» Self-Help » How integrity helps in reaching the ultimate life goals, Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka [best fiction novels of all time txt] 📗

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a need for providing work to a potter throughout the year.

The fundamental thing is can a person live on earth without any source of income. A person need to pay for food, water, shelter, energy, transportation, taxes, etc. That is one should make a living. The birth of a person does not entitle one having an equal right on the wealth of a nation. The life of human beings is difficult as compared to any other life on earth. All other life on earth say a bird can live and create its nest without money. A domesticated animal like donkey can live without money by working for the person owning it. The conversation of earning money has no meaning for both the bird and the donkey. The basic needs of poultry chicken are taken care more diligently than the poor people. Here government systems consider them chicken as a useful resource. Whereas the poor people are considered as wasteful and burden. Human beings need the money for all the reasons to live.

The technologies, artificial intelligence systems, automation, fewer jobs and lower wages is the situation, which are making for a person to find a livelihood difficult on earth. In time and space, the education, qualifications, skills, experience and social status, has a variable and overall diminishing value. There is less meaning to the future policies of creating jobs through economic development. In this scenario, a country could prosper economically but may not generate jobs.

People are loosing identities very fast and trying to establish themselves as a new human resource. In this situation there is less scope for anyone to define oneself and make a living.

Here is an example of how jobs are being replaced over a period of time. The people who could use a computer has replaced the jobs of many typesetters in the printing presses. Many people who assisted in printing, cutting and binding are also no more existing, as all those jobs were replaced by the single automatic printing machines. Presently very few people are employed in such jobs. Over years, the cost of the following are decreasing, they are computers, sensors, memory devices and processors. As a result the access and processing of information into knowledge and for decision making, dissemination and sharing of knowledge is becoming  very cheap.

People are less competing with people, they are competing with machines. The video games are some of the examples. In the near future there would be championships between people and computers or Robos. The day will come when peoples capabilities to win over them becomes difficult.

Google assistant, Amazon Alexa, Mac Siri and other artificial intelligent software systems connected to devises are making peoples life easy. Say automated call centers have replaced many people's jobs involved in the call centers.


The people got great freedom during the renaissance period, that is in the European history, covering the span between the 14th and 17th centuries. The Renaissance saw revolutions in many intellectual pursuits, as well as social and political upheaval, it is perhaps best known for its artistic developments. its influence was felt in literature, philosophy, art, music, politics, science, religion, and other aspects of intellectual inquiry. Renaissance scholars employed the humanist method in study, and searched for realism and human emotion in art. After this renaissance movement the industrial revolution started, which focussed on the education system for the steady supply of human resources to meet the industrial production needs. Especially in the last decade very few students are encouraged to study arts. The universities are also closing the arts subjects and governments are not giving priority as there are least jobs in those sectors. There are limitations to a persons goals and interests.

What is Universal Basic Income

Because people cannot live without money. Money is virtual still a powerful liquid asset. Through access to basic income, the decision making and emancipation of each and every individual will increase helping them to live a happy and complete life. As per the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected)

United Nations: Article 25 (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

The wealth of a nation is the sum product of the value enhanced and created by our ancestors. Although, wealth of a nation is a contextual thing in space and time, at anytime it has some value. Each citizen of a  country has the right to be a share holder of a countries wealth, it is as much as the debt of a country distributed by per person. The social dividend from the wealth of a nation, is to be shared with each person is the universal basic income or unconditional basic income. UBI is also like a dividend sharing which are the accomplishments paid from the progress of human beings. UBI is a hybrid system developed from the principles of both capitalism and socialism. Unconditional basic income or universal basic income or free money is the right of the citizens of a country. Everyone in a country under UBI is entitled for monthly payment.

