» Self-Help » How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #5), DeYtH Banger [tohfa e dulha read online .txt] 📗

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a guy go away? Say something like, “OMG my ex contacted me yesterday. We had the best relationship ever but I dumped him because he wasn’t ready to commit. He told me that after being away from me, he realized he truly loves me and that he wants to pop the question to me! I think I might say yes.”

Yeah, no guy’s gonna stay with you after hearing that.


9. Bring in marriage


The average guy won’t commit if he’s given the chance not to, so do the opposite. If you’ve had a few dates, tell him you wanna get married and have his babies. Do it out of the blue. Scare the bejeezus out of him. Talk about buying a big ass engagement ring, a lavish wedding and a huge house (from his money of course), and watch him run in the other direction.


10. Lie constantly…and blame him


Tell him on Monday that you love flowers, and on Wednesday when he brings you some, throw them in his face and tell him you’re allergic to pollen. Tell him that you’re a foodie and when you go to a fancy restaurant on a date, accuse him of fattening you up so that you could never get another guy. Of course, you have to also not admit that you lied (when he point that out), so be ready to bring out your poker face.


11. Be a slob


Dress like a hobo. Wear your PJs to dates, don’t comb your hair, never put on any makeup, wear crocs, have bad breath, have terrible table manners, burp and fart in his presence and do basically whatever you can think of which might embarrass him to be in your company.


P.S: My favourite is

Mama boy





7 Deadly Signs That He's Immature




When you get into a relationship, it is natural to take some time to get to know each other better. That adjustment period helps you understand how your relationship is going to change over the years. While dating someone, it is important to pay attention to how your man treats you. It is fine to do a little nudging to get your boyfriend learn about your needs, but you have to understand that sometimes your efforts are not going to bear any fruit because you are dating an immature man. These men would never grow up, and in some cases it is even better to think of walking out of a relationship to avoid serious troubles later. Here are 7 deadly signs of an immature man. Be sure to consider them to judge where you stand in your relationship.



7. Signs to Watch Out For


1. He Does Not Want You to Depend on Him


You should know that you are dating an immature guy if you cannot depend on him in difficult times. It means that your man is not going to be around when things go wrong for you. They are basically 'men-boys' and do not want others to depend on them. They just do not like to take responsibilities and only hope that things will get better on their own.


2. He Is Extremely Impulsive


You may find it extremely difficult to maintain a relationship with someone who is recklessly impulsive, and that is one of the 7 deadly signs of an immature man. These men can be extremely spontaneous and make big decisions in an instant second. You may find them make big purchases without giving a second thought to their budget or you may find them seeing someone else just to make it more exciting. An immature man usually does not have the ability to think about the consequences of his action, and that is the reason why you will find him doing stupid things as teenagers.


3. He Makes It Difficult to Have a Serious Conversation


Another sign of an immature man is that he just cannot hold a serious conversation. It shows that he has not grown up yet and finds it impossible to hold a meaningful conversation. He will not have the ability to connect with others on a deeper level, and that is why you will often find him talk about surface-level stuff only. You should understand that if he cannot talk about his fears, life, past and other things that help couples connect he would not be able to bond with you in the future.


4. He Is Unclear about the Future


If you are in a relationship with an immature man, you will soon realize that he is not serious about his future. In fact, these types of people do not have the ability to plan beyond tomorrow. The idea of living in present may seem interesting, but an immature man will not have any idea of what kind of future he wants for you or for himself. It is just like children who do not think about their future and never plan for it. Even if he is doing something, he is likely to be unhappy in his career. You may see him complain a lot about his career but notice him do nothing to make things better. Even when he is not serious about his future or career, he would want a partner who would stroke his ego all the time.


5. He Is Spiteful


One of the 7 deadly signs of an immature man is that he is going to be very spiteful and cruel. He never accepts his mistakes and responds in a reckless and cruel way. The thing is that these types of people are not mature enough to realize that their behavior is cruel or hurtful.


6. He Ignores Your Family and Friends


If you want your relationship to work, you need to be with a man who cares for your family and friends. An immature man, however, is going to brush off your friends and family members, which can be quite disturbing. As a man-child, he would always be out of the house doing reckless things. He may even refuse to meet your parents. If you notice this sign, know that it is next to impossible to have a thriving romantic relationship with that person.


