» Self-Help » How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #3), DeYtH Banger [my miracle luna book free read .TXT] 📗

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it - women know much more about how to attract someone than men do.

Hey, it's not our fault. Women have YEARS of practice at getting people to notice them! They have lots of experience with getting guys to like them. In other words: They've gone through the training!

If you've ever seen a guy get so bent out of shape over a girl he liked, then you'll know exactly what I mean when I say...




But the funny thing about attraction is that it cuts both ways. Men can actually learn these secrets too and get great results with them.

So what are they?


SECRET 1:  Know What You Want


Too many guys suffer from the problem of having to "take what they can get." Women tend to get a lot of suitors coming their way, so they can be a little bit more picky.

When you know what you're looking for in a partner, you're not only screening potential candidates, but you're making a very powerful statement as well.

You're showing that you're not desperate. That you are the one with the power because you are doing the judging. And when you're the one with the power, you're the one who must be pursued.


SECRET 2:  Be The Prize


Being the one pursued means that you have a certain amount of value to others. They want you, for some reason, and it's now their job to try and get you.

In order for this to happen, you must place a certain value on yourself. You must feel like you are worthy to be pursued by others, and you must communicate this fact with your actions and attitude.

Girls get lots of guys trying to impress them. But it's the rare guy they want to impress who winds up with them.


SECRET 3:  Dress To Impress


Women place a lot of importance on how they look. It's for this reason that many of them get the male attention they do.

Women understand that what you wear helps to get others to notice you. In fact, because women are so in-tune with fashion, they really tend to notice how a guy dresses.

A man who understands how to cultivate his own appearance and look good will get a lot of attention from women, not just because he looks nice, but because he's communicating he understands how important appearance is to them.


SECRET 4:  Smell Fantastic


All too often, men ignore the sense of smell. They don't bother to put on cologne or after-shave. But women know that if you're going to attract someone, you need to appeal to all the senses.




Think about the perfumes women wear that drive you wild and you'll know just how important smelling good can be.

Wearing a good cologne around a woman can do wonders to make her aroused in your presence.


SECRET 5:  Be Interesting


Despite all the physical traits involved in attraction, having nothing but good looks can wear thin quickly. This is why it's important to be interesting.

Being interesting equates to having something to talk about that the person you are trying to attract can relate to.

Being up to date on current events, pop culture, music, gossip, and any number of things can help a woman feel interested in spending time with you.

But in addition to knowing what to talk about, you also have to be able to LISTEN and let the other person relate to you. After all, nothing is more interesting than someone who is interested in you.


SECRET 6:  Do What's Unexpected


Doing what is not expected of you can create an air of excitement and uncertainty around you. It keeps people on their feet and attentive when around you.

Of course, you shouldn't be comical when doing the unexpected, such as suddenly shouting out a curse word or something ridiculous like that.

Instead, you have to play against expectations. For instance, instead of complimenting a girl on her looks, compliment her on her intelligence. She probably does not get a lot of compliments like that, and it will make you stand out.

Taking her out on a creative date, instead of your typical dinner-and-a-movie is unexpected as well.

When you do what's not expected of you, you keep excitement alive.


SECRET 7:  Be Hot And Cold


Emotions are what must be stimulated to make attraction work. Without emotion, attraction is impossible.

But too much of one emotion is just as bad as a lack of emotion. Feeling good all the time or feeling bad all the time causes us to stray from the person we are with.

When you alternate between hot and cold emotions, you create an emotional roller coaster that keeps things interesting and your partner interested.





Women do this all the time. They will act very interested and attracted to you, and make you feel good. Then, they'll act like you're not there and ignore you, and make you feel bad.

This constant alternation of good and bad feelings keeps their partner invested in them. And men can do this too.


SECRET 8:  Play Hard To Get


No one ever appreciates that which comes easily to them. Women know this better than anyone. If they are "too easy," chances are the guy will leave them after they've had their conquest.

The idea of playing hard to get makes the pursuer emotionally invest themselves in the outcome of their hunt.

By making a woman work for your affections, you are getting her to commit to wanting to be with you.


SECRET 9:  Be Adventurous


Being adventurous is different from doing what's unexpected. Adventure is about pushing boundaries and doing things that are new and outside your typical comfort zone.

Adventurous women intrigue men. They make them feel alive, and those good feelings become associated with the girl.

But it works both ways. An adventurous man will easily sweep a girl off her feet. He will make her feel alive, and open up how she experiences the world around her.


SECRET 10:  Use Your Sexuality


Women know that being sexual and using their sexuality is a powerful tool in attracting men. But men typically have no idea how to be sexual.

Men equate sexuality with women, because that's how they understand sex. But men can be sexy too, and being so will get women to become attracted just as easily as men are.

