage a child, have the freedom to set their own goal and strive to achieve, as they grow.

The beauty of life is the progeny. There is no continuity or existence without progeny. The ultimate goal is to secure the life of this offspring, for which we put all our energy and efforts. All life on this earth exists for the same purpose.

Prioritisation and importance given to planning and implementationPrioritisation and importance given to planning and implementation also matters at any given time and in space. Lack of timely importance and prioritisation given to the current challenges might lead to lose the long term vision and goals.

Goals of entities


One’s goal need not be the same as the goal of the organisation where someone is working. If the interest of a person and the interest of the organisation are similar than it is the right job. The organisations are like the launching platforms for one to shoot and do greater things and reach the stars.

People continue to do jobs, even when they are in the wrong place. Over a period, people would suffer in doing such a job and their performance comes down. Selecting right candidate for the job is one of the challenges that the organisations face.

Organisation goals and getting the right people

Sometimes people learn anticipated interview questions and try to answer everything convincingly and pass the interview. They could deceive by the looks, dress, and the ready-made answers.

Education or qualifications are one of the criteria usually adopted for short listing the candidates. But interview plays an important role, on how well the candidate fits into the system and adaptable with the teams. The candidate’s looks, communication skills, spontaneous response to the questions, geography, age, sex, and everything matters. Cultural values of the society that they represent and the baggage of individual’s own experiences matters a lot.

I had different approaches to interview the candidates. Attitude of the people is important than the qualifications. To test the attitude, once I gave the task of cooking to a person attending the interview, as the job was for facilitation of good stoves. The way he prepared with all humbleness and served the cooked food, he was selected for the job.

Select the right candidates for the organisation

Methods to identify the candidates suitable to meet the goals of an organisation.

I have devised some other methods of selection. Once three candidates came for the interview to work with me on facilitating stoves. I took them to the GEO Research Center, it was about 10 a.m. in the morning. After brief introductions, I asked them who knows cooking. One person said he can cook. I asked him to go to the kitchen and cook the lunch for all of us. I started interviewing the two other candidates. He cooked the food very nicely, and the way he served impressed me. At the end, he asked me that I did not interview him. I said he has passed the interview. The dedication and commitment of a person could also be seen in small acts.

In another instance, I had to choose candidates for the field coordination. Asked the candidates, to sit on the ground in different positions. The first question was, how they would invite and convince a farmer to come and attend a meeting. Asked them to do role play considering one of the candidate as reluctant farmer. Made the observations. Told them about the hardships in the field and before making their decision to join, asked them to consult their parents. To my satisfaction, the selected two candidates have played an important role in doing capacity building for about 50,000 people in 15 months' time period.

Once there appeared eight candidates for an interview. The job was in the field area, which requires lots of travel with least facilities. Only one girl was there among the eight candidates. Because of the late hours to travel and the difficulties in the field, it was more suitable for the male candidate in that field area.  Meanwhile, halfway through the interview during the lunch break, four candidates left considering the challenges of the job. Ms. Nagamani said that she is ready to do the job in all types of hardships. She proved her worthiness and was the right candidate. Sometimes by telling the challenges one could assess the interest of the candidates who really want to contribute in all kinds of situations. People always want a comfort zone.

Recommendation from someone supporting the candidature for a job, is not bad if the right person is recommended. I have taken one person based on recommendation, he was okay in his job. Whenever he took leave for three days to visit his native village, never returned to the job after the leave period. He also kept his phone switched off or did not respond to the phone calls even when it is ringing. Nor informed that he required more days of leave. In my organisation, I never deducted the salaries of the people even if they are absent beyond the leave period.

Team spirit

In a team one should not force individual opinions on others. The collaboration, cooperation, patience and sharing is required in a team. Team spirit is taking the responsibility as a team and not to blame the individuals. Once it happened that one of my team mates while making the final presentation was questioning me. One of the participants asked her why she was asking now, as a team member she could have discussed within the group before final presentation. She was part of four member team and did not participate as a team member.

Innovation and learning inspires

Innovation and learning inspires people in their work. Redundancy creeps in where there is routine. Every organisation and people must evolve with time and adapt to change, as leaders striving for change is a continuous process. One cannot stick to the traditions as the demands and possibilities change in time. Change is for present and future.

Freedom to do what one aspires is the highest value to an individual. Freedom with responsibility in one’s actions is as one lives in an environment. The environments impacted by every action are: social, physical, natural and spiritual.

Don’t kick your organisation

One of my team members said that he wanted to leave the job and would like to try for a position in the government. Considering his priority, I said that, this is your organisation, go and attend the interview. If you get the job, well and good. If not selected there, consider this as your own organisation, come and join back. He left and tried, but could not qualify. After returning his

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