7. He Is the Mama's Boy


You should stop your man from caring for his mother, but if his relationship with his mother has gone wrong in any way, that is going to hurt your relationship. He might want you to be exactly like his mother or the complete opposite. Whatever the case, you have to understand that the comparison is going to hurt you in the future. The Mama's Boy will always compare every woman to his mother and that can keep you from achieving your relationship goals. You have to realize that you cannot have a thriving romantic relationship with a man who wants you to care for him like his mother.






How to Deal with a Heckler



PARKING INSPECTORS AND COMEDIANS have one thing in common – abuse from the general public. No matter how good your jokes, no matter how many friends you have in the audience, one day you will receive a heckle.

Hecklers fall into two categories – they criticise your joke, or they get personal, and criticise you. But be warned, regardless of their level of rudeness, shutting down a heckler too early may lead to alienating the rest of the audience. But, when it’s time to shut them down, here’s seven ways to do just that.


Ignore Them


All too often your audience will be drunk. While this can make your jokes funnier, some drunks become angry and heckle. If an audience member is drunk and heckling you, it’s often best to ignore them, since reason and logic, witty retorts, or embarrassing the drunk may be useless, or even dangerous. But if they continue, use one of the following techniques.


Be Quick


Stand-up comedians aren’t just funny, they should also be witty – and that means being fast and inventive. Once it is time to shoot a heckler down, be quick.


Turn the Tables


Some comedians ignore their hecklers. Others invite them on stage and show them how difficult it is! Let the heckler embarrass themselves, and then boot them off stage.


Agree with Them


The infamous Bill Cosby was once heckled by an audience members, screaming out, “I hate those shoes.” Rather than attack or embarrass the heckler, he simply stated, “Madame, you are very fortunate, because these shoes will not be performing.”


Remain Grateful


Remember that your audience probably paid to see you. So rather than get angry, thank them for their money and time, and make them feel bad for heckling you in the first place.


Become a ‘Heckler’ Therapist


Larry Seinfeld offers advice to dealing with hecklers – become sympathetic and help them with their problem. “You seem so upset, and I know that’s not what you wanted to have happen tonight. Let’s talk about your problem, and the audience will find it funny,” says Larry.


Encourage Them


If you feel brave, and want your audience to generate material for you, ask them to heckle you more. Jimmy Carr, with some help with profanity, uses a paper fortune teller, also called a cootie catcher. One of his lines, said in a gentleman’s tone, “If you wanted your come back, you’ll have to scrap it off your mum’s teeth!”  But be warned, this type of shutdown is not child friendly.






Chaper 11.1. - Bonus (Material)

 How “nice” are you when it comes to talking to women...

by Patrick James

The other day I was talking to a client of mine, and he told me how he used to immediately reject most dating advice because the humor didn’t seem “female friendly”…

You see, the exact thing that this man thought would attract girls to him is the exact thing that keeps him OFF of their sexual radar.

Think about it like this:

I want you to imagine the last time you went out to eat at a restaurant…

Imagine the people sitting around you…

Imagine about the servers walking around taking orders from all the people sitting at the tables…

Now let me ask you… What did the person at the table right next to you order off of the menu?

If you answered, “Patrick, how on earth would I know that?!”

Then you answered exactly how I expected you to!

You most likely have NO CLUE what the person sitting at the table next to you order because it wasn’t emotionally relevant to you.

If you remember anything from this article, remember this…

Women are very intuitive. They are constantly moving through the world by how they FEEL.

Women don’t remember men for the “lines he used” on them.

They remember the way he made them FEEL, and the vibe they got from him.

So if you’re reading this, and have ever toned yourself down just to have “safe” or “female friendly” humor around women, then STOP right now.

“Safe” is boring.

“Safe” is forgettable.

And “safe” is a one-way ticket to the dreaded friend-zone.

“So what’s the solution, Patrick?”

You’ve got to BRING OUT the natural sexual tension that already exists between us men and women.

And the way you do this is by injecting little emotional spikes into a conversation.

So bust out your pen and notepad because I’m about to give you the absolute easiest way to pop onto a girl’s sexual radar without being offensive or boring…

Teasing her in a playful way.

Do you remember back in the day, when boys used to tease girls about having cooties? And

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