The difference here is that in order for a man to be sexy, he must ACT manly. He must show the best characteristics of what it is to be a man for the woman to get turned on.

Using your sexuality as a man means being strong, being brave, being aggressive, and allowing your masculine energy to radiate from you.




The more you are able to use your sexuality, the more women will respond to you.

How do I know this? Simple:




In my interview series The Secret Files, I sit down with real women and pick their brains about love, dating, sex, and pretty much anything else I can think of.

And wouldn't you know it? Most of the time women are more than happy to share their secrets with me!

It's like getting sneaky "insider information" whenever I want.

And here's the good news... I am opening up my Secret Files series for YOU, so now you can learn all the powerful attraction lessons women have to share.

After all - women KNOW about attraction. Way more than men do, at least.

And in the Secret Files, women are happy to SPILL THE BEANS about everything a guy needs to do to get women into them.

Seriously, this is like getting a first-class sexual education from women who KNOW everything there is to know about how to get them turned on.

Talk soon,

Joseph Matthews




3 Reasons Your Anxiety Gets Triggered Randomly —​ Even When Things Are Fine





Anxiety can pop up out of nowhere.


You may have asked yourself, "Why do I have anxiety, and what causes it?"

Feeling anxious is normal in challenging situations. Whether it’s on the job, at home, or driving in traffic, life presents you with daily trials. Anxiety has no respect for geography, it can find you anywhere.

Most likely, you’ve faced anxiety before now, but it may not have been too difficult to get over. A stressful day at work is an example of a challenging situation. It can make your mind flustered, blood pressure increase, and stomach turn. When the day is over, the symptoms pass.

What happens, though, when anxiety hits you for no apparent reason? 



There were no obvious triggers like work stress or domestic pressures. This feeling dropped in on you out of the blue and there are a few muffled indicators that can fly under the radar.


Here are 3 possible reasons why anxiety rears its ugly head, even when life is good and you're feeling great:


1. Your self-care routine is the culprit.


Often, the moments and days after experiencing anxiety are life-changing. You’ve probably experienced this phenomenon after a stressful time in your life.

If you're burning the candle at both ends, not getting enough exercise and not eating right, anxiety can pop up. Many people revamp their self-care routine for the better. Making a change to a healthier diet and getting more exercise can help keep anxiety at bay. Monitoring the stressful situations in your life also helps.


A deficiency of B12 and magnesium can contribute to increased anxiety. Sugars that break down quickly in the body also welcome anxiety. Dehydration can make any symptoms feel much worse as well.

Take note of what you’re putting in your body and change your diet accordingly. Physical activity can ward off anxiety symptoms for hours. In addition, the effects of an exercise routine can be long-lasting.

These are positive changes that exemplify excellent self-awareness. As life goes on, your hypervigilance may grow lax. Most of the time this doesn’t pose a problem. There are times, however, when anxiety seizes this opportunity to sneak into your mind and body with no warning.

Battling anxiety starts long before any symptoms can be felt. Taking preventative measures, in terms of self-care, is like staying a step ahead of this angst.



2. You have an unknown trigger.


By now you’ve become aware of what triggers anxiety in your own life. Triggers can run the gamut from meeting new people to driving on the freeway. Each person is different. Thus, each person has a unique set of mental reactions to situations.

As life changes, you also change. What was a trigger yesterday, may not be one today. Triggers can change within a matter of days, weeks, or months. There is no shortage of stressors in this fast-paced world and new triggers are formed every day.

The way to combat an unexpected trigger is to practice mindfulness or self-awareness. The better you know yourself, the fewer mental surprises you will experience. 


3. Your stress levels have increased.


Much like a frog in increasingly hot water, stress has a way of creeping back into your life. As time goes on, you become accustomed to your level of stress. Little by little more finds its way into your life.

It’s a brick-by-brick effect. By the time you realize what has happened, anxiety has silently built a wall between you and tranquility.

Again, mindfulness and self-awareness can help prevent this situation. Keep a mental check on the level of stress in your life.

Battling anxiety can seem like an uphill climb, especially when it visits unexpectedly. A professional can help you strategize a plan to keep a step ahead of anxiety.






Is My Stress Level Too High?




Mental and Emotional Signs


Stress can also affect how you think and feel, making it tough to get through your normal responsibilities and make rational decisions. In some cases, this kind of stress can impact behavior in other ways, and some people turn to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or other harmful substances to cope with their feelings.

Excessive stress may also affect your appetite, causing you to eat more or less than usual, and it may affect or eliminate your motivation to exercise and stay fit. Additionally, the feelings you get when you’re stressed may make you feel like withdrawing from friends and family and isolating yourself.

Some of the psychological and emotional signs that you’re stressed out include:

Depression or anxiety Anger, irritability, or restlessness Feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, or unfocused Trouble sleeping or sleeping
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