The people paying taxes have little affection towards the poor and government systems. They think, why they should pay taxes and support the poor, destitute, inefficient government system and also the corrupt people. The whole process of transferring every rupee from top to bottom i.e, from the government to the stakeholder is a costly thing. In this trickling down of money there is very little benefit that the people are actually getting. In this context transferring money directly into each individual is one of the most efficient way. The corruption would comedown as money is transferred into the bank account of the primary stakeholder.

In many countries, the governments are forced to declare schemes and policies which are making people dependent on the government systems.  The governments are in no position to facilitate the people live a dignified life with their own goals. With UBI implementation, now a person has the right to chose the work of choice. One need not struggle for a job to meet the basic needs, could pursue the personal and common goals. Jobs lead to human bondage, kills once ambition. The personal and common goals lead one towards having a happy life. People are no more bonded to their jobs and need not work under pressure. The people could resign a job and chose a work which is convenient and of interest.

Innumerable human beings have become a challenge to be supported in many countries. UBI motivates one to chose what really one wants to do. As there is assurance of basic income, there is not much to worry. Having a steady income is a stress, now the health and happiness of people would improve. Some people could also be less aspired to do something great, as there is assured basic income.

An experiment was conducted in India each person was given 4$ (USD) per month for two years (2011-2013). That is 40% of the subsistence. In which about 6000 people participated from habitations in Madhya Pradesh. Improved food sufficiency and nutrition, increase in livestock, no increase in Alcohol consumption, reduced illness, improved school attendance, people were found more enterprising. On experimental basis in more than 20 countries UBI schemes were implemented and the results are very good as anticipated.

The automation, big data and artificial intelligence is replacing many jobs. The role of majority of human beings is becoming less resourceful. If the cost of production is cheaper by not engaging human beings, that is the cause for replacement of human beings.

In the near future, the wealth of a nation is from the taxes collected from the profit making machines and artificial intelligence devices in operation. For example, it is said that the facebook's, WhatsApp is managed by just over 50 employees and the Instagram had just 13 employees and few investors when it was bought. The value of both the services and their earnings is worth billions of dollars.

Schemes similar to UBI

Already some schemes are under implementation in many countries similar to UBI. Especially the pension, minimum wage, doles for the unemployed youth, health, scholarships for education, etc. They were mostly implemented by excluding some people and including the eligible by criteria. The bias was intentional to address the equity and development of the deprived communities. So, they facilitated such schemes to the people chosen based on the category of poverty, gender, age, caste, race, religion, disabilities, refugee status, minority and other government popular policies designed for winning the next elections.

Under Rythu Bandhu scheme, the Telangana government is giving every beneficiary farmer Rs 4,000 per acre as an “investment support” before every crop season. The objective is to help the farmer meet a major part of his expenses on seed, fertiliser, pesticide, and field preparation. The scheme would cover 1.42 crore acres in the 31 districts of the state, and every farmer owning land is eligible. Telangana’s Rythu Bandhu policy is considered as a quasi-universal basic income. It is one of the potential future agricultural policy to continue and expand to other states in India. In the QUBI scheme the money is transferred to everyone who meets an easily identifiable criterion. That is, they are universal within a clearly identifiable category.

Index based crop insurance for agriculture against climate risks is another such scheme. Probably in the future in addition to the Universal Basic Income people might also get additional allowance for extremes of wether events and pollution condition in a living area.

UBI offered an opportunity to eliminate poverty in one stroke. Many people think that government is paying them and never realise that one is paid from the common pool of wealth of a nation, where the respective government is a custodian. The realisation of each individual that they are part of the government will be stronger. During protests the people will not dare to damage the common assets and infrastructure.

Quotes related to integrity and goals

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached. - Swami Vivekananda

Freedom is the only worthy goal in life. It is won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control.- Epictetus

My feet have taken me to places unimagined, in day and night, in the thorns and grass, in the hills and plains. Feet are trigger happy with the thought of the brain to take any risk to achieve the goal. - Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka

Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not. - Oprah Winfrey

Ultimately, leadership is not about glorious crowning

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